Primary Training Session
Mobility, Activation & Warm-Up
Band Assisted Hip Flexor Stretch
x 30 seconds per leg
Band Assisted Perfect Stretch x 30 seconds per leg
Banded Hip Rotations x 30 seconds per leg
Five rounds at increasing intensity of:
30 Double-Unders
15 Air Squats
5 Wall Walks
Take 10-15 minutes to build to today’s 1-RM Dead-Stop Front Squat
Every 2 minutes, for 12 minutes (6 sets):
Power Clean & Power Jerk x 2 reps
*Sets 1-2 = @ 60%
*Sets 3-4 = @ 65%
*Sets 5-6 = @ 70%
Complete rounds of 15, 12 and 9 reps for time of:
Calorie Row
Thruster (95/65 lbs)
Rest until the running clock reaches 12:00, and then…
For time:
10 Dumbbell Thrusters (50/35 lbs)
9 Muscle-Ups
10 Dumbbell Thrusters
7 Muscle-Ups
10 Dumbbell Thrusters
5 Muscle-Ups
Athlete Notes:
Today we have some shorter pieces that are meant to burn. The first workout is going to be movements that will not fatigue you to failure. Some of you may have noticed on 21.3/21.4 that it is difficult to gauge how hard you can allow yourself to go and still have energy for a heavy lift. This is going to be similar except you will be testing gymnastics skill in a fatigued state. Use this as an opportunity to test yourself. Push this first workout like it is a main event. Your lungs are going to get fired up, but since this piece is pretty balanced, you’ll just be overall fatigued going into part two rather than having a certain muscle group blown up.
Part two will take some strategy. Use as much leg drive as possible for your dumbbell thrusters so your arms just act as ropes connecting your hands to the dumbbells. The more you can relax and save your shoulders with the dumbbell thrusters the more you will have in the tank for your muscle-ups. Every athlete will be different when it comes to the muscle-ups. If you are a muscle-up king/queen then try and go unbroken. If you feel comfortable with muscle-up accumulation but struggle with big sets then try breaking them up like 3/3/3; 4/3 or 3/2/2 and 3/2 or 2/2/1. If muscle-ups are a weakness, try for doubles and singles and watch the clock so you can stay diligent at jumping back up to the rings (for example: complete 1 muscle-up every 15 seconds).
If muscle-ups are not an option for you then please substitute with burpee chest-to-bar pull-ups.
A. Done
B. Built to 305. 325F
C. 185/185/205/205/225/225
D. 4:09/2:51 RX
A. Done. Focused on quality of Wall walks here.
B. Worked up to 155
C. 95/105/115
D. 10:00, Rx. Thrusters felt slow today. Part B- burpee pull ups, 5:00.
A) Done
B) Built to 275#, failed 295#
C) Skipped, don’t feel confident for my back for the pulls
D) Felt my low back on the TTB, so swap to abmat sit-up, barbell thrusters for both, RMU broke to 5/4, 4/3, 5
Mobility and warmup done
A. Done
B. 95/135/155/175/195/215/225/235 fail / 230 fail / 230
C. Power c+j 145/165/185
D. 5:50 rx rested til 12:00 and did 9/7/5 mu for skill work
B. 3-sec pause fs 265
C. 135 155 165
D1. With echo bike and toes to rings 7:25
D2. No room for mu, subbed 125# gto. And 55# db thrusters all I had. 8:01
Mobility & warmup ✅
A. Done
B. 235
C. 155/ 165/ 185 (TnG all)
D1. 6:55 (did Airbike cals 12-9-7)
D2. 6:43
A: 9:23
B: 235
C: 145, 155, 165
D: 15,12,9: 9:16
Thrusters & mu: 14:34
Warm up done
A) Done
B) 335
C) 195, 195, 215, 215, 235, 235
D) 4:20, 5:03 rx. Broke mu 6-3, 4-3, 5. Everything else unbroken.
Did todays training at moderate intensity (feeling extra sore)
A. Done
B. Stopped @205
C. 125/135/145
D. First part 7:13 RX, second part 9:38 RX, MU are starting to click more and more ????????????
Great to see your gymnastics work paying off!
Mobility done
A: done
B: worked on body weight lunge variations to improve knee stability
C: 125-145 felt good
D: scaled to 55# and 25 DB knee handles it ok. First set around 10 min but not really pushing it. Second round faster less than 8 burpee C2B
Enjoyed the day. Knee feels better we will see what tomorrow brings.
Glad to hear it was a solid day!
Only did D today. Been on a time crunch.
4:38/7:12 Rx
Glad you got in and still made it happen!
Seeing as I don’t kip MU.. 5/4/3 an acceptable amount for second part of D?
Hard to say without knowing you as an athlete but I would shoot for sets that will be challenging but doable to go unbroken.
Don’t worry it was still challenging. ???? for the 5 – I did 3/2.. 4 was 3/1.. 3 was 2/1. Total time for that was ~515.. maybe a little more next time
A) done
B) work up to 285lbs
C) up to 225
WU Done
A. 10:16 w/ increased intensity. Probably started too fast to begin with.
B. 15 min: 175/190/205/220/235/245/PR! 255lb
C. 135/145/160lb
D. Rx 8:00, done. Right VMO tendon not happy right now.
Time to stretch, eat and hydrate! Thanks guys!
Congrats on the PR! Now to make sure you feel healthy and ready to attack the quarters!!
Warmup done
A. 9:13
B. Up to 110Kg; stopped there b/c lower back was really tight this morning
C. 70/80/90Kg
D. 4:13Rx; stopped here. My back was blowing up. Need to stretch and get into the chiropractor.
Hope that relaxes and you feel good to go for tomorrow!
It’ll be fine. My back just plays up sometimes. Old age is not kind some mornings.
Hey on those hamstrings and psoas too!
Will do.
Mobility: done
A. 9:13
B. 305
C. 155/175/185
D. 5:55/7:02 with burpee chest to bar
Total time: 19:02
Warm up done.
A) 12:41
B) Up to 115lb , failed 120lb
C) Up to 90lb
D) 8:28 (55lb) / 6:34 (25lb and Burpee Ring PU).
18:34 total time.
Have a great day ????!
You too! Nice work!
Mobility, Activation & Warm-Up
A. 10:37
B. 35/ 40/ 43/ 45/ 48/ 51/ 55/ 58 kg
C. 32/ 32/ 35/ 35/ 38/ 38 kg
D1. 6:40 (55 lbs)
D2. 6:05 (12.5 kg DBs and 3/3/3 reps of MU)
Warm up done
A. 7:57
B. Up to 350
C. 195/215/235
D. RX 4:26/3:05
(15:05 on running clock)
Everything unbroken those thrusters and muscle ups got rough!
Easing you into those quarters!
Wu done
A. Done
B. Up to 155kg with deadstop.
C. 80/85/92,5kg
D. Rx 7.11 then 5.20
Fun day, excited about this cycle ????????
Its going to be a fun one for sure! Excited to see your progress!