Primary Training Session
Mobility and Activation
Complete Snatch Warm-Up
Two sets for max meters/reps of:
3 Minutes of Assault Run or Row or Bike Erg (for meters)
Rest 30 seconds, and then. . .
Complete as many rounds and reps as possible in 3 minutes of:
10 Single-Arm Dumbbell Clean & Jerks (50/35 lbs – 5 reps each arm)
5 Burpees
Rest 30 seconds, then start the next set.
Back Squat
*Set 1 – 3 reps @ 75%
*Set 2 – 2 reps @ 80%
*Set 3 – 1 rep @ 85%
*Set 4 – 3 reps @ 80%
*Set 5 – 2 reps @ 85%
*Set 6 – 1 rep @ 90%
Rest 2-3 minutes between sets.
Every minute, on the minute, for 15 minutes:
Hang Snatch x 1 rep
(Perform from mid-thigh; and make the most of your reps here, pull the barbell off the floor as if you were going to snatch it, pause for a moment at mid-thigh, and then snatch from there.)
*Sets 1-3 – 50% of 1-RM Snatch
*Sets 4-6 – 60%
*Sets 7-9 – 70%
*Sets 10-12 – 75-80%
*Sets 13-15 – 80-85%
Every 2 minutes, for 20 minutes (10 sets) of:
13-15/8-10 Calorie Assault Bike
1-3 Bar Muscle-Ups
2 Squat Snatches @ 70-75%
Optional Additional Work Sessions
*Please choose to perform only those sessions that are most focused on your weaknesses, and only perform as much of the additional work as you can recover from successfully before your next training session.
Strength Accessory Option
Two sets of:
Barbell Loaded Bulgarian Split Squat x 20 reps @ 1010
(back rack a barbell, raise your rear foot, and then perform 20 reps at a metronomic tempo – don’t pause at the top or bottom, just constant movement)
Rest 60 seconds, then switch legs
One set of:
40 Banded Good Mornings
80 Banded Hamstring Curls
40 Banded Good Mornings
Keep a steady pace with a light band.
Three sets of:
Chinese Rows x 10-12 reps @ 2111
Rest 60 seconds
Prone GHD Hold x 60 seconds
Rest 60 seconds
Reverse Hypers or Band Pull-Through Wearing a Weighted Vest x 20 reps @ 1010
Rest as needed
Running Endurance Option Option
Six sets for times of:
Run 200 Meters @ 80% of 1-Mile PR Pace
Run 200 Meters @ 90% of 1-Mile PR Pace
Run 200 Meters @ 85% of 1-Mile PR Pace
Run 200 Meters @ 95% of 1-Mile PR Pace
Rest 3-4 minutes
Your rest period should be sufficient enough to keep your paces, so take your full four minutes of rest unless you know you’re capable of maintaining your paces.
Rowing Endurance Option
Every 4 minutes, for 32 minutes (8 sets) for times of:
Row 650 Meters
Your goal should be to maintain consistent pacing across all sets – at the same pace/500m as last week. If possible, wear a heart-rate monitor and note how your heart rate follows your perceived rate of exertion over the course of your workout.
629m assault runner & 3 + 10
785m row & 3 + 11
Back squat
135-160-185-195-205 x3’s
20 min emom
13 cal ab. 3 bar mu. Snatch @185. 1:30-1:45 rounds
Solid start to the week Nicholas!
A. 40 Cal Echo 3rnds, 45 Cal 3rnds
B. 320/345/365/345/365/385
C. 135, 155, 185, 205 for the remainder
D. 13 Cal Echo, 3 BMU, 2 @185
What were your tunes on the echo bike for 13 cal?
:35-1:02 – just died around set 6. But I was able to get right on both bars right afterwards regardless of the how dead I was from the echo
A. 669m/3rds, 720m/3rds+3reps
B. 265-280-300-280-300-315 (+5 from last week)
C. 120 (x 3)-145 (x 3)-170 (x 3)-185 (x 2)-195-205-215-220 lbs
Hang snatch at 220 felt really good, 91%
D. Done, 15 cal, 3 BMU, 170lb snatch
Got through 4 sets in 1:10…. couldn’t keep that pace though LOL
Was getting off the bike in 35 sec… best I’ve done ever! Then sets 5-8 I was getting off in 45-50s.. last two sets were very challenging
E. Done, empty bar
F. Done
Solid push on the bike and the conditioning!
