Primary Training Session
Overhead Strict Press
*Set 1 – 5 reps @ 60% of 1-RM
*Set 2 – 3 reps @ 75%
*Set 3 – 1 rep @ 85%
*Set 4 – 7 reps @ 75%
*Set 5 – 7 reps @ 75%
*Set 6 – 7 reps @ 75%
*Set 7 – 7 reps @ 75%
Rest exactly 2 minutes between sets.
*Set 1 – 5 reps @ 65-70%
*Set 2 – 3 reps @ 75-80%
*Set 3 – 1 rep @ 85-90%
Rest 2-3 minutes
Followed by…
Every 2 minutes, for 12 minutes (6 sets):
Deadlift x 6 reps @ 65-70%
Three rounds for time of:
10 Bar Muscle-Ups
20 Alternating Dumbbell Snatches (50/35 lbs.)
Rest 5 minutes, and then. . .
Three rounds for time of:
10 Strict Handstand Push-Ups to 6″/4″ Deficit
15 Double Dumbbell Hang Squat Cleans (50/35 lbs)
Rest 5 minutes and then. . .
For time:
30 Devil’s Press (50/35 lb DBs)
Three sets of:
30 second Wall Sit (Add load to front rack if needed)
30 seconds Front Racked Reverse Lunge (24/16 kg)
30 second Wall Sit (Add load to front rack if needed)
30 seconds Alternating Jumping Lunges (unloaded)
Rest 90 seconds
Optional Additional Work Sessions
*Please choose to perform only those sessions that are most focused on your weaknesses, and only perform as much of the additional work as you can recover from successfully before your next training session.
Gymnastics Accessory Option
Every minute, on the minute, for 5 minutes, for Max Reps:
20 seconds of Ring Muscle-Ups
When the running clock reaches 8:00…
Every minute, on the minute, for 5 minutes, for Max Reps:
20 seconds of Strict Pull-Ups
Running Endurance Option
Five sets for times of:
Run 1000 Meters
Rest 2 minutes
*Set 1 – 90% of 1-Mile PR pace
*Set 2 – 80% of 1-Mile PR pace
*Set 3 – 90% of 1-Mile PR pace
*Set 4 – 80% of 1-Mile PR pace
*Set 5 – 90% of 1-Mile PR pace
Rowing Endurance Option
Four sets for times of:
Row 1650 Meters
Rest 4 minutes
Your goal should be to maintain consistent pacing across the four sets – and ideally, holding the same pace/500m you held on Monday. Your perceived rate of exertion will increase each set, but your total time should stay consistent within a 5-second window. Pay attention to the your pace/500m splits to ensure consistency. If possible, wear a heart-rate monitor and track your heart rate at the conclusion of each interval, as well as at the end of your 4-minute rest. Please post these numbers to comments, and if we have a group of athletes using heart rate monitors we will start a discussion as to how to most effectively use this data.
A. 115,135,155,135×4
B. 275,315,365,275x6x6
C. Did sets of 5 muscle ups, scared to rip. Competing Saturday.
Between 4-5 minutes
D. 7:32
SHSPU done w/ 2 45 pound plates as deficit 3 inches I think, 5-5 all 3 rounds. Hang clean 15,8-7,15. In retrospect shoulda reduced rest between movements. Coulda done this faster I think.
10 first minute
9 second minute
8 third minute
So hard to hold onto those dumbbells but really pleased with this time!
F. Really rough, got it done.
5 minutes 20 seconds on 40 seconds off strict pull ups
Time to get your body and mind right for the weekends Comp! ??
A. 85/125/140/125/125/125/125#
B. 305/325/375#
305# for all six sets
C. 7:31 RX (MUs UB/4-3-3/5-3-2)
D. 16:06 Rx The HSPUs at 6″ crushed me. Broke them (5-2-2-1/3-2-2-2-1/3-2-2-2-1)
Had to teach class and ran out of time for the rest.
Still got some good work in! Nice job!
A) SP: 5@75 3@85 1@100 4×7@85
B) DL: 5@235 3@270 1@305, EMOM@235
C) 5:03, everything unbroken
D) 9:40, first round of hspu 6/4, then 4/3/3, then down to 2’s for the last set. 8/7 on Db hang clean, this combo lit up my shoulders!
