April 4, 2016 – Masters Program

Session One


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10-12 Freestanding Kick-Ups to Handstand with Max Hold
(hold for as long as possible without walking – if your hands move, terminate that set)

Three sets of:
Handstand Hold Against the Wall x 60 seconds
Rest as needed

Three sets for times of:
7/4 Muscle-Ups + 25′ Handstand Walk
Rest 3 minutes

40-49: 8/5 Muscle-Ups + 25′ Handstand Walk
50-54: 6/3 Muscle-Ups + 20′ Handstand Walk
55-59: 4/2 Muscle-Ups + 15′ Handstand Walk
60+: 2/1 Muscle-Ups + 20′ Overhead Walking Lunge (55/35 lbs)

Followed by…

Every minute, on the minute, for 12 minutes:
Minute 1 – 5 Strict Handstand Push-Ups
Minute 2 – 4 Strict Handstand Push-Ups
Minute 3 – 3 Strict Handstand Push-Ups
Minute 4 – 2 Strict Handstand Push-Ups

50-55: 2″ riser
60+: 4″ riser

To be completed at 60% effort:

Five sets: (30 Minutes)
60 Seconds Perfect Ring Push-Ups
30 Seconds/side Bulgarian Split Squats
30 Seconds/side Bottoms Up KB Presses (40-49:35/24 lbs; 55+: 24/18 lbs)
60 Seconds Sled Drag Forward (moderate weight)
60 Seconds Sled Drag Backwards (moderate weight)
60 Seconds Single Unders


Session Two

Dynamic Mobility and Activation
Three sets of:
Psoas Pulse x 45 seconds per side
T-Spine Bench Pulses x 10 reps
Wrist Stretch x 45 seconds

and then . . .

Two sets of:
Shoulder Opener x 45-60 seconds

Every 2 minutes, for 12 minutes, complete (6 sets):
Snatch Balance + Overhead Squat with a 2 second hold at the bottom of the overhead squat

Every 90 seconds, for 9 minutes, complete (6 sets):
Snatch Pull x 2 reps + Snatch

*Work up to a heavy

and then . . .

Every minute, on the minute, for 9 minutes:
Snatch Pull x 2 + Power Snatch @ 85% of todays heavy complex

Every minute, on the minute, for 10 minutes:
Snatch x 3 reps
Double Unders x 20 reps

40-49: 115/75 lbs
50-54: 95/65 lbs
55-59: 75/55 lbs
60+: 65/45 lbs

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Litsa Olsson
Litsa Olsson
April 5, 2016 4:21 pm

B. 30min done
A. SB + OH squat 95#
Limited time today will try to catch up on Thursday

Rodney E. (50-54)
Rodney E. (50-54)
April 5, 2016 12:53 pm

Another mish-mash of Session 1 and 2.

Session 1:
Buy-in 1/2 mi. warmup run.
A1. Attempted many kick-ups, but couldn’t get up and hold for very long.
A2. Shoulders need more recovery time between sets. So, did just 2 sets of 5-4-3-2.
B. Skipped

Session 2:
DMA done. Looked up at the clock and saw that I’ve been working 50 minutes already?
C. No rope, no DU’s, 30 snatches @ 85 lbs and several rope climbs just because I like them.
Buy out 1 mi run at 7:00.

Albert Police 49 (5'4"/167lbs)
Albert Police 49 (5'4"/167lbs)
April 5, 2016 12:25 pm

First session:
A. 20 attempts I accumulated about 4 secs of total time – terrible at this
but my 25′ walks were unbroken. I did 5 Mus the first two rounds and 8 the last all unbroken took under 40 secs each time. I got to learn to breathe while walking on my hands
SHSPU- done
B. skipped
Session 2:
A.worked up to 205 with no misses
B. up to 195 with a miss at 185
power snatches at 165- no misses
C. done- hands were toasted by the end of this

