August 23, 2017 – Masters Program 4.0

Dynamic Mobility & Activation
Banded Scarecrow

Straddle & Pike Stretch

followed by…

Four rounds of:
15 seconds of Dumbbell Lateral Raises
15 seconds of Hercules Hold with Thumbs Facing Up

Rest 60 seconds, and then…

Four rounds of:
15 seconds of Dumbbell Lateral Raises with Thumbs Facing Up
15 seconds of Hercules Hold with Palms Facing Up

Two sets of:
Hollow Body Swings x 10 reps
Single Arm Circles x 10 forward/backward
Ring-Rows x 10 reps

One set of:
Ring Muscle-Up Reverse Pull-Up x 15 reps

followed by …

Every minute, on the minute, for 15 minutes:
Minute 1: Cast Swings x 5-6 reps
Minute 2: Pop Swing x 5-6 reps
Minute 3: Muscle-Up x 1-2 reps (60+ Female: 1-2 Strict Ring Pull-Ups)

followed by …

One set of:
Prone Upper Back Muscle Recruitment for Ring Muscle Ups x 10 reps

Every 45 seconds, for 7:30 minutes (10 sets):
Banded Deadlift x 2 reps @ 40% of 1-RM Deadlift on the Barbell + 25-30% Band Tension of 1-RM Deadlift at Lockout

*Get tight and the concentric portion of the lift needs to be performed as fast as possible to a strong lockout by the glutes

Here is a video

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of two versions of banded deadlift, as well as instructions on how to measure band tension at lockout.

Every 5 minutes, for 25 minutes, complete (5 sets):
Run 400 Meters
Ground-to-Overhead x 10 reps
Toes-to-Bar x 10 reps

35-54: 135/95 lbs
55+: 115/75 lbs

Three sets of:
Hip Extensions x 20 reps @ 1111
Rest 45 seconds
Single Leg Banded Hip Bridges x 10 reps per side
Rest 45 seconds

and then . . .

Two sets for max weight of:
120-Foot Farmer’s Carry
(turn at the 60-foot mark without dropping)
Rest 2-3 minutes

Two sets for max time of:
Farmer’s Hold
Rest 2-3 minutes

Reduce the weight you used for the 120-foot carry by 10%, then pick it up and hold for as long as possible – goal would be 60 seconds or more.

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Chris Mount
Chris Mount
August 24, 2017 5:11 pm

A. Complete
B. 185# + Green Band
C. 2:58/3:01/2:56/3:01/3:03
D. Complete

August 24, 2017 11:56 am

A. Was pretty frustrating to say the least
B. 165 and green band
C 2:55 , 3:10, 3:15, 3:35, 3:13
D. Completed
No impliments for carries at the gym other than regular bars.

Jay Werstler
Jay Werstler
August 24, 2017 9:24 am

A. Done
B. Done-same as last week-205 with blackband
C. Done
D. Did not do

Mike Crisanti, (47, 5'10" 160)
Mike Crisanti, (47, 5'10" 160)
August 24, 2017 6:43 am

A – Done.
B – 185# + 100-120# band tension
C – 3:02, 3:19, 3:45, 4:02, 4:10. Ugh. The G2O just frustrate me. Did singles and still got worn out. Everything else wasn’t an issue.
D – done. Farmers carry with 40kg KBs. Holds for 60s.

Nichole Kribs-DeHart
Nichole Kribs-DeHart
August 24, 2017 11:29 am

No need to worry too much about cycling G2O this early in the season. We will be building it in closer to the Open but will have touches on it throughout the remainder of the year.

Rowdy Wilson M/50/94kg
Rowdy Wilson M/50/94kg
August 24, 2017 3:59 am

Mob done.
A. Done. Subbed Emom for 7 x Scap pull ups on the minute for 10 mins.
B. 58kg + red band.
C. Scaled to 3 rounds. Subbed rower 400m/40 kg x 10 G2O/Knees to elbow x 10
D. Skipped due to time.

Brian Fogarty
Brian Fogarty
August 23, 2017 7:06 pm

DM&A Done.
A. MU work done. Minute 3: 2 / 2 / 3 / 2 / 2. Those drills really show me how poor my mechanics are!
B. Banded DL, as prescribed. 195# for 5 sets. 205# for 5 sets.
C. 2:57 / 3:05 / 3:08 / 3:18 / 3:24 [GTO all C&J and mostly singles–occasional double] All T2B UB.
D. 3×10 135# barbell hip bridges… ran out of time for Farmers Carry.
E. Run after landing in San Diego to shake the plane stiffness. 4.25 miles, 7:41 per mile.

