August 15, 2018 – Masters Program

Dynamic Mobility, Activation and Warm-Up
Spend 5 minutes with a LAX ball to your pecs

and then …

Banded Lat Stretch x 60 seconds per side
Banded Tricep Stretch x 60 seconds per side

and then …

Upper Body Warm-Up Series x 10 reps in each plane

and finish with …

Plank with Forward Reach x 10 reps
Plank with Lateral Reach x 10 reps
Plank with Forward Taps x 10 reps
Plank with Lateral Taps x 10 reps

Take 5 minutes to draw out your footwork and do 10 jump and lands

And then . . .

Three sets of:
Jerk Balance x 3 reps
*This is for techinique work. No need to load up heavy, just focus on proper footwork as well as body position

And then . . .

Every 90 seconds, for 12 minutes, complete (8 sets):
Concentric Behind the Neck Jerk x 1 rep @ 65-70%

Depending on preference, you can choose either split jerk or push jerk but focus should be on mechanics

Please use blocks

Every 2 minutes, for 6 minutes (3 sets):
Stiff-Legged Deadlift x 8 reps @ 75% of 1-RM Clean

Every 2 minutes, for 30 minutes, complete:
Station 1 – 23/18 Assault Bike Calories
Station 2 – 40 Air Squats
Station 3 – 400 Meter Run
Station 4 – 30 Push-Ups
Station 5 – DB Front Rack Walking Lunges x 20 steps (50/35 lbs)

Every 2 minutes, for 30 minutes, complete:
Station 1 – 18/13 Assault Bike Calories
Station 2 – 40 Air Squats
Station 3 – 400 Meter Run
Station 4 – 30 Push-Ups
Station 5 – DB Front Rack Walking Lunges x 20 steps (35/25 lbs)

Optional Gymnastics Session 
Every minute, on the minute, for 3 minutes:
Large Ring Swings x 3-5 reps

into …

Every minute, on the minute, for 3 minutes:
Peekaboo Swings x 3-5 reps

into …

Every 2 minutes, for 6 minutes:
Foam Roller Muscle-Up Transition

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x 5 reps

into …

Every minute, on the minute, for 5 minutes:
Ring Dips x 4-5 reps @ 3111
55+: Stationary Dips x 4-5 reps @ 3111

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Ian Wiseman
Ian Wiseman
August 18, 2018 3:44 am

Tried all weight exercises but just light as they are mostly new to me.
Skipped the cardio. We are having a kind of heatwave or something and the gym was silly hot.

Laura MacDonald 45-49
Laura MacDonald 45-49
August 16, 2018 4:23 pm

Have had to take Tuesdays as my day off for awhile, so always behind.
AM: Tuesdays bike session
PM: A. Yesterday’s snatch section–up to 85# with 3 position, then a few singles after up to 100#
B. Emom: with mods. Did 1–18 cals on bike 2. 20 pull-ups instead of squats 3. 400m row–way too smoky here to run 4. 20 push ups, shoulder finally doesn’t hurt on push ups, but still chopped number down 5. 10 walking lunges with 25#. Overall a good challeng, competition is next weekend so trying to hold knee and verything together and happy!

Doug Wohlstein
Doug Wohlstein
August 16, 2018 11:33 am

A. Done
B. 135
C Done wow that got tasty towards the end.

Michael Rider - 46/5’8”/165
Michael Rider - 46/5’8”/165
August 16, 2018 8:04 am

A. Jerk Balance – 95 across, Pause behind neck jerks – 165×3, 175×3 off 250
B. 185 across
C. Done: ~:50 bike, 40sec squats, 1:30 runs, 30 sec push-ups, 1 min lunges (ouch)

Eduardo Gayotto (55-59)
Eduardo Gayotto (55-59)
August 16, 2018 6:07 am

DMA . Done
1- Done
2- 30/34/39kg
3- I do not had a blocks, I did 8 clean &jerk
C. Done – had difficult with running, short time for 400 m

Isabel Dominique Beutick
Isabel Dominique Beutick
August 15, 2018 9:03 pm

DMA: Done A. Done, Jerk Balance #55 I really need this footwork drill!!, Concentric BTN Jerk #125 Wow these are humbling! I have never done a Con BTN Jerk. I can see why blocks are necessary 🙂 B. #135 Went really well! C. WOW! No extra rest coming off the ASB, 50sec rest after Air SQTS, no rest after 400m run. I even went into the next 2min on my second round. 30sec rest after push-ups, 45-50sec rest after FR DB Lunges. The two that got me were the ASB and the Run. I ran out of time to do… Read more »

Nichole Kribs-DeHart
Nichole Kribs-DeHart
August 16, 2018 7:28 am

Great work today Isabel! That was meant to be challenging with the AB and Run so well done!

