Please post your results, questions and comments to the Endurance Athlete Facebook group.
Make sure you read the blog post on Running and the Importance of Stretching
Warm Up
300 Meter Jog @ 50%
100 Meter Walk
300 Meter Jog @ 60%
100 Meter Walk
Followed by…
Three sets of:
Good mornings x 20 repetitions
Air Squats x 20 repetitions
Skipping for height x 20 meters
Skipping for distance x 20 meters
Backward skipping x 20 meters
Running Mechanics Drills
Two sets of:
Charlie’s Angels Drills
Pulling with Forward Movement
Followed by….
Complete two laps of:
Jog the curve, sprint the straight away, jog the curve, sprint the straight away.
If you don’t have a track available, jog for 45 seconds, sprint for 20 seconds for four sets.
Cool Down
10 Minute Jog
Calf Mobility
Session One
VO2 Max
Five Sets of:
500 Meter Run
The first 400 should be at a moderate pace (mile pace) with a 100 meter sprint at the end.
Rest 3 minutes after each effort
Session Two
Endurance Capacity
60 Minute Run
No pace here – just go out and run, this is your taper week, so at this point all your training is done.
Session Three
Lactate Threshold
1200 Meter Run
90 seconds Rest
1000 Meter Run
90 seconds Rest
800 Meter Run
90 seconds Rest
1000 Meter Run
90 seconds Rest
1200 Meter Run
1200 Meter Run
60 seconds Rest
1000 Meter Run
60 seconds Rest
800 Meter Run
60 seconds Rest
1000 Meter Run
60 seconds Rest
1200 Meter Run