Session One
Three sets of:
Supinated-Grip Weighted Pull-Ups x 2-3 reps
Rest 60-90 seconds
Wall Slides
x 6-8 reps
Rest 60-90 seconds
Overhead Bamboo Hold x 30 seconds (weight it according to what you can stabilize overhead)
Rest 60-90 seconds
Five sets of:
Unsupported Seated Strict Press x 5 reps
(sit on a bench without back support and press the barbell from shoulder to overhead)
Rest 2-3 minutes
Goal is to perform 5% more than last week.
Three sets of:
Banded Hip Bridges x 40 reps
Rest 90 seconds
Pendlay Row x 5 reps
Rest 90 seconds
Weighted Hip Extension w/Y overhead Hold x 8 reps @ 2011
Rest 90 seconds
and then . . .
Two sets of:
Tuck-Up to V-Up Complex x 10 reps
Rest 60 seconds
followed by…
One set of:
Elbow Jacks x 40 reps
Session Two
One set of:
Racked KB Lat Stretch x 45 seconds
and then . . .
Three sets of:
Single Arm Hang from Bar x 30 seconds per side
Tucked Hang to Inversion x 5-6 reps
Superman/Hollow Swings x 8-10 reps
and then . . .
Two sets of:
Peek-A-Boo Ring Swings x 5 reps
Rest as needed
Ten sets of:
2 Unbroken Muscle-Ups*
Rest as needed
and then . . .
Complete 20 reps of:
Feet on the Ground
*If you do not have muscle-ups then please complete 2 unbroken jumping muscle ups.
Every 90 seconds, for 15 minutes, complete (10 sets):
Behind the Neck Split/Push Jerk x 1
Depending on preference, you can choose either split jerk or push jerk.
For 30 minutes, rotate through the following three stations on the minute:
Minute 1 – Row 10-15 Calories
Minute 2 – Power Clean x 5 reps
Minute 3 – Chest-to-Bar Pull-Ups x 8 reps
You’ll hit each of these stations 10 times.
40-49: 15 calories; 155/105 lbs
50-59: 12 calories; 135/95 lbs; 6 Chest-to-Bar Pull-Ups
60+: 10 calories; 105/75 lbs; 6 Chin-Over Pull-Ups
Session 1
A. Pull-ups 2 Reps (90#) – OH Bamboo holds (24Kg KB x 2 on standard bar with bands)
B. 155# x 4 Reps, 145# x 4 sets – 5 reps
C. Complete
Session 2
A. Complete
B. Complete
C. 245#, 255#, 275# x 8 sets
D. Complete
Session 2 DOne
A. DOne
B. DOne – no fails!!! Yeeeeewwww
C. worked up to 155#
D. Finished in 30m, I bet no one beats my time! 😉
Session 2 done
Warm up done
swings done
Did not try max test as wrist is still tender.
C Jerk got 135-185-205-215-225-235-255-275-305F-295F Need to be more aggressive in my punch
D Done it was tough around minute 23.
Did what I could in one 2 hr session. I liked today’s work.
1A – Wall slides, pullups (70#kb), Bamboo bar (35#KBs)
1B – skipped.
1C – Done. Tuck to V-ups learning the coordination.
2A – Done
2B – Done.
2C – All sets @195 push jerks.
2D – Done @ 15cal/155#. Really liked this one. Good test. Did strict pullups instead of kipping C2B.
Away from home for 10 days so working with what is available and under time restraints
A) # PU’s up to 12.5# (too easy) and wall slides only
B) 68-73×4 (4-1)
C) Tuck to V-up complex and EJ done
A) done but Peek a Boo Swings I know I’m not doing correctly still
B) 5 sets JMU’s
C) 83-93-103-103-103-109-108-113-113 (split jerk)
D) 30 min. Row 15 Cals/5 PC @ 105#/8 C2B (Rd. 6 dropped to 12 Cals and a couple Rds toward the end only got 3 PC’s)
A. Done WPU 18- 26/Bamboo hold w/35# kb
B. 45,55,65,75,80,85
C. Done PR 75-105 / WHE 25#
V up/EJ done
A. Done minus MU
C. 85/105/115/125/135/145f/145 155/ 165f /155
Shoulders were done…
D. Done w/105
Wahoo, congrats Litsa!
60+ athlete newbee…not used to 2 workouts per day…I work in construction all day, Ummnnn… enjoyed the first session…though it was slow, went back to back with the second….the muscle ups were a fail for me…after 3 sets of weighted (40 lbs) pull ups , and/ or there wasn’t enough time in the two hours to complete the last 45 minutes…due to my unfamiliarity with the movements but they were fun…after watching the online video’s. Any suggestions people?
Welcome Owen. The 2-session workouts are Monday’s and Wednesday’s only. From my understanding, CF Regionals prep I believe. After Regionals, we return to offseason workouts and 1/day.
Oh, yes…Okay! It makes good sense…the extra workout twice per week for the 4 day trial coming and then back to one per day. With that in mind, I will plan better for next week. I appreciate your taking the time to communicate, Rodney!
You might just want to do the second workout to get familiar. That seems to be structured to what we usually do. The first one seems like extra stuff for regionals prep.
Very useful information, thank you!