E)3:26, just tried to keep going, short breaks
F) Done
Strict pull-ups 7/7/6/7/7
Possibly some running later tonight when it cools down a bit, it’s cutrently 105 today and he heat is getting to me!! ? can’t wait to swim and work on my tan tomorrow!!
solid session Briana! Great work going unbroken on C. Now to tighten up those transitions and get you sub 4!
Stay safe in the heat!
PM Session:
Six sets of:
Pause Front Squat @ 24X1 + Front Squat
Rest 2 minutes
155/185/215/225/245/265 (+20 lbs from last time)
These felt really good today. Felt strong in the hole.
Five rounds for time of:
7 Deadlifts (315/225lb.)
7 Strict Hand Stand Push-Ups to 4/2″” Deficit
7 Thrusters (135/95lb.)
7 Muscle-Ups
Couldnt use 2 barbells here so I did 7 dumbbell thrusters at 55 lbs instead of 135 lb barbell thrusters. They were still pretty challenging so I think I made an okay call
Time = 12:36
Everything unbroken – my kind of workout lol
Great second session! Good to see more improvements!
One session today
A. 110-125-140, 125 (4 x 7)
B. 315-345-390. Felt good and went for 1 at 405 lbs also, felt great.
E2M x 6 @ 285, felt very light after 385 and 405. Posterior chain is so much stronger than last year!!
C. 4:48
D. 8:10
SHSPU set up was two stacks of two 45lb plates w/ an ab mat inbetween. 4-3-3/4-3-3/4-1(went too soon and got a no rep)-2-2-1. Hang Cleans 9-6/9-6/15 (found a good rhythm at the end)
E. 4:52
10-5-5-5-5. This is my least favorite movement
Enough for today 😀
Got to learn to stay mentally tough on those devils press dude! Grind and understand you’re never going to fail one!
I dunno about that, my shoulders were pretty toasted after that 6″ deficit and failing a few reps. I could feel my lower back starting to arch a little too much as I swung the DBs overhead (i even had to press a few out), but maybe I was just not pacing myself well in this movement and I ran out of gas or something. I’ll try a steadier pace next time, and i’ll see if i have a video of my devils presses from today. maybe there is a more efficient way for me to do them
A. Strict Press
5 x 115
3 x 140
1 x 160
4×7 @ 140
B. Deadlift
5 @ 355
3 @ 405
1 @ 455
6 x 6 @ 335
C. 4:21
All UB
D. 7:26
This whole part was about managing my SHSPU. 6” is a tough deficit for me.
2-2-2-1-1-1-1 ?
E. 3:17
We’re you able to keep rest periods short on the HSPU breaks?
Yes. Kept them as short as I could but not so short that I was risking failure
Warmed up
A. Set 1 @ 40kg
Set 2 @ 48kg
Set 3 @ 55kg
Set 4-7 @ 48kg
B. Set 1 @ 120kg
Set 2 @ 140kg
Set 3 @ 160kg
E2mom @ 120kg
C. Scaled to 5 bmu 4:34
D. Scaled shspu no deficit 8:15
E. 4:25
F. done. Legs burned so much i fell over after the last jumping lunges.
5 rounds
20 sec strict pull ups 40 sec rest
Feeling good but also happy to have rest day!
Think of all those booty gains from the lunges! You’re put in some solid work over the last 3 days! Enjoy your rest day!!
A. 52.5-65-75-65-65-65-65kg
B. stayed on lower %
130kg x 6
Modified it little short on time and taking it easy on legs
With running clock
3 rounds
10 x bar mu
20 x dumbbell snatches
when the clock reaches 10 min
30 x devil press
pm session
Strict gymnastics
mu 3-2-2-2-2
pull ups 8-6-6-6-6
Hspu to 6” def 7-5-5-5-4
Legs slowly coming back to life?
Yes ?
1. Strict press based off of 88% of 1RM
2. Done and done
3. 5:20 (all UB but I had I wobbly rig issue on the first round that demanded my attention)/7:19 (tried big sets on the HSPU but my traps are pretty poofy today – DB Hang Cleans were pretty easy since it’s basically a bicep curl)/4:19 (all UB but I still haven’t figured out how to cycle these faster)
4. Done
Second session in a bit
Based from 65 kg
5:15 rx
9:49 (20+5 kg plates for deficit)
Solid day 3 of work Daniel!
