Dynamic Mobility and Activation
Two sets of:
Crossover Symmetry Victory x 10 reps
Rest as needed
and then . . .
Three sets of:
Banded Lat Stretch x 45 seconds per side
Bar Assisted Shoulder Opener x 45 seconds
T-Spine Stretch with a foam roller
x 45 seconds
and then . . .
Two sets of:
Bamboo Overhead Walk x 25′
Rest as needed
Three sets, not for time, of:
Double Unders x 40-50 reps
Legless Rope Climb x 1-2 ascents
Alternating Pistols x 12-14 reps
55-59: Rope Climb x 1-2 ascents
Progression for Pistols:
Single Leg Squat to box x 8 reps per leg
Three sets of:
Ground to Overhead x 10 reps
Rest 90 seconds
40-49: 135/95 lbs
50-54: 105/75 lbs
55+: 95/65 lbs
Back Squat
*Set 1 – 5 reps @ 65-70%
*Set 2 – 3 reps @ 75-80%
*Set 3 – 1 rep @ 85-90%
Rest 2-3 minutes
Every three minutes, for 15 minutes (5 sets):
Back Squat x 3 reps @ 85% of 1-RM
Every five minutes for 20 minutes (4 sets):
400 Meter Run
Clean & Jerk x 5 reps
15 GHD Sit-Ups
40-49: 185/135 lbs
50-54: 155/115 lbs
55+: 135/95 lbs
A – Done
B – C&J @135; :45, :50, :55
C – 235/255/285 then 285.
D – Rowed instead of run. All rounds around 3:45-4:10
Mobility: Complete – Bamboo walks 45# KB on standard bar with bands
A. 50 Double unders / 2 ascents / 14 pistols
B. 49 sec, 40 sec, 36 sec
C1. 285#, 330#, 365#
C2. 350# x 5 sets
D. No time to finish
A) 50 DU’s each rd./1-2-2 legless rope climbs/no pistols, my left knee won’t let me
B) 3 x 10 GTOH @ 95# 1:20/1:16/1:22 (still challenging for me)
C) 125-145-165 then 5×3 @155#
D) @105# (note to self, attempt 115# next time) 4:10/4:10/4:10/4:15
A) 50 DU/3 reg. rope climbs/14 pistol
I can do legless but feel like I’m going to plummet to my death.
B) TNG power cleans :28/:26/:24
No overhead, hurt shoulder pre-Open and finally giving it a chance to heal.
C) 170-195-205
195-205 for EMOM
All single split cleans, no OH.
GHD were fun, hadn’t done them in a while!
Mob done, PVC pipe with bands and 30# kbs
A. 50 du/2 legless/12 pistols ….didn’t plan on this happening today…sprained ankle coming off the rope! ?☹️?
B. Ice pack for 20 mins
C. Skipped
D. Subbed out with 4 sets every 5 mins: bike 30 cals + 20 GHD situps (2:15, 2:05, 2:01, 2:02)
Oh no! Heal quickly Chery!
No!! Wishing you a speedy recovery!!
A. 50DU, 2 Legless, No Pistols
B. 1st set TnG Snatch, 2nd set TnG C&J, 3rd set 5/5 Snatch and C&J singles
C. Skipped, will try and work it in tomorrow.
D. Done 4:00 to 4:30 Did Wed WOD yesterday and feeling it today.
Got a massage today!!!!! Lat therapy
I did most of MOB and activation
A. skipped the legless to keep letting my lat heal- did dubs and pistols felt good actually
B. :29 unbroken snatch/:31 unbroken C&J/ :32 5 snatch-5 c & j
C. no time
D. 3:02/3:15/3:24/3:25
A.50, 2, 14. X 3 sets L leg pistols are hard for me!
B. :33 all singles, :27 all T&G, :32 combo 5,5
C. 235, 275, 305, 310x3x4 sets hard! Skipped last set
D. 3:56-4:06 4 sets , good stuff
Mobility done and bamboo walk.
A. Done
B. :42(dropped a couple), :35, :35
C. 235, 285, 315 then 315 5x
D. Skipped. Worked on a DL, hang clean, lunge complex for a competition.
Have a nice weekend!
