Primary Training Session
Movement Primer
One set of:
Depth Jump with Horizontal Take-Off x 10 reps
Rest 60 seconds, and then. . .
Four sets at 90+% effort of:
Sprint 20-30 Meters
Rest 60 seconds
Front Squat
*Set 1: 5 reps @ 60% of 1-RM
*Set 2: 3 reps @ 80%
*Set 3: 1 rep @ 90%
*Set 4: 5 reps @ 75%
*Set 5: 4-5 reps @ 80%
Rest 2 minutes between sets
Every 90 seconds, for 12 minutes (8 sets):
High Hang Snatch + Hang Snatch @ 70-75% of 1-RM Snatch
Pause for 2 seconds in the receiving position and ensure good weight distribution before standing with the weight. The goal is perfect reps. Focus on driving through the full foot, finishing extension, aggressive turnover and good weight distribution on receiving.
Back Squat
*Set 1: 5 reps @ 70% of 1-RM
*Set 2: 3 reps @ 80%
*Set 3: 1 rep @ 90%
*Set 4: 10 reps @ 72%
Rest 2 minutes between sets
*Alternative for athletes who feel they’ve reached sufficient squatting strength or who believe they need to prioritize skills and conditioning over strength:
Every 4 minutes, for 16 minutes (4 sets) for times of:
300/250 Meter Row
12 Burpees Over the Erg
6 Wall Walks
6 Ring Muscle-Ups
For time:
100 foot Handstand Walk
50 Wall Ball Shots (30/20lbs.)
1000 meter Bike Erg or 500 meter Row
50 Wall Ball Shots (30/20lbs.)
100 foot Handstand Walk
Handstand Walk alternatives:
For every 25-Foot of Handstand Walk, perform 15 nose-to-wall, back-to-wall, freestanding shoulder taps or 5 Wall Walks.
Athlete Notes:
A little skill and lot of GO in today’s workout! How confident are you in your handstand walking after blasting your shoulders with some heavy wall balls? Today’s workout is going to come down to how well you can chip away at the wall balls, push the pace on the bike, and then confidently kick up into a handstand with shoulders that are sure to be smoked! Here’s how we would approach this workout: The first handstand walk, because you’re fresh at this point, we want you getting through it as quickly as possible. Take a quick breath afterwards, shake your arms, and start chipping away at the wall balls. If you’re a taller athlete, or love wall balls, here’s where you can really make your money. If you don’t fall into that category, it comes down to grit.. yes, the wall ball is heavier, but we still would like to see the first 50 done in no more than 3-4 sets (preferably 2-3). Once you get to the bike or row, here’s where you can be a little strategic. You aren’t going to make up much time on the machine, but you can darn sure lose a lot. Try to stick to around your 2-3k bike pace, or your 2k row pace as best as possible – this way you’re not going slow, but you’re not going to completely gas yourself out before the next piece, which IS the workout! The final 50 wall balls. You’ll be breathing hard, you’ll be fatigued, and your arms and legs will be too, but how well can you shut all of that out and keep grinding through? Challenge yourself to tie or even beat the sets it took you to do the first 50 wall balls, and then get ready to send it on the final handstand walk! There’s nothing left, so empty the tank and crush through this as best as possible. Since we didn’t set a minimum distance, maybe today is a chance for you to work on speed intervals, quick kick downs, and kick ups for more speed (see Justin Medeiros at the 2020 CF Games). Challenge yourself and take notes once you’re done to see what you could’ve done differently!
On a wed.
A. 102,5/135/152,5/127,5/135kgx4
B. 70kg x4/75kg x4
C. 132,5/152,5/172,5/135kg x10
D. 10.27
A. 180 245 275 225 240×4
C. 235 275 305 245×10
D. Done with
100 plank shoulder taps, 50 bb thrusters 45# and 500 row
Primary Done
6 sets run x 50 mts
A: 195/265/295/245/265
B: 145 lbs
C: 255/295/326/255
D: 9:41
A) 135/175/200/165/175
B) 105- these felt great. I’m working on. Not being too far forward of the bar in the hang and it seems to be helping me get a more vertical movement and more leg drive
C) I want to keep with the squats, but was pressed for time tonight
D) I may try to make this up in the am tomorrow. Maybe start my day with some movement and a clear head
Thanks Tino! Hope your day was awesome!
