Workout of the Day
Dynamic Mobility and Activation
Three sets of:
Band Distracted Perfect Stretch x 30 seconds per side
Banded Ankle Pulses x 15 reps per side
Hawaiian Squats x 6 reps per side
Every two minutes, for 16 minutes (8 sets), complete:
Snatch from Mid-Patella x 1 rep
Start at 70% and build each set.
Four sets of:
Push Press x 3-4 reps
Rest 2 minutes
Make these as heavy as you can handle.
Every 3 minutes, for 15 minutes, complete:
Back Squat x 3-4 reps @ 80-83%
All Age Divisions
Every 4 Minutes for 16 Minutes, for times (4 sets):
Assault Bike x 60/40 seconds (Max Calories)
Two rounds of:
Muscle-Up x 5/3 reps
Push-Ups x 10 reps
Goblet Squats x 15 reps (53/35 lbs)
Two rounds of:
Muscle-Up x 3/1 rep
Push-Ups x 10 reps
Goblet Squats x 15 reps (53/35 lbs)
Try to keep consistent calories and fast transitions during the two rounds.
Jumping Muscle-Ups are to be substituted if you don’t have a muscle-up.
A. Mid Patella Snatch 50kg, 52kg, 55kg, 57kg, 60kg, 62,5 kg, 65kg, 65kg, 67,5 – failed
B. Push Press – 65kg, 67kg, 70kg, 75kg/3 reps/
C. 3 rounds @112, 2 rounds @ 116kg
D. Did not do/ run out of time /
M&A done
A.135, 145,155,155,165,165,165,165
C. 280,285,290,295,300
D. 23,22,21,19-next wod un timed, but completed all, prolly around 5-6:00
Mob done
A. 40,45,45,50, 50, 52,55. Felt good
B. 70,70,72,72
C. 100,105,107,107,110. All 4 reps
D. Subbed row. 26,26,24,23 calories
Second part Done. Not timed. Very lactic.
Mobility done.
A) worked up to 90, felt good and solid thru 85
B) overhead position is really giving me trouble in my left trap so only did these at 95. Probably should have skipped it altogether but it’s one of my favorite moves
C) 115. Low back feeling stronger and more stable. Will continue to work on getting my squats back where they belong
D) skipped, but did air dyne :30 on, :30 off x5 = 54 calories
Mobility: of course
A: Started at 115# worked up to 150# (2 reps at 150# missed the first one).
B: PP 4×145# 4×155# 4×160# 4×165#
C: 4×275#, 4×280#, 4×280#, 3×280#, 4×275#
D: Assault bike 60 seconds each set. 17cal, 16cal, 15cal, 15cal. First time on an assault bike, Felt waaaay harder than rowing for cals.
4:18 for next WOD, scaled to 3 MUs, 53# KB.
First set of 3 MUs, came off the rings and failed the 4th MU attempts. Did 3 singles second round
M and a done
Did some close grip ohs before snatch
A 45,50,55,55,60,60,,67 missed, 64. Felt good so went and did full snatch at 67 which is 3 kg over pr. got it. Very happy
B push press at 60,70,74,74 x 4 reps
C back squat @ 104 kg x 4 sets, back felt bit sore so skipped last set
D cal row, 24,23,22,22 and then MU push up and goblets, 2:32.
A. 55,60×7
B. PP – 75,80,85,90
C. BS – 125×3
D. Row – 18,19,18,17
Than jump MU , pups, goblets @35 – 4.13
A. (125); no boxes…paused at patella…85, 90, 95, 100, 105, 110, 115, 120…120 went well so kept going-hit 125 (not from patella), then tried for new PR at 130 missed several, so close, finally nabbed 130 power snatch-PR
C. (185); 155 for 3
*My bff had to do some horrible running Diane, so I joined her in the misery…200M after each set of DL. HSPU are not my strong suit-all singles. 24:52 Had foot taped felt better than last weeks 200M bouts, but still suffered after. (Nicole-still need to fill you in, but was trying new taping).
Mobility complete
A. 54, 55, 57,60, 65,65, 70,70 kg. First time snatching in 3+ months. Felt decent
B. 135, 145, 155, 165
C. 235 all sets
D. Have to do late not enough time
M&A. Done
A. Did Power Cleans (because I felt like it). Worked up to 180lb (95%)
B. Worked up to 145lb x 3
C. 90kg, 95, 100, 102 & 103kg
D. Bike: 19,18,18,17 calories / Triplet (w Jumping MU) 2:06
A) 58-63-63-68-73-73-78-78
B) 93-98-98-98(2)
C) 145# all sets
D) I did 4 Rds. each starting with a :40 Cal Row followed by 2 Rds of the triplet:
R1- 14C + 2:42; R2 – 13C + 2:57; R3 – 12C + 3:49; R4 – 12C + 3:59 Mu’s I did on training rings with blue band.
Does “Muscle -Up x 3/1” mean to substitute 3 pull-ups & 1 dip if I can’t do a muscle up?
That means 3 muscle ups for men, 1 muscle up for women
A. Worked up to #200
B. #215/ 215/ 215/ 215 X 4 reps
C. #325 X 4 reps
D. 26/ 20/ 19/ 20 calories on the Assault bike. This was horrible after the squats. 1:41 RX for the 2 rds.
A. 100.105.110,115,125,135,145,150
B.135, 145, 150, 150
C. wendler 110×5, 130×5, 155×3, 180×5 210×5, 240×7………
Then…….every 3min for 15min 215b
D. 50 cal 9:30, 49 cal, 10:35, 48 cal 11:30, 48 cal 11:25
I think I did D wrong! I bikesd for 4min straight then went into 2 rds of 3 muscle ups, 10 push ups, 15 Goblet squats then wrote time down! Then repeated this for 4 rds? Was I of by a lot:0
A – up to 145#. Form sloooowly improving.
B – 170/175/180/185 (4/4/4/3)
C – 275#. 5×4
D – 27/23/21/had to lay down to avoid barfing. I need to get better at this.
E – 1:56. MUs unbroken round 1, 4/1 round 2 (still reeling from the Assault bike).
3 rounds for quality:
200m run
Hollow rock and superman rocks for 45 secs
5 non false grip ring swings
5 strict pull-ups
5 sotts press
Then prescribed Mob done.
A. 105-115-120-125-130-135-140-145#
B. 115-125-135-140# all 4 reps
C. 200-200-205-210-210# all 4 reps
D. Rower: 14/15/15/15
2 rounds: 2:30
Really solid on your snatch Cheryl!
Mobility & activation: Done
A. 85/95/105/105/110/115/115/120
B. 105/110/115/120 (4 reps for all sets)
C. 200lbs
D. No Assault bike available, used VersaClimber instead; 19/19/20/21 kcal
* Had to leave MU-PU-Squat segment until tomorrow.
Away this weekend at the in laws farm in PA. It’s times like today that I realize how much what we do in the gym helps outside the gym. We moved large rocks from a stream bed to build a stone wall. So much fun work! Loved being outside all day.
Have a great weekend everyone 🙂
What a fun day Elissa!
Mob done
A. 75/75/80/80/85/85/85/85
B. 65/85/95/105
C. 255 ( knee felt ok was glad I could do this weight. Rolled out and did mobility after)
D. AD 10/7/5/4 evil machine 😉
2 &3 attempt at jumping BMU. Got about half. Still a long way from rx.
15 GS x 4 rounds
A. 95-135
B. 135-155
C. 245/255/260/265/270
D. Airdyne 32/31/30/29