Dynamic Mobility, Activation & Warm-Up
Two sets of:
Wall Bridge x 30 seconds
(walk out as far as you are able to staying safe)
Lat and Hip Flexor Combo Stretch x 30 seconds per side
and then …
Single Arm Hang from Bar x 10-15 seconds per side
Over the Shoulder Barbell Stretch x 30 seconds per side
and then …
Three sets of:
Static Ring Holds x 15 seconds
Rest as needed
Barbell Overhead Cycling
Every 60 seconds, for 6 minutes, complete (6 sets):
Shoulder to Overhead x 3 reps @ 70% of your 1-RM (heaviest shoulder to overhead)
(you may choose between a split jerk or a push jerk, depending on what feels most comfortable for cycling that weight)
Every 60 seconds, for 4 minutes, complete (4 sets):
Shoulder to Overhead x 3 reps @ 70% of your 1-RM (heaviest shoulder to overhead)
(you may choose between a split jerk or a push jerk, depending on what feels most comfortable for cycling that weight)
Back Squat Progressions
Take 8-10 minutes to build up to 75% of your back squat, and then …
Every 2 minutes, for 12 minutes, complete:
Back Squat x 1 rep @ 80-90%
55+: Back Squat x 1 rep @ 80-85%
“2019 CrossFit Open Event 1”
As many rounds and reps in 15 minutes:
19 Wall Ball Shots
19 Calorie Row
20 lbs to 10′ target/14 lbs to 9′ target
20/10 lbs to 9′ target
Please go back and see what your score was for 19.1 and set appropriate goals for todays session.
Optional Row Session
Eight sets for times of:
Row 250 Meters
Front Leaning Rest on Rings x 30 seconds
Rest 2 minutes
Warm up done could not do 1 arm hang on shoulders
BBC 115
Back squat all at 245
19.1 I think I got 5 + 21. 210. 1 round less than before. 247 Not good!!! ALL Wallballs UB. I should do this again!
DMA & warm-up – done BB OH Cycling (50+) – EMOM4 x 3 reps @ 90# – felt good BSQ progressions – 6 sets – 2×145# / 2×155# / 2×165# 19.1 – did not do the Open as I was injured. Decided to do the 55+ version today as that’s the age group I’ll be in in October. Got 6 rounds + 3 WBs (231 reps). All WBs UB, but kinda sandbagged on the row a bit in the last three rounds. Think I could get 10 more reps on the WBs with a little faster rowing, which would put… Read more »
DMA: Done
barbell cycling: 155lb
Backsquat: built to 225
BS x1: 245, 250, 255, 260, 270
19.1: 285 reps (7rds + row). All unbroken. Was having a bad day in Feb, happy with 2 full rounds more.
DMA – Done
Overhead Cycling – 185
Back Squat – Built to 315 then 325 – 335 – 345 – 355 – 365 – 365
Rowing – 50s – 40s
Not enough sleep last night for this. Swam 1600m instead
DMA – done
Barbell OH Cycling – All sets at 115 lb. (Power Jerks)
Back Squat Progressions – warm-up to 170lb. then 185 – 190 – 190 – 190 – 200 – 200
S2OH = 175x3x6 all power jerks
BS = built up to 315
Then E2 for 12 = 335/345/355/365/375/375
19.1 = 252 reps/ 12 less then prior
Warm-up ✅
S2O @150
Squats @ 265-275-285-295-295-300
7 rounds
Row ✅
DMA / Warm Up done Barbell Overhead Cycling @ 60kg Back Squat Progressions Did 5 Warm Up sets each 5x @40 / 50 / 60 / 70 / 75 kg Back Squat E2MOM @ 85kg “2019 CrossFit Open Event 1” 5 Rds + 29 Reps which are 219 Reps in total . Not as much as I expected , but 3 Reps better than in the Open. That’s fine for me as I had the work before and the “heavy” EMOM from yesterday. The Front Squats killed my legs 😉 . But I learned a lot about my pacing in… Read more »
Amazing job, especially after this weeks training!!
Thank you so much Nichole 🙂 . I’ll do my very best .. and WBs always have been one of my bigger weaknesses. But I’m improving 🙂
Mobility completed
Barbell OH Cycling: 142.5#x3(4) split jerks
Back Squats: Built to 210# then 225#(2)/235(2)/245/252.5 which is 90%
19.1 6+24 which is 23 rep improvement from the Open. I strategized the workout incorrectly during the Open so I was very happy with the improvement.
Fantastic Dean!
Modified all to lower intensity movements: Filly press, tempo back squats, then 3 rounds NFT of basics and stability work. Trying to back off and see if I can “up” my recovery, but having trouble staying out of the gym entirely 🙂
Perfect day!
STO- 155 push jerk…best that weight has felt in a LONG time!
Squat- 285
19.1 – 7 rounds(266) almost a full round more than open.
It’s been a crazy last month.. with work. Haven’t posted in a while but have been putting in the work.
Great to hear Denny!!!! Solid job today and hope your work slows down a bit!
70kg push jerks (155lbs).
Squats @ 110kgs (243lbs)
6 rounds even on WoD. Didn’t do the Open, but satisfied with consistent, albeit relatively slow pace was able to maintain.
DMWA done
Barbell over head 175 all sets push jerk
Squat warm up to 275
BS X1 280,290,305,305,305 only hit 5 sets built up to 87%
Well done with those squats Frank!
The original 19.1 has the wall balls first and the row second. Does that matter?
8 rounds + 7 wall balls. Early morning so could only muster 90-95% effort. Still managed 1 more rep than the open. Super happy with that!
That is awesome, especially considering it was early morning and after this weeks hard training!
Oh boy – I am workout dyslexic! It is updated 🙂
A. 165 for all push jerks
B. 285 for all descents sucked
C. 231 today 19.1 247 4 rds UB wall balls
Needed motivation for last couple rds
Rows were all good
Nice work, especially after all the squats!
1. DMAW – done
2. Barbell Overhead Cycling 100 kg.( push jerk)
3. Back squat progression build to 140 kg (70%)
and than EMOM 150-160-165-170-170-170 kg
4. 2019 CrossFit Open Event 1
8 round + 3 cal (307 reps)
On the Open I did 8 round + 24 (328 reps)
Well done Alexander!