Dynamic Mobility, Activation & Warm-Up
Banded Scarecrow x 2-3 minutes depending on how tight you feel
T-Spine Hold on Foam Roller x 60 seconds
Two sets of:
Rotational Med Ball Throws x 10 reps (right side)
Rotational Med Ball Throws x 10 reps (left side)
Rotational Kneeling Med Ball Throws x 10 reps (right side; 2:41 in video)
Rotational Kneeling Med Ball Throws
x 10 reps (left side)
Max Overhead Med Ball Throws with heavy Med Ball x 5 reps (work to get as extended as possible)
Rest as needed
Gymnastic Skills & Drills
If you are not aware of the value of knee height during a bar muscle-up, please watch this VIDEO.
Every minute, on the minute, for 4 minutes (2 sets) of:
Interval 1 – Arch Under Bar Jump to Support x 6-8 reps
Interval 2 – Swinging Knees-To-Bar x 3 reps
Followed by. . .
Option 1 –
Every minute, on the minute, for 4 minutes (2 sets) of:
Interval 1 – Bar Muscle-Up x 2 reps OR Bar Muscle-Up x 4 attempts
Interval 2 – Air Chair Swing x 2 reps
Option 2 –
Every minute, on the minute, for 4 minutes (4 sets) of the complex:
Toes-To-Bar x 2 reps + Bar Muscle-Up x 2 reps
Every minute, on the minute, for 4 minutes (2 sets) of:
Interval 1 – Box Jump to Full Support on Bar x 10 reps
*If this is a fear of yours you may opt to banding a barbell to the rig (as shown in this VIDEO) and jumping from the floor. In your own time, raise the bar to gradually become comfortable with being atop a higher bar.
Interval 2 – Knees-Up Option
x 10 reps @ 1011
*Choose the option that best suits your level of strength.
Followed by …
Every minute, on the minute, for 4 minutes of:
Kipping Swing to Kipping Chest-to-Bar Pull-Up x 3 reps
55+: Kipping Swing to Kipping Chin-Over-The-Bar Pull-Up x 3 reps
Three rounds for time of:
800 Meter Run
30 Russian Kettlebell Swings
35-54: 32/24 kg
55+: 24/16 kg
Accessory Work
Two sets of:
GHD Sit-Ups x 15 reps
Rest 30 seconds
Bird Dogs x 10 reps each side
Rest 30 seconds
50.9, 49.4, 47.2, 45.6, 45.7, 45.4, 45.9, 45.6……..RESTED LONGER FOR LATER SETS
THEN 1000 RUN +30 KBS @ 70LB X 3 SETS = 26:09
1. DMAW: Done 2. GSD: Done (Still need to work on my Muscle Ups. I know I am strong enough, but my technique is probably horrible.) 3. Conditioning: 17:27 (I’m in Georgia right now and the heat index is like 110) 4. Accessory: Done Great work out again! My hands ending up bleeding from all the muscle-ups lol. Loved it! So, when I am finally back in San Diego, would I be able to come into the gym and get some help on my technique for certain exercises? I’m weak on a few. I don’t have FB anymore so I… Read more »
Also did group wod today
Did yesterday’s STO at 120 lb . Push jerk
Back squat, kept them light at 125
Wednesday’s emom used 25 lb db
Shspu mostly 4-5 per round
Good emom!!
DMA & warm-up – done Gymnastics skills – done without adhering to any tempo 2 sets of arch under bar jump to support x 6 reps 2 sets of swinging knees to bar x 3 reps These are both really hard on my hands despite wearing grips I then did an EMOM4 alternating Air chair swings x 2 reps Kipping swing to kipping C2B x 3 reps Conditioning (35-54) – 16:10 I subbed 800m rows for the 800m runs as I need to work on my rowing. I can run 800m faster than I can row 800m, which I’m hoping… Read more »
Conditioning: Did “Surfer on Acid” at the CrossFit Santa Cruz this am, so got my running in.
Subbed rowing 1,000 for run.l
Row 1,000 m
KB Swing Russian 32kg
DmVA done
Met ball done
Gym did Option 1. MU 3 reps for 4.
3 rnds
Kb did all 3 rnds unbroken. Felt great!
Mobility completed
Gymnastics completed. My BMU have become trash. I can not get them to raise on the 2nd rep.
Conditioning 14:49. Legs felt heavy from yesterday.
Accessory work completed.
Did 2 MUs emom 4min. Need to regain flow of kips, etc, particularly between movements (ie, TTB to MUs, etc).
Wod: 15:55
Abs accessory completed.
Random catching up
A1. Mid thigh clean and jerk to 140
A2. Clean and jerk to 155
A3. Clean pull to 165
B. BS to 230
C. Today’s wod 15:35
Did yesterday’s workout shoulder to oh 70 # 70% of 90
Back squat 115 emom for 12
19.1 5 rounds 1 wallball