DMA: Done:
Bamboo OH W 34#s + 18#s
A. About 3 minutes a round with some rest in between 2/50/14
B. 0:30 (PS)/ 0:40 (PC +PJ)/ )/ 0:28(PS) 105#
C. 235/265/295# then 5×3 @285#
D. Made all 4 sets, a bit under 4 mins a round @155#
M&A done
A. Done-after the first set pistols came back to me, 1 legless
B. G2O-set 1. Power snatch singles:1:05 set 2. T&G:0:37 set 3. Single c&j:0:50
C. Back squat-5@250/3@285/1@320, E3F15@305
D. Done- all of them around 4:00
Awesome Jay!
I WON today-Rough start I kept going I WON today’s struggle.-My routine was off
trained later today…Had mouth Surgery Wed. no heavy lifting so I went light.
Second Part of M @ A
Walked with 65 lbs overhead with bar
Great rope climbs-Less
pulls now 🙂
B Done 1st set Clean @ Jerk
2nd snatch
Felt great once I was done…Recovery week so far feeling good.
Skipped Backsquats-Had some work done on my back-
D. used #115 for WOD…
Felt great once I was done…Recovery week so far feeling good.
Awesome Cheryl!!!
Great job Cheryl!! Way to push through!!
Hammer strength rows pull downs and deltoid accessory stuff
Used 24lbs each side not easy
Dubs and rope climbs and pistols where ok
Gtoh first 2 sets where c+j @36 secs last set did snatches @40 secs
Bsq built to 80 emom @215 lbs x2 reps
15 mins
Wod was good legs on fire
Run 1:40 c+j singles@135
15 sit-ups and 5 t2b it was hard but I liked it
You are so strong and fast. Way to go!
So are u??
Mob & Act done
OH walks with 20kg KB and 10# bar
A. 50 DU’s / 2 Legless / 14 alt pistols
B. Snatched these taking :45-:50 per Rnd (wanted to work pull to my hips and bar path)
C. 275×5/315×3/345×1 then 5×3 at 325
D. Done Rx.3:30 to 3:50 per rnd
Smoking fast Art!
Thanks. Admittedly after the four rnds my head hurt. :). Just felt like pushing it. I do a lot of GHD sit ups each week. 400 was 1:30-1:40 per took a min on the C&J and 15 GHDSU is what I do 3xs a wk. just fell in my wheelhouse.
Thats strong and fast!
Thanks. Some days are better than others. 🙂
A. Done
B. 4:59
C. 260×5, 300×3, 335×1
D. Class wod
DMA done. OH Walk- Used barbell and 15lbs on each side. 75 lbs total.
A. 300 SU/25 towel PUs/Pistol progression. Prefer rope climbs, but no rope at home.
B. Done 95lbs. 6 sets of 5.
C1. 135/155/175.
C2. 165/165/155/155/155. Lowered weight when BS form came off the tracks.
D. 3 rounds 15 mins. Due to time. 115 lbs.
Mobility and Activation – done. Overhead walk was a little better than the last time i did this. A smooth start always seems to be key. A. 50 DU’s each round/2 rope climbs each/10 pistols – happy with pistols as I have typically done these use my lifters but today the metcons worked well. Nice to know I can do these in them if need be. Had decided to only do 10 and just stuck with this number. B. G2O – did them as singles. Got a little faster with each round. Last round was :55 C. Back Squat –… Read more »
So awesome to hear that Barry – stocked for you!
Corey… awesome work today!
Mobility and Activation done. PVC pipe and 1 pood KB on each side. (rough)
A. done- DU unbroken 2 legless rope climbs pistols (got them yay!) 14 reps
B. 95# Done all sets singles didn’t check times.
C. Back squat worked up to 180 then 3 reps at 180 X 5 sets
D. Used 125# Goodness me this was heavy! Failed on 3 reps
3:49/4:03/4:30/ 4:52 (last round was rough!)
Nice work!! Especially on legless rope limbs, wow those are hard for me.
M and a done. , Oh walk with 8kg kb with band. each side of barbell Started with hatch squat program week2. Back and front squats 3rft Dubs x 50 Legless rc x1 started last one sitting on ground and got 3/4 way up pistol progressionx12 30 emom 400run Squat clean x 5@70kg 30tuck rocks, np ghd at mo. 3:49,3:57,4:02,4:07,3:57,3:49 Went lighter on cleans with no overhead movement and just worked on footwork again and it felt really good to get good rom and movement patterns going. Which carried over to next class. People thought i was bit hyper. Haha.… Read more »