Nichole Kribs-DeHart
Nichole Kribs-DeHart
August 24, 2017 11:30 am
Reply to  Brian Fogarty

Film them for me Brian! And I haven’t forgotten about your BMU – I am having Travis take a look at them tomorrow!

Cheryl Brost
Cheryl Brost
August 23, 2017 6:41 pm

Mobility activation done
A. Done; 2 rmu ea
B. Skipped
C. Didn’t feel up to pulling anything off the floor or running today so ended up doing this:
50-40-30-20-10 cals Air Dyne (1:1 work to rest)
D. Done (except farmers carries, elbow is a bit flared up)

Brian Wolfe 45 5'8"
Brian Wolfe 45 5'8"
August 23, 2017 5:41 pm

A done 2 mu per round
B.225DL x 10 4 sets
C. 3:02,3:10,3:03,3:11,3:02 Rx all Unbroken
D225hip ex 100# fc 100# hold 35 second
Grip quit first.
16 round tabata Du and 2 BMU each

Perry Siplon (52/5'9"/161)
Perry Siplon (52/5'9"/161)
August 23, 2017 4:57 pm

A. MU work done
B. Regular DL doubles @345 (75%)
C. 2:51/2:52/3:06/3:10/3:21

Nichole Kribs-DeHart
Nichole Kribs-DeHart
August 24, 2017 11:30 am

Nice Perry!

Perry Siplon (52/5'9"/161)
Perry Siplon (52/5'9"/161)
August 24, 2017 5:46 pm

Thanks Nichole!

Barry Emerson
Barry Emerson
August 23, 2017 4:39 pm

Mobility and Activation – done
A. EMOM – 3 cast swings – 3 pop swings – 3 dips on stationary bars
B. Banded DL’s – 130lb. + 100 lb band tension
C. 3:42 – 3:31 – 3:25 – 3:40 – 3:47
scaled the G2O to 105 lb. – singles
UB on T2B for 4 of the sets
D. done (hip extensions got spicy by last couple reps)
used 70 lb. Db’s for FC
60 lb. Db for Max time – 60 s and 62 s

Juls (45-49)
Juls (45-49)
August 23, 2017 4:28 pm

1st session
Snatch complex off blocks 5×1@37kg
Behind the neck jerk 4×1@63kg
Back squats 1×3@82kg, 1×5@78kg

A. 1 muscle up per round – trying to think of excuses for not doing 2 – even on a bad day with a false grip and having to start on boxes, 2 is doable – lost confidence, hands hurt, tired…
B. Done with 145lbs and purple bands
C. 3:42/3:44/3:51/3:50/4:11 the only thing that was “easy” were the 10 UB TTB, struggled on everything else
D. No time

Nichole Kribs-DeHart
Nichole Kribs-DeHart
August 24, 2017 11:31 am
Reply to  Juls (45-49)

Rest up on Thursday Juls – you did great today! Tell me one thing you did well with this training session.

Juls (45-49)
Juls (45-49)
August 24, 2017 12:48 pm

I didn’t quit ha ha

Miki Shelton, F/49
Miki Shelton, F/49
August 23, 2017 3:34 pm

DMA, then I had: 5 sets of: A1. 12 kb pull throughs A2. :30 dbl kb front rack wall sit A3. :45 banded front leaning rest B. Dead lift 9.9.9 @ 65% C. 4 sets of: 15 hip extensions 10 pull ups 5 ring dips A1. used 35# kb A2. used 44# kbs – these suck and are so good! A3. done B. worked at 185#. No belt or sleeves. Reps nice and smooth, fairly fast. C. done. I need work here. I have not practiced kipping pull ups outside of a WOD in forever. Kip felt okay, but I… Read more »

Nichole Kribs-DeHart
Nichole Kribs-DeHart
August 24, 2017 11:31 am

Film your kipping and I can take a look at them!

Miki Shelton, F/49
Miki Shelton, F/49
August 24, 2017 12:24 pm

Okay, I will! Thanks!

Alvaro - Costa Rica (35-39)
Alvaro - Costa Rica (35-39)
August 23, 2017 1:53 pm

A. Done.
B. 195# with Purple Band
C. 3:26 / 3:30 / 3:37 / 3:46 / 3:53
D.1 Done
D.2 FC = 225# each hand / :20 & :19 (Grip is toast)

Jean Thorson (F/NW/40-44)
Jean Thorson (F/NW/40-44)
August 23, 2017 1:50 pm

DMA Complete A. Did 2 MU each round and ripped the hand again… grrrrr. B. 10×2 @ 110# (40% of 265#) + Plus Medium blue band. I could feel my hammies but it didn’t seem heavy. Not 100% sure my tension is exactly right. We have a big scale at the gym, so I placed band under the scale, placed the scale where 80# plus my body weight would make the scale balance out and pulled up with bands. Balanced out, so I went with it. C. 3:03 (1:48 run, 6/3/1 CnJ, UB T2B) 3:12 (1:52, 6/3/1, 8/2) 3:21 (1:53,… Read more »

Nichole Kribs-DeHart
Nichole Kribs-DeHart
August 23, 2017 2:40 pm

Not another rip – sorry Jean!!! Great job on part C though!!

