Dynamic Mobility, Activation and Warm-Up
Two sets of:
30 Second Side Plank (left)
30 Second Scapular Circles from Push-Up Position
30 Second Side Plank (right)
30 Second Supinated-Grip Hang from Pull-Up Bar
Rest 30 seconds
6 Kettlebell Windmills (each side)
8 Single Leg Hip Thrusts (each leg)
10 Alternating Cossack Squats
Rest as needed
“Last Man Standing”
On the minute, every minute, perform the following – once you fail at a certain movement, move immediately to the next (starting with the next minute interval):
Push Press x 1 rep
35-54: start at 135/95 lb and add 10 lb. every minute
55+: start at 115/75 lb and add 10 lb. every minute
Front Squat x 1 rep
(start with the weight you finished with on the push press, add 10 lb. every minute)
Picking up on the one minute segment that you would have been starting your next round of front squats, perform 20 Wall Ball Shots on the minute, every minute, for up to 7 minutes. (If you make all 7 sets, terminate this portion of the workout and move on.)
If you cannot complete all 20 shots within the designated minute, this portion of the workout is over . . . move on to the next phase of the workout.
20 lbs to 10′ target/14 lbs to 9′ target
20 lbs to 9′ target/10 lbs to 9′ target
Picking up on the minute you would have been starting your next set of wall ball shots, perform:
5/3 Muscle-Ups on the minute, every minute, for a maximum of 7 minutes.
If you cannot complete all 5/3 Muscle-Ups within the designated minute, your workout is over.
5/3 Strict Ring-Dips
If you cannot complete all 5/3 Strict Ring-Dips within the designated minute, your workout is over.
(Goal is to keep working for as long as possible…to be the last man/woman standing.)
Compare to April 29, 2017
Three sets of:
Posted Single-Leg Deadlifts x 8-10 reps each @ 3011
Rest 60 seconds
Barbell Glute Bridges x 6-8 reps @ 20X1
Rest 60 seconds
Side Plank x 45 seconds each side
Rest 60 seconds
3 Aug
A skipped – no muscle ups
B Box squats – again used a s a test post surgery – hit 92.5kg
C Drag Race – (75kg DL/30 t2b/12″ box) 12.23 Only just back to box jumps so keeping it low and working back to 20″
D completed
Pp135-215 f225
FS 215-315 didn’t try 325
2 rds wb
Singles of rmu/ 6
PP 135 – 255 – 265(f) Tied PR
FS 265 – 345 – 355(f) 355 is my PR
WB 4 +12. WB’s are normally a strength, but not today!
A: PP 95/105/115/125/135/145(f)
Fs 145/155/165/175/185/195(f)
Wb i messed up in the 3rd min and stopped at 15, realized it last minute and finished up the 5, but it screwed me over for the next minute. Only made 12 in the 5th minute.
Finished off 25 mins with the strict ring dips.
Sorry to have been MIA from posting. Just got busy. 🙂 Today I had: A. 4 sets: 4 min rest between700m row10 power cleans (tng) build up each set20 lateral burpees B. 5 sets: 3 min rest between10 kb front rack box squatsrest :3010 double kb SL rdl C. For time:100 du60 bj20 dl 205rest 3 min20-15-10cal rowcal skical bike I had so much fun today!! A. done. Each round took just under6 mins, except for the last round.Times: 5:37/ 5:55/ 5:55/ 6:15Weights: 75/85/95/105. 🙂 My pc setat 105 took a little longer than thepreceeding sets. 🙂 Burpees just tried… Read more »
Welcome back 🙂
Thank you!! 🙂
DMA Done
A. Ido not had a rack today. I had to do hang clean to do push press and front squat.
4rounds of wall ball
No ring dip – recovering left shoulder
B. Done
DMA: Complete
195lb PPress
275lb FSquat
5rds WBall
7rds RIngDips(cannot do MUs on garage so subbed)
B.) Complete- 40lb KB for DLs & 135lb for BGBs. Sets of 10 for DLs and 6s for BGB
DMA Done
PP 80kg
FS 100kg
WB 5 rounds
MU 4 rounds
B. Done
Warm-Up: Done
Last Man: 31:54
PP: 135-215(f) (205 is a PR!)
FS: 215-295 (f)
WB: 7 x 20
RD: 7x 5 (scaled from MUs)
Single DL: 115×8
Glute Bridge: 135×6
Congats on your PR!
Thank you!
DMA Done
PP: 61/66/71/76/81/86/91/96/101 (New PR)/106 Kg Failed
FS: 106/111/116/121/126/131/136/141 Kg Failed
WB: 2 Rounds/ 19 Reps Failed
MU: 3 Rounds 3 Reps each/Failed 4th
Congrats on your PR!
90kg Pp
Fs 110kg
Wall balls 7 rds Rx
Muscle ups 7 rds of 3
B : 16kgs kettlebells for sld
60kgs for Bgb
A. 205 PP, 275 FS, 6 rounds of WBs, 4 rounds of MUs. Am I the only one whose quads are completely smoked?
B. Done. 44#KBs for deads and 165# for bridges.
175 push press 285 front squat failed 295 4 rounds of wall balls and 7 rds one ring dips
A. 125 pp
215 FS
All wallballls
No mu, just did q attempt on min for 7
B. Had to coach
So strong!
PP: 115, 125, failed at 135
FS: 135, 145, 155, 165, 175, 185, 195, 205, failed at 215
WB: 3 rounds, failed in 4th
RD: Weren’t happening for me today.
B. Done. 26 lb KBs for single-leg RDL; 115 lb for glute bridge.
A. 215 PP, 295 FS, 7 rds of WBs, 6+3 MUs (5/5/5/3-2/2-1-1-1/1×5/1×3).
B. No time, will try to add tomorrow.
If I Cannot do Muscle-ups, do I stop after the wll-ball or I can perfrom ring dips?
You can perform ring-dips!
Mobility completed
A)PP: 175#/Failed 185#
FS: 225#/Failed 235
WB: 4 rounds/Failed 5th round
MU: 3 rounds/Failed 4th round My hands and rings were so wet at this point I couldn’t even find a dry spot to hold on to.
B)PSLDL: 26# KB’s My hips and glutes actually felt normal today for the first day since the bulgarian split squats earlier this week and I am sure I am going to feel these tomorrow.
BBGB: 135#
Side Planks: Completed
Nice work today Dean!!
Thanks Nichole! I really enjoyed the programming today as today was the first time completing Last Man Standing.
After some months without a “real” crossfit training due to some health issues I tried today’s training with the intention of starting the new season with this great group!
Activation done
A. PP Until 60kg
B. FS Until 85kg (I have to Front squat to a bench)
C. 7x 20 wallballs (10lb and no below parallel)
D. 7x Strict Ring dips (all unbroken)
Acc done
Yay!!!! So great Renata 🙂
I scaled to 55+ 🙂
Good to see you back Renata!
Yes let’s go !!:)
PP to 245. Fail 255
FS to 335. Stopped there
All 7 rounds of WB
MU was gassed after WB. Only 3 Rounds then 3 in round 4
Nice work Keith!