August 14, 2018 – Masters Program

Dynamic Mobility, Activation and Warm-Up
Two sets of:
Band Distracted Pec Stretch x 60 seconds per side
T-Spine Pulse x 30 seconds

and then …

CrossOver Symmetry Rows x 10 reps (medium to heavy band)
CrossOver Symmtery Reverse Flys x 10 reps (light band)
CrossOver Symmetry Pull Downs x 10 reps (medium to heavy band)
CrossOver Symmetry Victory

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x 10 reps (light band)
CrossOver Symmetry 90/90 Drill x 10 reps (medium to heavy band)

*Please ensure the upper traps are not taking over during the drills above*

Two sets of:
Run 400 Meters
Forward/Backward Arm Swings x 10 reps in each direction
Scap Push-Ups x 5 reps
Push-Ups x 10 reps
Strict Pull-Ups x 5-10 reps

Three sets of:
Narrow-Grip Overhead Squat x 3 reps @ 3311
Rest 2 minutes between sets

(goal is to set your hands in your jerk-grip position or even narrower, slowly descend and hold the bottom position for 3 full seconds – the priority should be on mobility and movement mechanics, not load used)

Every 2 minutes, for 12 minutes (6 sets):
3 Position Snatch
(High Hang, Hang, Mid-Patella)

The focus of this should be on positioning. Build to a weight that feels comfortable for you to focus on each position. Here are a few things I am looking for:
1 – Pin the shoulder blades together
2 – Hold each position for 2 seconds
3 – Be patient in your receiving position (hold for 2 seconds)

All Age Divisions
Four sets of:
60 seconds of Assault Bike @ 75% perceived exertion
Rest 30 seconds
60 seconds of Assault Bike @ 80% perceived exertion
Rest 30 seconds
60 seconds of Assault Bike @ 85% perceived exertion
Rest 2 minutes

Three sets of:
Single Leg Reverse Hyper x 8 reps per leg
Rest as needed

If you don’t have a reverse hyper, then try this instead:
Weighted Reverse Hyper x 10 reps

Optional Session (Best performed 3-4 hours between sessions and only if your body can handle the volume and/or it works with your schedule)
Three sets of:
Double Kettlebell Swings x 5-8 reps (focus on being explosive with your hips)
Rest 60 seconds

and then …

Two sets of:
Jefferson Squat

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x 3 reps per side
Rest as needed

and then …

Four sets of:
Harnessed Bear Crawls x 40 meters (should take you under 60 seconds)
Rest 3 minutes

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Vivian Mao (45-49)
Vivian Mao (45-49)
August 20, 2018 5:14 pm

Did bike part this afternoon
Total cal 171: 45/44/42/41.
Rpm were 62-64 first rd down to 60-62 last round
AB is not one of my strengths but work in progress

Ian Wiseman
Ian Wiseman
August 18, 2018 3:46 am

Warm-up done.
OHS done.
Did the snatches at 75. Looking to rebuild technique from light weight.
213 calories on bike. Aimed for 60 / 65 / 70 rpm.
8# ball for reverse hyper.

Alessio Roic
Alessio Roic
August 16, 2018 7:02 pm

New memener here – second day.
Mobility done
A. 10kg bar – overhead mobility is my issue
B. 95/95/105/105/115/115
C. 181 cal. Kept a 60/65/70 Rpm pace in rounds 2-4, round 1 was a bit too aggressive and I had to drop ~10% in the subsequent rounds.
D. Donecomment image

Steffen Baldamus
Steffen Baldamus
August 15, 2018 9:56 am

Mobility, Warm-up done
A: 20kg bar, focus on mobility
B: 20kg bar, the same mobility and technical work
C: no AB, but done with Concept2 Rower
52/51/51/54 cal
D: 3×10 @6kg Weighted Reverse Hypers

Michael Rider - 46/5’8”/165
Michael Rider - 46/5’8”/165
August 15, 2018 6:53 am

Day behind, couldn’t get out of work yesterday.
A. Up to 145
B. Up to 135, missed 3rd at 145 on 5th set – back to 135 for 6th.
C. 58/54/48/46; ouch, I think I’d rather have done 12 minutes straight.
D. No time

Vivian Mao (45-49)
Vivian Mao (45-49)
August 15, 2018 6:51 am

DM done
A. 85/95/105
B. 85/85/85/90/90/95
C. Only have airdyne. Want to do this next week when I have access to real AB
Instead did emom from 8/15.
Ran out of time

Nichole Kribs-DeHart
Nichole Kribs-DeHart
August 15, 2018 8:00 am

Good work today Vivian!

sylas olszewski
sylas olszewski
August 14, 2018 8:34 pm

20kg / 30kg / 40kg
50kg / 55kg / 60kg / 62,5kg / 65kg / 67,5kg
keep calories on a given percentage
75% – 16cal / 17cal / 16cal / 15cal
80% – 20cal / 20cal / 20cal / 17cal
85% – 25cal / 24cal / 20cal / 17cal – not stable here

Litsa Olsson
Litsa Olsson
August 14, 2018 6:52 pm

A. 95/105/115
B. 55/65/75/85/85
C. 139
Also started 3 day invictus weightlifting. and did group wod today.

Nichole Kribs-DeHart
Nichole Kribs-DeHart
August 15, 2018 8:00 am
Reply to  Litsa Olsson

Yay Litsa!