Session one over lunch
25# plate for pullups
34#KBs with red bands and a real bamboo stick
B. 105#
Bridges Done
155# rows
20# weight vest and 5# plates for the Ys
Tuck ups and Elbow Jacks Done
Session two evening
A. Done
B. Done (A and B done w. Gymnastics coach plus some other gymnastics accessory work)
C. 175# was hard to get to 175# working weight but reps got snappy after 4th round.
D. 50-54 y.o. Made all sets all sets unbroken. Those 30 mins flew by, best I felt all day.
Only had time to do the 30 min EMOM today and it actually felt good. Last CTB at 29:12. PC were all t&g. CTB unbroken and felling better on the rower these days.
I did everything. I did a 5 am session and went back at 3:30 -5 then coached and went to Hot Bikram until 8. I just am too tired to type everthing out! Great day.
Beast mode!
Crazy mode
Session I
A. PU/ Wall Slides / OH hold done
B. Up to 140 x 5
C. Done- Rows at 185
(I like the V-up complex)
Session II
Actitivation and Peek-a-boos done
B. MU 10×2 (rested 90 secs between sets)
C. Chose to push jerk. Worked from 185 to 235
D. EMOM completed 15 cal held at :40-:45, 155 PC :20-:25, 8 C2B :15-:20
Did in one session: A. Supinated Pull-ups with 30#KB (3 reps) B. Strict Press – 65#, 70, 75, 75, 75# C. Bridges with 35# bar – not able to set up the bands D. Elbow Jacks – Done Session 2 A. 10 sets of 2 unbroken MU, 20 reps on the ground done B. Split Jerk up to 135# – stopped there. It was easy, but staying comfortable… C. Did 30 minutes. Only rowed 10 cal, worked on butterfly CTB (coming along) – Fighting pollution and an upper respiratory infection so kept it lower key with the row. *Had a… Read more »
Hi Nicky, here is another idea to use bands plus bar for bridges.
How is the knee feeling today Nicky ?
Better today but did nothing. It hurts a lot to squat, i.e. put a lot of weight on the bar and I’m basically squatting on one leg. Hoping it’s just a patellar tracking issue because my VMO is still weak. I have to wait to get to the states to see my orthopedic unfortunately. I’ll just keep it light and pain-free…
Yes, keep it light and pain free Nicky!
Session 1, Hickam AFB Gym 0445
A. Done
B. 155
C. Heavy Rows and Hip ext
Session 2 CrossFit 808 1430
A. Done
B. EMOM Style 10×2, +20
C. 195-255 pwr jerks
D. Done, 15cal :38, 5 pc :18, ctb :10
Done in one long session (2.5 hrs)
1A. Done. 35# KB weighted pu; 35# KBs earthquake bar
1B. 75-80-85-90-95# seated strict press
2A. Did one set of each
2B. 10 sets of 2 UB mu….?
2C. 125-195# all good; missed 205 and 200#
2D. Done (row 12 cals in 0:32-0:35, 5 UB Pc in :09-:10 secs, 8 C2b in :08-:09)
Then did 40 elbow jacks
Another fun day; Enjoy the day off everyone!
Fantastic to hear Cheryl!!!
Sesh 1
A. Sup. Pullups 10-35, wall slides, bamboo 2x35KB.
B. Strict press 95-135
C. Skippped
Sesh 2
A. Done
B. Jumping MU and feet on ground
C. 125- 215
D. Subbed Pullups for C2B.
I’m SO glad to hear I’m not the only one sore, has tired hands and looking forward to a rest day. I know it will pay off for us all. Thanks Nicole. Not sure if I love you or hate you ??
I will choose the love part of that lol!
90 mins.
Session 1
A. Done. OH with bar only.
B. From last week, increased from 75 to 80.
C1. 60 hip bridges with 135. Pendlay row at 115. Hip extensions with 25.
C2. Subbed 20 GHD’s
C3. Elbow jacks done.
Session 2
Skipped A. Time and space limited for peek-a-boos.
B1. 20 JMU’s.
B2. Skipped.
C. Regular split jerks at 95.
D. 15 mins, 5 sets scaled at 115.
Session 2
A. Done
B. Muscle ups were tough today. Assuming (hoping) it was all the shoulder work this week, but I missed more than I made. 20 Feet-on-the-ground done.
C. Up to 160#-split jerk.
D. Done.
Session 2
A. Mobility – done
B. MU’s – Had to do jumping MU’s as rings weren’t available
C. Behind Neck Split Jerks – 75/95/115/125/135/145/155/165/170f/170PR/175f
D. 30 min EMOM – done! Perfect opportunity to work on my Butterfly PU’s today. They were starting to feel better than they have in a while.
Great work on your PR Barry!!!
Thanks Nicole
Nice PR man!
Session 1: 1 hr snatch work with oly coach
Session 2: did neutral grip strict pull-ups, supinated aggregate my elbow 10#/15/20
Bamboo overhead used 2/17# kbs, should have went heavier, liked these
Seated press 35/45/55/65/70
Pendlay rows 70/85/85
Hip ext 2/5#
Session 3: only did 30 min emom
Felt like a Mac truck has taken my body out
Note to self…3 a days not a good idea, Thursday can’t get here fast enough
Good call Karen, sometimes less is more!
Wow, enjoy your recovery day!