Have you looked into life coaching? I think it would help!
Yes!! My friend actually knows a couple so looking at that
A. 215/295/335/275/295×5
B. 165×3, 175×2, 185×4
D. 10:38 Rx. Out of own and the only concept 2 at the gym had a broken damper set to 1
Better than no rower! ????????
A. 95/125/135/117/125Kg x 4
B. 60/60/63/63/67/67/70/70Kg
C. 130/150/170/138Kg
D. Rx w/ row – 12:34
HSW – 5-15’ segments
WB – 30.20/30.20
Row – 1:40
HSW took forever. Shoulders were smoked. Happy to have completed it though. All around a good day. Almost back just lacking some endurance and strength at the top end. Been able to gain 6Kg of BW back after being sick. Still have another 3-4Kg to go. That added BW makes a big difference in strength and recovery.
Good to see you’re slowly getting back to your best!
A) 210/275/310/375×5
B) All sets at 155
C) 275/315/335(85%)/285×10
D) 11:16 RX god I hate that 30lb med ball
Good work today! One day you may love the heavy ball
Completely agree Patrick, that 30 lb is a different beast…and really Hunter, love it…said no one ever.
But think how light that 20lb will feel when you use it!!
Primer done
A: 145, 185, 215, 175, 185 for 5 (felt hood)
B: 105 only 2 not perfect
C: cardio is hardio 4R 250 ski, 10 burpees to a target, 5 wall walks, 5 ring pull-ups
D: 15 min 10 wall walks, 30 shoulder taps, 14# WB
Shoulders ready to call it a day
Hit the shoulders hard today for sure!
Run, dubs, heavy DL met con with the class
A. 205×5/265×3/300×1/250×5/265×5
B. 155 first set, then 165 out
C. Scaled gymnastics work to: 12 target burpees, 4 wall walks, 4 RMU
Always fun to hop in with the group sometimes!
My gym asks all of its members to participate in the class wod on a regular basis so I do my best work it in with the invictus programming
Primary: done
A. 245/325/365/305/325 lbs
B. Work with 135 lbs
C. 305/345/(370*2)/315 lbs
C* i did 2 sets RX and i dead ????????♂️
D. 12:02
WB: 2 sets & 3 sets
Bike erg
HSW: 35” increment
Part C was a challenging one for sure!
A. 215/275/325/275 – still not quite back to squatting yet but getting better
B. 165×3/175×2/185×3
C. Conditioning option RX
D. 9:02 RX
broke up wall balls too much shoulders were very fatigued
Stay mentally tough on those wall balls, you’re shoulders can cope within little ???? ????
I know typically I will push them but just wasn’t there today!
First day back after holiday
On a 20:00 clock
For time
60 cal row
45 pull ups
30 deadlift 70kg
15 bar facing bp
Time: 6:31
In the remaining time, establish a heavy 1 rep deadlift
Result: 180kg
PM normal Session
Primer done
A) zombie squats, but same % and reps
82-100(extra 3 reps)-108-120-102-104kg (4reps)
Zombie squat and front squat max weights should be around the same, right?
B) 70kg, no fail
C) back squat
107-124-137-110kg done
D) 20lbs wallball and 1000m bike erg (no heavier ball)
Hsw 4×25 ub foot
Wb’s ub and 30-20
Rested and well fueled 🙂
More well fueled than rested for sure haha, but true
Primer Done
A. 200/265/300/250/265×5
B. 170
C. 270/310/350/280×10
D. 14:35 Rx Need to work in volume with the 30# ball. Did 15/15/10/10 for both sets.
How’s Max? keeping up with you, or is it the other way around? 🙂
Max is an absolute machine hahaha. I try my best to keep up!!
Primer done
A. 85-112.5-130-105-112.5kg x 5
B. 60kg (60%)
C. 112.5-130-145-115kg
D. 9:48
Handstand Walk in 25-Foot segments around 1:40, wall balls 25-15-10 both. 1st time using 13kg in couple months.
Welcome back to 30lb. Wall Balls!!
Warmup ✅
A) ✅
B) ✅
C) ✅
D) ✅ (scaled HS walk to 50ft only today) ???? ….recovering a bit still from a comp Saturday, but this was fun!!
^ Pedro’s wifey
How diid the comp go??