Mike Crisanti, (48, 5'10 160)
Mike Crisanti, (48, 5'10 160)
August 15, 2018 7:32 pm

A1. Jerk Balance 115#
A2. CBTN Jerks 185#
B. Stiff Leg Deads 205#
C. Bike: 0:58, 0:59, 1:30
Air Squats: 0:40-0:45
400m Run: 1:30-1:40
Pushups: 0:35-0:40
Lunges: 1:00 – 1:25
Lunges just sucked. Spiked my heart rate. Might be my biggest goat. Rd 2 gassed me out for the bike on round 3.

Courtney Dunnavant
Courtney Dunnavant
August 15, 2018 7:16 pm

Warm up done ✅
A) Jerk balance @ 65-75-85#
Btn jerk: 4@115, 4@125
B) Stiff leg DL @ 125
C). Scaled to 15 cals, 40 AS, 300m run, 20 PU, 15 lunges with 35s. Didn’t have a ton of energy today so needed a little more time btwn stations. Those lunges were the worst though! ?

Lise Demetrio
Lise Demetrio
August 15, 2018 7:04 pm

Dyn/mob. Done
A1). Done
A2). 53,58,60 lbs
A3). 63,83,95 for the rest
B). 116.2 lbs
C) 3 rds : rxd still taking things slow the lunges got pretty painful but I finished the wod
1). Done 5 swings
2) 1) 5, 2) 3, 3) 5
3). Did without foam roller – I have t figured it out yet and I couldn’t do it so I did without until I figure it out
Overlooked the dips 🙁

Jacqui Hensley Grantland
Jacqui Hensley Grantland
August 15, 2018 7:04 pm

A. Jerk balance 65, BTN 95
B. 120
C. Done didn’t keep track of time did hv good amount of rest time.

Litsa Olsson
Litsa Olsson
August 15, 2018 6:50 pm

Mob done
A. JB BB/55/75 BN jerk 115
B. 125
C. Done
Tried foam roller MU drill could not do so did transition work and negatives.

Also did dips and Invictus weightlifting sesh.

Nichole Kribs-DeHart
Nichole Kribs-DeHart
August 16, 2018 7:28 am
Reply to  Litsa Olsson

Film your gymnastics work and send it over the next time you do it!

Brian (39)
Brian (39)
August 15, 2018 6:37 pm

Jerk balances up to 165#
Behind the neck jerks up to 225# (paused on the dip…no blocks today)
Deads 225 across

At the fire station today with limited equipment so I did some dumbell lunges and then climbed the step mill with a weight vest to finish up.

Nichole Kribs-DeHart
Nichole Kribs-DeHart
August 16, 2018 7:29 am
Reply to  Brian (39)

Ohhhh that sounds delightful!

Cheryl Brost
Cheryl Brost
August 15, 2018 6:12 pm

Mobility done – tomorrow marks 8 weeks post op…still working on active range of motion, 2 more weeks until I can begin strengthening phase!
C. Subbed the push-ups with 25 GHD situps and 1 arm OH lunge for the DB front rack lunges
Ass Bike: 1:05-1:14
Air squats: 0:45
400m run: 1:40-1:52
25 GHD situps: :50-1:00
OH lunge: :40-:45

Good workout…I needed that! I only got two workout sessions in the past couple weeks! I’m home now and back on track!

Rob Walker M40-44 174cm 86kg
Rob Walker M40-44 174cm 86kg
August 16, 2018 3:47 am
Reply to  Cheryl Brost

75 GHD sit-ups? Yuck.

Cheryl Brost
Cheryl Brost
August 17, 2018 1:34 am

Yeah it was challenging! Coming off the 400m run in hot humid temperatures with not a lot of rest and then jumping on the GHD and all the blood flow going to your head, it kinda wanted to make me throw up! ?

