Dynamic Mobility and Activation
Partner Assisted Front Rack Stretch x 3-5 pulses per side
and then …
Three sets of:
Psoas Pulse
x 8-10 pulses
Butterfly Stretch x 30 seconds
Squat Rocks x 30 seconds
and then …
One set of:
Banded Clam Shell x 10 per side
Every 3 minutes, for 15 minutes, complete:
Front Squat x 6 reps @ 70%
Every 2 minutes, for 10 minutes (5 sets):
Sotts Press x 3 reps @ 2111
Build over the course of the five sets.
Followed by….
Every 2 minutes, for 6 minutes (3 sets):
3 High-Hang Cleans + 3 Front Squats @ 50-55% of 1-RM Clean
Builiding in weight, and then immediately followed by…
Every 2 minutes, for 6 minutes (3 sets):
2 Mid-Thigh Cleans + 2 Front Squats @ 60-65% of 1-RM Clean
Immediately followed by…
Every 2 minutes, for 6 minutes (3 sets):
1 Clean from 2″ below the knee + 1 Front Squat @ 70-75% of 1-RM Clean
Five sets for times of:
Assault Bike x 20/15 calories
Ring Dips x 15/10 reps
Rest 2 minutes
Five sets for times of:
Assault Bike x 15/20 calories
Push-Ups x 15/10 reps
Rest 2 minutes
*Try to keep all of your times consistent. These are sprint sets so they should be 95+% effort.
Three sets of:
Glute Bridges x 10-12 reps @ 11X2
Rest 60 seconds
Banded March x 60 seconds
Rest 60 seconds
Front Leaning Rest on Rings x 60 seconds
Rest 60 seconds
DMA done.
A. 5×6 sets @ 135#.
B1. skipped.
B2. 85#.
B3. 105#.
B4. 125#.
Forgot to build during each set.
C. 1:30, 1:32, 1:45, 1:48, 1:50. Ring dips all strict and UB.
D. Time for only glutes bridges (from floor). 135/165/185#.
A – All sets at 210#
B1 – Empty bar – and it was still tough
B2 – 135#
B3 – 155/165/175
B4 – 185/195/195
C – 1:15, 1:16, 1:23, 1:30, 1:38. Assault bike (evil), strict ring dips.
D – Done.
Finally! Two consecutive days! I’ve been struggling with consistency lately, but this could be the start of something awesome!
Mobility: Complete
A. 5 Sets @ 235#
B1. 75#, 85#, 95#, 105#, 115#
B2. 165#
B3. 195#
B4. 225#
C. Subbed rowing. No Assault Bike (Working out in the garage)
1:15, 1:10, 1:15, 1:18, 1:20
D. Complete
A. 160X6 for 5 sets
B. 45,65,45,45,65 really tough
B3. 120,120,125
B4. 145,145,145
C.17:58 was around 65 rpm for the calories. Did 8/7 for first two rounds and 5/5/5 for last three.
AM – 2000 us swim
PM – Mob/Act Done
A. 245 x 6 all 5 sets
B1- Sotts 65/65/75/85/95 yea. Wish I was more mobile. 🙂
B2- 145/150/155
B3- 170/175/180
B4- 205/210/215
C. No AB so rowed :60 max cals- goal was 30 cals
1- 1:21 w/ 29 cals
2- 1:20 w/ 30 cals
3- 1:25 w/ 30 cals
4- 1:31 w/26 cals
5-1:47 w/ 26 cals
After round 4 my head hurt and I wanted to puke haha??
D. Done
Limited time and equipment today so did what I could.
M&A Done
A: 5×6@215lbs
B1: I struggled more with these than behind the neck. Cannot get my head through.
B2: 135; 145; 155lbs
B3: 165; 175; 185lbs
B4: 195; 205; 215 lbs- all lifts felt solid. Could of gone up but wanted to stick to the percentages.
C: No equip for C
D: Did 12 banded Glute bridges and 6 tempo Glute Ham raises for 3 sets
You lucked out missing out on C
Ha! I’ll make it up this weekend when I’m back seeing how everyone enjoyed it so much!
MOB done
A. 110- lower percentage, baby knees
B. Different version of press, standing instead of in squat, 80#, #95, then 110 for cleans
C. 2:12/2:20/2:22/2:25/2:20–bike is very slow, always well over a minute, dips some kip but most strict
D. Out for a hike instead
mobility Done A) 168lbsx5s B1) 33,40,45,45,55 need to work on these more, these were pretty tough I rocked ono my knees a few times LOL but I like them 😉 but I stick .. 🙂 2) used 78lbsx3s 3) 1×84, 93x2s 4) 98×1.105x2s C & D had to skip because I had a doctors appt and I couldnt come back 🙁 I will hope to make up he srong man elements of yesterdy tom! if time allows it I will make C andD of today .. Thanks Coach Nichole for all you time and efforts for us.. hopeeveryone is heatlhy… Read more »
Mobility&activation, completed.