For the Strict gymnastics accessory option part A is it supposed to be Strict muscle ups or kipping?
Kipping, sorry for the confusion with the “strict” gymnastics header.
Thanks, that’s what I thought just wanted to make sure.
How’s everyone feeling after the first 3 days of the new cycle?
Like ? but in a good way
I concur!
My quads are sore from yesterday ?
325/375/425 then 325 for E2M x 6
4:59 Rx
BMUs: 10/7+3/7+3 (could’ve went unbroken for set 2 but I learned my lesson from 19.4 and didn’t want to rip)
Snatches: slow and steady until 3rd set
8:43 @ 2.5” deficit
SHSPU: 7+3/4+3+3/4+3+3
Hang Cleans: 10+3 each round
4:24 Rx
Solid days work in the books! Good to see you back on it!
A. Strict Press 60/75/85/75/75/75/75 – failed very last rep
B. Deadlift – 180/210/250 – 180 for the 6 sets
C. 13:55 – Struggled on stringing Bar MU and chicken winging today! Mentally challenging to do 3 rounds.
D. 18:00 – Started with deficit, had to go to 0″ – struggled on these! DB Hang Squat Cleans was a first, these were hard too 🙂
E. 5:00 – Didn’t take my hands off the devils press even though they were slow
Post some video of your bar muscle-ups to the FB group and tag Travis. Lets see if we can help!
A) 125/145/165/145×4
B) 305/355/390/305×5
C) 4:30, ub bar mu, kept the snatches slow for the first 2 rounds then picked up the pace on the last one
D) 7:20, hspu were ub/4-3-3 for the last two – those hang cleans were miserable. I was swinging between my legs, but no idea if thats the best way to do them
E) 3:35. I’m slow as sin on these, but didn’t stop moving
F) Front racked 26# KBs, lunges were 14 each set, jump lunges were 30
A) 6 each minute, just focused on mechanics
B) 7/6/6/6/6
Solid push on the 3rd days of work. Good job keeping those bar muscle-ups unbroken and grinding through the Devils Press!
A. worked off 73KG all successful
C. 6:17 10/7-3/6-4
D. 10:35
E. 3:35 unbroken.. As simple as it is, these were a mind fuck historically. Glad I didn’t stop and kept at it.
Those Devils Press are a good test of your mental capacity to keep grinding! Nice work!
A. 115×5/142×3/162/ 142 for 4×7
B. 5×295/3×340/385
6×6 @ 315
C. 6:19 bar mu unbroken-7/3-5/3/2
D. 9:35 strict hspu-8/2-4/3/2/1-4/2/2/2, db squat cleans 10/5-10/5-8/7
E.4:11 Sets were-12/6/7/5
F. Done
Solid day 3 of training!
AM Session:
For max calories:
30 Minutes of Assault Bike
Cals = 384.4 – 59 avg RPM (55.8 calorie improvement)
Compared to 6/26/2019 – 328.6 – 56 avg RPM
I really wanted to be between 390-400, which I think is doable, but I’ll take the 55 calorie improvement!
Was gonna do a strength accessory after but didn’t have it so I’ll move it to the PM session.
Huge improvement!! Awesome work buddy! Lots of progress this last cycle! ???
Morning session
Yesterdays aerobic capacity
10 min 100cal assault bike + max reps bbjo (10reps)
5min rest
10min 100cal assault bike + max rep kb swing (20 reps) 32kg
5 min rest
10 min 100cal assault bike + 10 bbjo 20 kbswing
Used hr rate monitor kept hr at 150 (80%) entire workout.
How is your body feeling after three days of the new cycle??
50-57-67-57 kgx 4 set
142-165-185-142 kgx6 set
5’08” All Unbroken
7’14” HSPU 9 cm 6-4/3-3-2-2/3-2-2-2-1
H. S. Clean 15/9-6/15
3’54” 10-8-6-6
In the afternoon Row
How is your body feeling after three days of the new cycle?
very well, but my traps were sore , the rest is good
Good to hear!