Two sets of:
400 Meter Run or 500 Meter Row
40 Double-Unders
20 JumpIng Air Squats
40 Double-Unders
20 Kettlebell Swings (24/16 kg)
Rest 90 seconds
Breathe exclusively through your nose throughout this entire portion. If you find that your mouth drops open, you’re going too hard. Slow your pace and resume breathing only through your nose.
Every 2 minutes, for 20 minutes (10 sets):
Deadlift x 3 reps @ 75% of 1-RM
Three sets of:
Stiff Leg Deadlift x 10 reps @ 30X1
Rest as needed
Every 5 minutes, for 30 minutes (6 sets) for times:
20/15 Calorie Assault Bike
15 Chest-to-Bar Pull-Ups
20 Burpee Box Jump-Overs (24″”/20”)
Three sets of:
Dumbbell Bench Press x 12-15 reps
Banded Triceps Press Downs x 30 reps
Rest 90 seconds
Dumbbell Row x 12-15 reps
(row the DB to your hip, not your chest)
Wide-Grip Pull-Ups x Max Unrboken Reps
(use band assistance if needed, goal is 10+)
Rest 90 seconds
A. Done
B. 5 sets @ 165 #
C. Done @ 95#
D. 200m run, 12 pull ups, 15 burpee box jumps x6 rounds
E. Only had time for the rows
Didn’t have time to post yesterday
A) ✅
B) 215#
C) 105#
D) 3:30/4:15/4:16/4:15
The heat got me working out on the sidewalk at noon ? was getting dizzy had to stop definitely slowed me down on the workout.
E) 35# bench 12 reps
Red band for push down
35# for rows 12 reps
No pull up bar
Oh subbed CTB in conditioning to KB swings 55#
A. Done
B. @315 lbs
C. @135 lbs
D. Did 4 sets:20 cal Bike, 15 Pull Up, 10 BBJO @3:30, 3:30, 3:30 , 3:50
E. Done
A. Done
B. Up to 315#
C. Up to 115#
D. Change to row, scaled C2B to 15
3:15, 3:15, 3:11, 3:21, 3:48, Mentally checked out on the 6th ?
E. Done
Stay checked in! “You better check yourself…”???
A. Done
B. 305
C. 185
D.done whit 30 air squat / 15 strict pullups /20 burpee box jumps
2:27 / 2:30 / 2:45 / 3:00 / 3:25 / 3:02
E. Done
Great work Ismael! Let’s see you posting consistently ???
A) done 10:11
B) 260. These felt good once I got moving
C) 125/145/145
D) 2:33/2:42/2:34/2:41/2:45/2:50 Rx and echo
E) done
Loved this week! Kicked my butt!
Thanks for everything, Tino! Hope your day was awesome!
Good to see we’re challenging you 🙂
Another damn good day and fun finish to the week!
Enjoy the rest of your weekend!
Thanks so much Tino!
A. Done
B. 161Kg
C. 111Kg
D. Rx with Echo
E. Done w/ 30Kg DBs for everything; strict wide grips w/o assist.
PUs – 14/12/13
Loved the programming this first week of the cycle. Thanks guys.
Pretty damn consistent! Great finish to the week!
Good to see you enjoyed the first week of the new cycle ?
This was a wheelhouse conditioning session.
A: ✔️ First round was slow cause I didn’t have my rope ready ??♂️ Second round was way faster. 11:30 for both rounds
B: All sets done at 225
C: done at 135#
That’s all I had time for today. See you guys Monday!
Have a great weekend!
B. Done 135kg
C. Done 60kg
D. This one was hard after all the leg work this week.. managed only 4,5 rounds and with 15 BoB per round
E. Only had time for half so i did the second half with 2x20kg DBs
First week is always tough! Make sure your sleep and recovery is dialed in so your body can recover and adapt.
Nice work!