Good start to the week! ?
PM Session: Every 2 minutes, for 12 minutes (6 sets): Hang Snatch + Snatch *Set 1 – 60% – 135 *Set 2 – 65% – 155 *Set 3 – 70% – 165 *Set 4 – 75% – 175 *Set 5 – 78-80% – 185 *Set 6 – 80-82.5% – 195 “Commitment” Every minute, on the minute, for 10 minutes: 10 Toes-to-Bar 2 Snatches 20/20 @ 190 (88%) = 3,800 lbs T2B Unbroken each round Snatches were pretty much all squat according to people around me. I wasn’t paying much attention I was just dropping under it as much as I… Read more »
Solid improvement and start to the testing week!
Only did the snatches and the accessory today because I started the session with the first WZA workout and was pretty tired. Shoulder were dead.
Snatches-the whole pull from the floor and pause at mid thigh instead of deadlifting the bar and hinging made these extremely harder for me. Not really sure why, but I felt all out of whack.
Set 1-3 @ 90#
Set 4-6 @ 115#
Set 7-9 @ 125#
Set 10-12 @ 135/140#
Set 13-15 @ 140/145#
How did the qualifier go??
Happy with the first go, but definitely going to re-do it. Tripped a couple times on my double unders and had a few hiccups with my OHS. If I clean it up I can definitely make up like a minute of time. And get further into the round I was on.
884m Row, 4 + 5
862m Row, 4 + 1
15 Cals, 3 BMU and 195lb Snatches
all 10 sets under 1:10
Felt good until the last 2 rounds. They got a little harder (really just the bike, the rest wasn’t bad)
Moving well and feeling good! Solid start to the week!
A) I kinda like these ‘warmups’ I felt amazing in my lifts today! 766 row, 4 rounds, 772 row, 4 + 4 Db c&j
B) BS: 3@215, 3@235, 1@245, 3@235, 2@245, 1@255
C) Hang snatch: 3@105, 2@115, 2@125, 2@135, 2@145, 1@155, 1@160, 1@165, 1@170.
I’ll post my snatch video’s, if love some feedback so I can get better with these!
D) 10 cal bike, 3 bmu, 2 snatches. First 4 rounds @ 135, 3@140, 3@145. Finished each round around 1:40
Accessories and running later today! Happy Monday!
Happy Monday!
1. Snatch Warm up
2. 1705?+4 rounds and 5 CJ/1685+4 rounds and 8 CJ
3. 355/380/405/430 (based off of 95% of 1RM)
4. 130/155/180/210/220
5. Finished each round around 1:30 and focused on just moving well. Weight at 185.
I’m ecstatic you made it through today with no issues!
I’m also on my second round of RomWOD ? so much stretching.
BFMG Qualifier
A. Done one row and one bike erg. Millions of metres achieved.
B. Worked off 170. Nailed all.
C. Worked of 115. Destroyed all.
D. 15/2/Tng 80kg sub 1:15.1:25. Didn’t die.
Had a buddy train with me today. Felt good, managed to push me a lot in the wod
Good to see you had a push today! Definitely helps!
How did the qualifier go?
A. 850m rower and 3+10
B. Up to 305
C. Up to 155
D. Can’t handle it today, still recovering from my first competition on Saturday. Will try to do rowing conditioning and D. Later tonight
Take it easy Monday to Wednesday then see how you feel over the weekend. Ease yourself back in!
First time using Bike Erg
Set 1: forgot to look at meters/ 3+14 reps
Set 2: 1640/4+4
Assumed these were hang clean and jerks like the open
*Sets 1-3 – 135#
*Sets 4-6 – 160#
*Sets 7-9 – 185#
*Sets 10-12 – 200/205/210#
*Sets 13-15 – 215/220/225#
15 cals and 3 BMUs each set
Power snatches @ 185#
What a difference a week makes. Definitely wouldn’t have did 15 cals for all sets last week.
A. Done and never want to do these again. ???
B. Skipped
C. 12 Rows with 135#
Body just needed a little kick start. Solid start to the week!
