Workout of the Day
Take 15-20 minutes to build to today’s 2-RM Front Squat
Every minute, on the minute, for 10 minutes:
Snatch x 2 reps @ 80-85%
Every minute, on the minute, for 10 minutes:
175/115 lb Squat Snatch x 3 reps
Chest-to-Bar Pull-Ups x 6 reps
Seven rounds for time of:
7 Shoulder to Overhead (155/105 lbs)
7 Ring Dips (from Muscle-Up station)
7 Burpees
Programming Note – I would like to get your feedback on the schedule between now and Regionals. In order to help you prepare to perform at your peak potential, I would like to gather some more information about your ability to train on the weekends. I will try to structure training so that it fits the needs of the majority of our group.
My preference is that Regionals-qualified athletes shift their training schedules so that the bulk of the training volume sits on Friday, Saturday and Sunday in a given week. That proposed schedule would be as follows:
- Monday – Rest and Recover
- Tuesday – Training (60-90 minutes, single session or broken into two)
- Wednesday – Training (60-90 minutes, single session or broken into two)
- Thursday – Active Recovery
- Friday – Training (60-90 minutes, single session or broken into two)
- Saturday – Training – Possible Double Session
- Sunday – Training – Single Session
If, however, the majority of our athletes following this program do not have gym access or the ability to train on Sundays, I will stick with our standard schedule using Thursday and Sunday as the recovery days.
If you have not already done so, please help us out by answering the following ONE question survey: Regionals Prep Schedule Survey
A. 315
B. 165
C. 175. Only 2 failed snatches and 1 missed minute. I’m happy about this because 175 is 85% of my 1rm and I’ve always struggled with heavy snatches in a wod.
D. 11:06. Actually broke the stoh to 4,3 every rd. felt like it saved my shoulders a bit.
A) made a double at 160. Was feeling good went for pr made only 1/2 at 165
B) from 86 to 93 adding 1 kg each time I had really clean reps
C) gut check. Tng through 6 rounds then fell apart and failed a bunch lost it mentally
D) 9:57 everything ub
A. No misses: (in kg) 85,95,105,110,115. Front squatting is feeling great!
B. 60kg on the minute..
C. 50kg squat snatches, unbroken C2B.. this was do-able but bloody hard! haha
D. S2OH all sets unbroken, 7,5-2,4-3,4-3,4-3,3-2-2,3-2-2. 12:48. No misses
A) 285 – about 85% of 2RM – can’t afford a setback with lower back
B) 185
C) need to lower the volume a bit…some nagging injuries
D) 11:43
a) 310, 2 RM was 330
b) at 205 but to many misses ughh
c)did 2 snatches
A) 190, front squats have always been a weakness
B) done at 135, felt heavy and slow today 🙁 but got through it
C) done, singles on the snatches
D) had to skip for now, pressed for time with work
A. 325
B. Skipped; no time.
C. Missed one round. C2B were feeling better. I also had about 6 missed snatches that I didn’t make up so it wasn’t quite legit. Good program!
D. At about the 10min mark I had 6 rounds and had to shut it down due next class starting. The S2OH were very difficult for me.
A. 205
B. 115# for 3, 120# for 7
C. After 2 rounds at 115, I moved the snatch weight down to 110# because I felt like I was compromising form for speed. Overall, missed two rounds.
D. 17:34. This was a great training day for me! Ring dips are a huge weakness.
A. 310#
B. 195#
C. Done, missed one round.
D. In 4 min got 3 rounds but then my right arm and lateral side of right forearm locked up. With rotator cuff injury and bench press of yesterday, I could not do S2OH or ring dips without considerable pain. So I substituted 40/30/20/10 burpees to finish with 60 sec in between. Woo . . . . .
A. 335#
B. 185#
C. Done
D. 8:42 STOH all UB, last few sets of dips were 4/3
A) 335. 345 is current 1rm
B) 205 for 6 210,210,215,220. All touch n go
C) completed all touch n go and UB
D). Blew it with my time. Had to start coaching. Rested too much after c as a cop out. Will make it up today
A.195 for 2, 205 for 1 then failed the second
B. 5 at 105 and 5 at 110
C. Tried 115 missed the second round so went to 110 and made two rounds and went to 105 for next 8 rounds. Only did 1 snatch w 2 fails in round 9. This was heavy for me on a quick turn around, mentally rough
D. 13:01
A. 300lb
B. dnd
C. Completed, missed 1 rep on round 9 and finished last 6 c2b on round ten about 10 seconds after the last round.
D. 10:41, Everything UB
A. Worked up to 75 failed 80kg
B. Done at 57.5kg failed 2nd snatch on set 5/6/8
C. Sat out sets 4/7/10 due to previous taking too long. These snatches were hard for me as I have been really focusing on technique and needed to move a little slower.
D. 14:24 dips were rough!
A) 245
B) 125×5, 135×5
C) Fastest: :28 Slowest: :30. Did ring row because of ripped hands.
D) Did this you go, I go style with a partner,
Don’t remember time.
A. up to 345 for 2
B. Just built to a heavy hang single, I was pressed for time. Up to 245
C. Done at 185. 2 misses total
D. 10:46
Had to cut some of the session short tonight 🙁
A. Skipped due to time
B. 120×8 125×2 (should have tried 125 earlier-no fails!)
C. Completed just C2b because thumb ripped on last set of snatches
D. 8:57, s2o all unbroken, semi-strict ring dips in sets of 4/3, and 5/2. Triceps were burned out after this!
A) Got 205, 10 lbs less than my 2rep PR
B) all at 115
C) only missed one minute
D) 13:34 all unbroken!
A. 305
B. 175 x 3, 180 x 4, 185, x 3
C. Did 175 first 3 rounds … got 175 x 2 fourth, dropped weight to 165 and finished, no issues with C2B.
D. 13:03
C: did 9 sets
At minute 7 I ended up having to take a 2 min break. Shoulders were starting to give and was not wanting to drop anything on my head.
D: did not do…it’s 9:00 pm and I’m tired.