A. 5:35 / 5:21 – not a flashy time, but I was happy. Slow and steady.
B. 185
C. 85/105/115 – Wasn’t sure where to start so I started conservatively
D. 4:05 / 3:10 / 3:12 / 3:22 / 3:27 / 3:29
Started RX, but realized I needed to scale back:
12 cal row
12 C2B
14 Burpee Jump Overs
E. done – couldn’t find a band anywhere, so I did wide-grip pull ups without, but could only get 4 each time.
Solid adjustments today to get the most out of your session. Nice work!
Had a hour so got in what I could!
A. Done
B. 405 across
D. 4 rounds only-box facing burpees
3:30 3:35 3:41 4:02
Fitness Fast ? ??
Hello!! A) Done with row. Didn’t time it. B) Didn’t have much time today to warm up until 75% so I started at 60% and built to 75%. 143 – 153 – 163 – 168 – 173 – 5 x 180lb (75%) C) 85lb D) Scaled to: 10 cal Echo Bike 12 C2b / PU 15 Burpees BJO (facing the box) 3:28 – 3:25 – 3:32 – 3:42 – 3:40 – 3:40 E) Only time for 2 sets: 20lb DB Bench Press x 15 – 35lb Rows x 12 – Red band. Banded Wide grip PU: 2 x 10 with… Read more »
Be safe with the rushed warm-up. We don’t want any injuries!
A) Done, 4:40 and 4:29
B) 130 kg
C) 60kg
D) 2 Scales:
1: 15/15/15 as C2B really are a weakness and I wanted to have time to do all of them.
2: did Bar Facing Burpees instead, as I have tripped so many time while jumping over the boxes during high intense workouts and destroying my shins. So I am trying to stay away from the boxes.
3:40, 3:23, 3:33, 3:39, 3:50 and 3:59.
This was really tough
E) Done
Good adjustments today dude. Solid day, solid week! ?
A) Done
B) 310 for all sets
C) 115/145/175, will go heavier next time
D) with regular pull ups: 3:15, 3:16, 3:20, 3:32, 3:43, 3:45
E) Done with 60s
Upper body is legit destroyed from all the gymnastics this week lol
Mobilise, eat well and sleep ???
Took a rest day today, did all the housework and stuff and became lazy a little. Will make up for it tomorrow!
Be smart with tomorrow’s volume to make sure you can hot Monday hard!
Crossover symmetry and Hip mobility/activation.
A. 1 rd, 5 minutesish
B. 325 – dead stop reps
C. 135#
D. Class partner WOD
25min AMPRAP split evenly
100 bbell thruster
100 HPC @95#
40 BJO @24″
100 DL @135
1 Full round + 178 Reps (18 HSPU)
Needed some fun and suffering with a partner, its been a while!
Good day overall though!
Very low on time
A. Done
D. RX 5 Sets – that was plenty anyway
Have a gym event soon doing 31 heroes workout with bar over burpees instead of rope climbs.. so all the burpees today
Damn! You’ll be feeling today’s work tomorrow! Make sure you dial in that recovery!
I know ?♂️I will definitely do my best to recover!
A. Done (400m ski erg, no rower available)
B. Done based on 200kg
C. Done at 80kg
D. Done, scaled to 10 strict pull-ups (got an old shoulder issue and CTB always seems to aggrevate it)
1) 3:07
2) 3:10
3) 3:17
4) 3:17
5) 3:17
6) 3:17
E. Done 22.5-25kg dumbbells, pull ups broken down to sets of two to get to 10. Humbling experience ;D
Good session over all!
Well that’s pretty damn consistent! Solid finish to the week!
A. Done with row, du’s as 60 singles, nosebreathe ?
B. 142,5kg..will be feeling my glutes tomorrow, haven’t dl’d on ages..
C. 80kg..never done this, felt funky ?
D. Scaled to 15/15/15. 3.07/3.04/3.35. Did only three rnds, low on time.
E. Done, 12reps for row & press
Fun week, 5/5 ???
Short and sweet!
A. Done
B. 10 x 3 x 120kg
C. 3 x 10 x 60kg
D. RX 5 sets not time for more 3:56/3:58/4:10/4:28/4:38
Still got in some good work! ?