Amber Nollen (39)
Amber Nollen (39)
August 14, 2018 6:42 pm

Did the clean and accessory work from yesterday 🙂

C: Had to use rower vs bike today (bikes were being used) Anyway i paced it like this 700 cal/hr, 800 cal/hr, 900 cal/hr. Ended up being 180 cals total.

Eduardo Gayotto (55-59)
Eduardo Gayotto (55-59)
August 14, 2018 6:34 pm

DMA Done
A. 20kg
B. 20/24/30/40/40/40kg
C. I did with spinning bike
D. None

Mike Crisanti, (48, 5'10 160)
Mike Crisanti, (48, 5'10 160)
August 14, 2018 6:14 pm

Running a day behind. Here is Monday’s work:
A. FS at 200 and 215.
B1. Tall Cleans done. 115#.
B2. HHC 165, 175, 185 (2 sets at each weight)
B3. Clean Deadlifts on Riser 200#
C. 9:47 Rx. C2B UB & 7/4/3/1 and Ring Dips 12/8. Runs both around 3:30-3:40.
D. Done.

Isabel Dominique Beutick
Isabel Dominique Beutick
August 14, 2018 6:13 pm

A. 15/20/55

B. 75/75/85/85/95/95

C. 46,52.5, 46 cals 144.5 total cals. I swear I was THIS!! close to meeting Pukie ;-/ Wow that ASB really kicked my booty today.

D. Weighted Reverse Hyper w/#14 wall ball.
I might be able to do the **optional session later if I finish on time with my private clients.

August 14, 2018 6:13 pm

A. 115/135/155…ouch
B. 45/75/95/105/115/125
C. Done
D. Makeup

Lise Demetrio
Lise Demetrio
August 14, 2018 6:05 pm

Great stuff- all done

**bursitis In left hip infl,ad – going to therapy

A). NG-OHS : 43 lbs , 48x sets

Joshua Decausey (40-44m )
Joshua Decausey (40-44m )
August 14, 2018 5:50 pm

DMA) done
A) done@95 *will post video
B) 135,145,155,165(had a miss and had to start complex over)175
* will post a couple videos
C) 70rpms-18,18,19,19
80rpms-28,28,28,26( fell off the last round of 80rpms, was 78-80)
Total cal 274
D) done with 20#
Double kbs with 35’s
Jefferson squat- done
Sled done

Barry Emerson
Barry Emerson
August 14, 2018 4:59 pm

DMA – done
A. bar only, 55 lb., 65 lb.
B. 65, 75, 85 , 90, 95, 105
C. 60 rpm, 65 rpm, 70 rpm (177 calories)
D. done

Stephanie Nickitas
Stephanie Nickitas
August 14, 2018 4:53 pm

A. Skipped. No squatting yet
B. Power up to 100lb
C. 163 cal. Hard to judge the percieved exertion %. Went with 58/62/66 RPM and could have pushed more.
D. Done

Keith Chrisman
Keith Chrisman
August 14, 2018 4:47 pm

A. Just bar. Just to inside line
B. Working mobility back since knee issues. Was doing power for past 18 Mo or so
1. Kept all 1st round around 65 RPM. 15-16 cal ea
2. Kept all 2nd round around 68-70 RPM
3. Kept all 3rd round around 71-73 RPM
D. 1st time doing single leg on rev hyper
10’s ea side
15 ea side
20# ea side

Nichole Kribs-DeHart
Nichole Kribs-DeHart
August 15, 2018 8:01 am
Reply to  Keith Chrisman

How is the knee feeling today?!

Keith Chrisman
Keith Chrisman
August 15, 2018 3:14 pm

Ok. A little sore

Steve Messenger
Steve Messenger
August 14, 2018 4:12 pm

DMA done
A. 45/55/65. These were tougher than I anticipated and I’m glad I went really light with them
B. 65/75/85/95/105/115
C. 71 cals/67 cals/66 cals/68 cals
D. Weighted Rev Hypers x10 with 20# ball
E. Double KB swings @ 2x16kg x8/6/8
Jefferson Squats @135/155. First time I’ve ever done these. I liked it, felt some good hip and Glute work.
Harness Bear Crawls @ sled + 90#

Finishe off with daily MWOD

Nichole Kribs-DeHart
Nichole Kribs-DeHart
August 14, 2018 4:39 pm

Awesome you were able to get some Jefferson Squats in today! Can you film the next time you do them – I want to make sure you are in a good position cause thats pretty heavy for them

Steve Messenger
Steve Messenger
August 14, 2018 4:53 pm

Will do

Brian (39)
Brian (39)
August 14, 2018 3:15 pm

A. Up to 60kg, hands just a tad wider than jerk grip.
B. 65-85kg, missed 90kg at mid thigh
C. 75% – 19/18/18/17
80% – 23/20/20/20
85% – 26/22/21/23
Total – 247 cals

Nichole Kribs-DeHart
Nichole Kribs-DeHart
August 14, 2018 4:40 pm
Reply to  Brian (39)

Well done on the bike!

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