August 14, 2018 – 5 Day Weightlifting Program

In 15 minutes, build to a 2-RM Muscle Snatch

Followed by…

Every 2 minutes, for 8 minutes (4 sets):
Muscle Snatch x 2 reps

*Sets 1-3 = @ 85% of 2-RM Muscle Snatch
*Sets 4-5 = @ 90% of 2-RM Muscle Snatch

In 20 minutes, build to a 10-RM Back Squat

At the 23 minute mark…

Every 3 minutes, for 6 minutes (2 sets):
Back Squat x 10 reps @ 90% of your 10-RM weight from today

Every 2:30, for 10 minutes (4 sets):
Seated DB Shoulder Press x 10 reps

Aim for three heavy working sets.

Every 3 minutes, for 9 minutes (3 sets):
Barbell Lunges x 8 reps each leg

Aim for 2 heavy working sets.

Three sets of:
V-Ups x 20 seconds
Hip Extension on GHD Machine x 10 reps
Rest 60 seconds

Place a barbell on your back for the Hip Extension if possible.

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Jessica Hamilton
Jessica Hamilton
August 14, 2018 9:19 am

First day back after vacation, a little hard to get motivated.

A. 2 RM muscle snatch:
85% : 95#
90% : 100#

B. 10RM backsquat
205# ouch!
90% : 185#

C. DB press:
32.5# DB’s

D. barbell lunges:

E. done

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