Nichole Kribs-DeHart
Nichole Kribs-DeHart
August 16, 2018 7:29 am
Reply to  Cheryl Brost

Yay Cheryl!!!!!!!!!!!!

Steve Messenger
Steve Messenger
August 15, 2018 4:59 pm

DMA done
A). Footwork done
Jerk Balance 75/85/95
Concentric BTN Jerks off blocks: 105×2/115×6
B) SLDL: 135
C) AB: 0:50/0:49/0:46
Air Squats: 0:48/0:45/0:41
400m: 1:36/1:34/1:35
Push-ups: 0:47/0:42/0:36
Lunges (Rx): 0:40/0:36/0:33
Gymnastics Work: done

Lindsay Johnson
Lindsay Johnson
August 15, 2018 3:14 pm

A. Jerk Balance with a 35# bar. I tend to cut it short with my feet, so I wanted to focus on form.
BTN concentric Jerk @100#. Footwork is getting better
B. 115
C. I stopped keeping track of how long things were taking sometime in round 2. Pushed the runs really hard to allow myself 20 seconds or so of rest. This was a great workout!

Nichole Kribs-DeHart
Nichole Kribs-DeHart
August 15, 2018 4:22 pm

Glad you enjoyed it!

Joshua Decausey (40-44m )
Joshua Decausey (40-44m )
August 15, 2018 3:03 pm

DMA) done
A1) done
A2) 95#(will post video)
A3)185(will post video)
B) 185(will post video)
* had a little trouble keeping left leg completely straight. I think it’s due to past knee surgeries
C) done
Assault bike-:53,:50,:53
Air Squats-:49,:49,:55
400m run-1:40,1:38,1:43
Push ups-22/8,20/10,15/10/5
Front lunges with 50’s unbroken: :48,:47,:58
Skipped optional and tested out a wod we are announcing for a comp we are having in Nov
2 man team
Chipper for time with a 6min time cap
30-box jump overs
20-power snatch@115
Time was 4:54

karen wilson 51 north central
karen wilson 51 north central
August 15, 2018 2:46 pm

A. Jerk balance 55/65/75
BTN jerks 105×4/115×4
Really liked this drill!!!
B. 130
C. Really pushed to get 400 in 2 min but did!
Also did 30 min hsw then 20 push-ups instead of the 30. Lunges were awful!!!!!

Nichole Kribs-DeHart
Nichole Kribs-DeHart
August 15, 2018 4:22 pm

Awesome Karen!

Joe Catarineau (40-44)
Joe Catarineau (40-44)
August 15, 2018 2:03 pm

A. 95# jerk balance; 175X2/180X6 BTN
B. 195#
C. Done – good one!

Marcos David Werka
Marcos David Werka
August 15, 2018 1:34 pm

DMA done
Jerk Balance, worked @ 30%1 RM
Behind the Neck Jerks 65% I had to lower to 60% to clean the movement and did the last one @ 65% Awesome drill
B: 70 kg
1st 54″ – 40 – 1:15 – 20/10 – 20
2 nd 1:04″ – 40 – 1:16 – 20/10 – 20
3 rd 1:00″ – 36/4 – 1:20″ – 15/15 – 20

Nichole Kribs-DeHart
Nichole Kribs-DeHart
August 15, 2018 4:22 pm

That is fantastic to hear Marcos!

Phil Moore
Phil Moore
August 15, 2018 1:33 pm

DMA- Complete
A1.) Complete
A2.) 95# 3×3
A3.) 165# Stayed at 65% for all sets…really tried to work technique/form.

B.) 200# 3×8 – Hammies felt that one.

C.) Complete
AB – :59 / 1:16 / 1:00(began to go lactic so stopped after the min for 18cals)
AS – :42 / 1:10 / 1:00
400M – 1:40 / 1:42 / 1:45
PUs – :40 / :50 / 1:10
DB Lunges – :50 / 1:00 / 1:03

15mins working on HS Walk

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