Jean Thorson (F/NW/40-44)
Jean Thorson (F/NW/40-44)
August 23, 2017 3:28 pm

Same spot…. need to just let it heal.

Jay Gondek
Jay Gondek
August 23, 2017 1:39 pm

Am. Swim w client 1,000 long course
PM. FS w pause 135,155,175,185,185
Knees felt better. M&A?
PC 135,155,175
Lunge walks 3×20@30 lb DB
Ring holds
Great MU tech wk. hit all sets of two easy
DL 10×2@185 banded up from last week
4×400-10-10 2:45,2:35,2:40,2:50
Out of time
Great coaching. Thank you all

Fredrik Ståhle (55-59)
Fredrik Ståhle (55-59)
August 23, 2017 12:57 pm

Mobility done with Invictus Gymnastic session 2 Level 1
A. Done – Did ring pullups
B. 80kg + Band
C. 3:45, 3:50, 3:50, 4:05, 4:13 – Running at 1:45isch, GtOH 60kg in singels, T2B UB
D. Skipped

Joe Catarineau (40-44)
Joe Catarineau (40-44)
August 23, 2017 11:25 am

Mobility done
A. Done – all sets at 2 MU
B. 185# with black band
C. 3:25/3:28/3:30:3:35/3:40 – runs at 1:45ish, all G2OH at 3/3/2/2, ripped my hand in the MU session so broke up T2B into 5’s
D. Done – 115# FC per hand/115# hold – managed 45 seconds before it fell, then held another 15 sec.

Dean Plummer (48/5'8"/162)
Dean Plummer (48/5'8"/162)
August 23, 2017 8:08 am

Mobility completed
A2)Completed. Almost skipped because my hands are trashed. Decided to reduce the reps to 3/3/1.
B)140# on the bar 100# band tension (10)
C)3:03/2:56/2:50/3:03/3:07 Runs were between 1:15-120. G2OH in fast singles and T2B ub.
D1) Completed
D2) Skipped

Sean M Dugan(47,5'9",191lbs)
Sean M Dugan(47,5'9",191lbs)
August 23, 2017 7:18 am

DMA – Done
A) Done. 2 MU each minute. They felt good today, transition still doesn’t feel right.
B). 155 plus green band on bar
C) 3:24,3:44,4:24,DNS, 4:03. Under my old program if you couldn’t finish in the time domain, you would skip the next round and then continue. Well i was dead after the 3rd so I took the 4th off and decide to go on the 5th. Weight felt good and T2b easy, just the run killed me, I am slow and I hate running.

All I had time for.

Nichole Kribs-DeHart
Nichole Kribs-DeHart
August 23, 2017 2:43 pm

Good call Sean – this may pop up again so you’ll have another opportunity to hit all 5 sets 🙂

Daniel Winney
Daniel Winney
August 23, 2017 7:09 am

A) done, video posted for criticism
B) done with 100kg plus blue band
C) done, very enjoyable times:-
1) 3:06 2) 3:05 3) 3:06 4) 3:18 5) 3:06
D) don’t have GHD so substituted with box and anchored feet….is this ok?
D2) Farmers carry :
round 1 with 32kg kettle bell each hand (too light)
round 2 with 45kg DB
Used 32kg kettle bell for holds for 60 seconds x2

Markus Schuster
Markus Schuster
August 23, 2017 7:10 am
Reply to  Daniel Winney

You have a 250 kg DL? WOW

Daniel Winney
Daniel Winney
August 23, 2017 7:13 am

No 200kg sadly whys that Markus?
(I stand on the band btw as our rig not set up for the other way.)

Markus Schuster
Markus Schuster
August 23, 2017 7:15 am
Reply to  Daniel Winney

Woud 40% not be 80 kg?

Daniel Winney
Daniel Winney
August 23, 2017 7:16 am

Yeah I did that at first then started again with 100kg as felt too easy.

Markus Schuster
Markus Schuster
August 23, 2017 7:19 am
Reply to  Daniel Winney

Ah ok. Never did those so I don’t know how heavy it should feel. Will try to stick to the program and see what happens. Not so concerned about my DL anyways…

Nichole Kribs-DeHart
Nichole Kribs-DeHart
August 23, 2017 2:44 pm
Reply to  Daniel Winney

Nice and consistent on Part C!

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