A. 255
B. 1-45×2, 65×1, 85×1, 95×1
2-135, 3-165, 4-205
C.1:40, 1:38, 1:47, 2:11, 2:07
D. Those banded marches and front leaning rest on rings hurt a little bit, but completed.
Good job today
Thank you sir and same to you.
Dynamic Mobility and Activation: DONE
A. DONE but at a very light weight: Front Squat 65/85/105/125/145
B. Did Sotts Press with an empty bar
Did not do any cleans today.
C. DONE – 1:22, 1:31, 1:40, 1:43, 1:45 – Did strict dips for all sets
Mobility done~No clam shell
A. 105/110/115/115/115 felt good-shirt on time so used warm up sets as sets
B1. 45/55/65 2@ 70/65
B2. 85
B3. 95/ 2@100
B4. 105/110/115
C. Only had time for 3 rounds-timer not set right. Did all 3 with RX dips first time!!! YAY!
D. Not enough time.
Work schedule in transition~ only 1.5 hours so I get there early warm up and do what I can.
It’s all good when you can put a skilled movement in a WOD. I would say that’s a big win today Cheryl!
Thank You! It made up for not being able to do all 5 sets!
Great job!
Thank You!
Warm Up Done
A. 5×6 all at 150#
B1. overlooked this one…oops
B2. 100/100/105
B3. 120/125/130
B4. 140/145/150 felt good on all sets
C. 1:30/1:30/1:31/1:33/1:32 Total time with rest 15:36. time on bike was :55-1:00 range and the Ring dips reps were 7-3/5-4-1/4-4-2/3-3-2-2/2-2-2-1-1-1-1.
Did FGB with class today… 106/106/97. Shoulders are done!!!
Those are some awesome times!! On part c! Great work today!
Thanks Tracy…
C. 1:01, 1:01, 1:30, 1:30, 1:40
Dynamic Mobility and Activation done. I also added the Kelly S. work for front rack position. It’s my lats and triceps that are tight so I will be doing his mobility work for this daily to open them up. A. Front Squats @ 135# B1. 35/40/45/50/50 I did these behind the neck. But better than yesterday. B2. 80# B3. 105# B4. 120# Nichole, this felt light and I even went over on my percentages. Should I be going heavier? My technique was solid. C. 1:30/1:39/1:42/1:38/1:39 Stayed consistent kept RPM on the bike at 65-70 for all rounds. I really need… Read more »
Great Tracy!! If your form is good, speed is there then I say yes, build up!
Check out this article on kipping ring dips and the one linked about butterfly ring dips: https://invictusfitness.com/blog/standard-kipping-ring-dips/
Need help with kipping too… thanks for the article Nichole.
Thanks for posting. Dips are one of the few movements that are easy for me, but when I get up to 15+ in a row, I never knew I was kipping the last few. 🙂
Ok! And thanks for the links I will watch!
Mobility done
A .- Sotts 45#
B 1.- 145#x3
B 2.- 175#x3
B 3.- 200#x3 I felt good , concentrate on the mechanic.
C .- No assault bike, changed for row 20 cal; 1:30, 1:37, 1:45, 1:57, 2:03.
D 1.- 115#x10 reps glute bridges
D 2.- skip.
D 3.- 60/50/50 sec.
A. 170
B. Sotts 15/25/35/45/55
High hang clean all at 100
Hang clean 115/120/125
Below the knee clean 135/140/145
Ran out of time
Great work Karen!!!! Those are solid numbers.
Thanks Nichole! Legs feel like lead….
Mobility done
A. 175X3, 180X2
B1. 45/55/60/65/75 – felt a little better than the BTN snatch press, but still awkward.
B2. 135/135/140
B3. 150/160/165
B4. 175/185/195
C. 1:04/1:08/1:19/1:25/1:25
D. Done
A. 150
B1. 45,55,60,60,65
B2. 102, 107,112
B3. 122,127,127
B4. 140,140,140
C. 2:40, 2:50, 2:53, 2:56, 2:44
D. Done
A- All @ 115
B1- Did this wrong. You Tube only showed behind the neck. 🙁
B2- 80
B3- 90
B4- 100
C- 1:36/1:43/1:45/1:50/2:00 (dip modified)
D- Will do tonight
Bummer Carrie – well I have it next week so you can practice it then
Only had 45 minutes this morning. Hope to find a little more time tonight:
A. All at 135#
B. (No sotts press); Clean: 95 (3) then 115 (3) then 130# (3)