A. 788m row/3 rounds/715m row/3 rounds
B. 255/270/285/270/285/305#
C. 95/95/95/115/115/115/135/135/135/145/145/145/150/150/150#
D. 1:10/1:11/1:09/1:06/1:06/1:10/1:06/0:58/0:55/0:50
13 cals/3 MUs/2 snatches at 135# (70%) every round.
Got faster as you went! ?
A. Done 70% effort on first round sped up in the second round.
3 rounds in first round 4 in second round.
B. set 1 @ 120kg
Set 2 @ 130kg
Set 3 @ 135kg
Set 4 @ 130kg
Set 5 @ 135kg
Set 6 @ 145kg
C. Kept weight at 60kg and worked on technique. Weight on mid foot activating lats.
Could not find hamstring.
D. 13 cal assaultbike 2 bmu 2 snatch @ 60kg
Time per round 1:30-1:45
Had 4 misses on the snatches longer rounds were with a miss.
We’re you able to retake those snatch misses in the emom and hit them?
Yes. Had enough time to reset and hit them.
Did Saturday’s training yesterday: Saturday training: A. 1:45/1:40/1:42/1:43/1:36 B. backsquats % off 275# felt okay C. 16:43 i knew the shspu would be slow for me. first set did them as 4/4/4/3. second set not sure what happened did singles and doubles. last set of them went great did them as 5/5/5 ! D. 9:36 rested till 20:00 mark. at this point i was mentally done and just told myself to get through the reps F. used 30# db zpress Today’s training: A. did 3 minute max calorie assault bike 47 calories & 4+5 43 calories & 4+10 B. %… Read more »
Great to see you back feeling good and hitting it hard!!
Thanks Tino! Today’s was fun!
785 met row
3 rounds
760 met row
3 rounds
Last set 72.5 kg
12-13 cal bike
3 bmu
2 squat snatch 65 kg
Loved today’s session!
Row 836 4 rounds + 4 reps
Bike 17something 4 rounds + 1 rep
B. 150 – 180kg
C. 60 – 100kg
D. 80kg, 3 BMU all rounds around 1min /1min10
SAO – a and b done to address my imbalances
Awesome! What was it that you liked?
Feeling fresh! And the intensity straight away at the start of the session, I feel like it sets the tone, like hitting the ground running…
A. Done
B. 365 375 385, 375,385, 395.. no belt, slow eccentric and pause at bottom ,I still have pain in my right knee from the helicopter incident from june when i go to heavy or dynamic.
C. All done, from 135 to 215 (some misses at 205)
D. I did E2MOM , 15 cal assault bike 3 squat snatch at 195. I was working out in my garage and i dont have a set up for bar muscle up yet.
A lot of fun
Is your knee getting better??
The first few weeks there was some big time improvement. But now, this last part doesn’t seems to get better, or wosrt. I feel it only below parallel on weighted squats. The heavier and more dynamic they are the more I feel it. Just a sharp pain on the the lateral side of my right knee.
Strength accesory done
A. 1 round only
838m row – 3 rounds
B. 125-150kg
C. 55-90kg
D. First 5 sets
15 cal bike, 2 mu, 75kg 1:04-1:09
Second 5 sets
15 cal bike, 3 mu, 75kg 1:06-1:15
Bike under 30 sec each time
Solid start to the week!
I’m glad I got everything in (apart from the warm up) not easy these days.
A) 725m (air runner)/3+11, 1752m (bike erg)/3+12, those hang clean and jerks felt rusty
B) 285/305/325/305/325/345
C) Low back is still a little tight, so hit the percentages, but just did everything from the floor – 135×3/155×3/175×3/195×3/205×3
D) 15 cal bike, 3 bmu, snatches at 185
Did one set of the bulgarians at 115 but I felt gassed so just called it a day
Hang cleans? I thought they were from the floor ?
I just read the description and assumed they were the same as they were in the open a few years ago – you might be right though?
Either is fine in this case.
Still sore from the Max Ground to Overhead on Friday??
A. 443 m/ 3+8
B. 305×3/325×2/345/325×3/345×2/365
C. 95/105×2/135×3/155×3/165×2/175×2/185×2
D. Done @ 160#/3 bar mu every round
A. Done w/ 95#