April 5, 2016 11:01 am

First day back after a week off traveling for work, kept things easy and light. Started with back squats. Was planning a 5X5 but ended up 3X5 as my back didn’t feel right. A1. Most free standing holds were 3 to 5 sec, a couple 5 to 10 sec, and one 20 sec hold for a PR. Then 3 rounds (not for time but didn’t rest as needed) of 3 MU + HSW, terminated the round once HSW was broken at 20/10/5 feet. Followed by 12 EMOM of SHSPU with no riser. A2. Completed. Kept these light and did not… Read more »

April 5, 2016 7:54 am

Time constraints so began with Session 2
A) Up to 103#(failed the O.H.S)
B) Up to 93# but missed on Snatch THEN 9 sets at 73# P.S.
C) Done @ 68#
Session 1 (could really feel the effects of the Snatching
A) Wall walk into a wall facing HS hold x 3 (30-40sec)
B) Did some jumping MU’s and ran out of time.

Mike C, (45, 5'10" 155)
Mike C, (45, 5'10" 155)
April 5, 2016 5:36 am

Going off script through the Qualifier prep and shifting back to more of a strength cycle until off season picks up again. I’m starting with week 2 (November 9th) of this past winter cycle and will follow for next couple weeks, comparing my performance with 5 months ago. I’ll post summaries periodically rather than post the entire workouts because it will get confusing. Today vs. 11/9….Snatch work and push press were exact same, which is good because I hadn’t snatched in 2 months. Metcon (6 rds of 400m run and 20 ring dips) was much stronger. Consistently 15 seconds faster.

Edward J. Rapoza (55 to 59)
Edward J. Rapoza (55 to 59)
April 4, 2016 10:16 pm

Session one
A. Did handstand holds on the wall.
3 sets of:
4MU & Handstand holds on the wall
12 min EMOM
SHSPU was really tough but got thru them
B. Skipped
Session two ( we just kept going, one long session)
A. 95, kept it light today, tried to use strict form and pause at the bottom.
B. 115, just stayed at this weight, worked on the pulls and form.
EMOM 9 min at 95
C. EMOM for 10 min 75lbs, 20DU done
3 sets GHD Weighted 14lb med ball & 10 strict T2B
Rowed 2000 meters
Long day!

Al 52 5'4" 152
Al 52 5'4" 152
April 4, 2016 9:29 pm

Partial Session 1
A. 3 sets 7MU/25ft. about 45 sec. ea./HSPU EMON done
B. didn’t have 30 min. but did 5 rounds of 10 RD/10 Wt. Box step ups/200m run

Session 2
A. up to 195 for complex then up to 225 for OHS PR
B. 155/135
C. done w/ 105 about 25-30 sec.

Dutch Orange
Dutch Orange
April 4, 2016 9:20 pm

Session 2
DMA Done
A. to 125# (just dropped. not heaving SB. My shoulders definitely felt session one.)
B. 140#/120# ( Missed 150# which is normally not a hard weight for me. On the upside, the power snatches went very smooth )
C. Made all 10 sets @ 95# (most sets around 40 second mark)

Jenny Miller Koniencki (F 47)
Jenny Miller Koniencki (F 47)
April 4, 2016 7:40 pm

Only session 2 today. Did some handstand holds and walks before getting started.
Mobility done
A snatch balance and ohs to 93
B pulls and snatch work to 103
B1 pulls and power all at 90
C done. All rounds around 24 seconds. All dubs unbroken. Fun!

Vince Salemi (41, 5'7" 168# )
Vince Salemi (41, 5'7" 168# )
April 4, 2016 7:40 pm

Session 1
A. Need work on the kick-ups to handstand holds. Longest I get was 6 sec.
B. 8 MU/25′ handstand walk – 1:08, 1:04, 1:09
C. Complete
D. Ran out of time and had to call it for session 1

Session 2
Mobility: Complete
A. 185# for all sets
B. 165#, 170#, 175#, 180#, 185#, 190#
Then all sets at 160#
C. Complete: All sets between 25-30 sec.

Owen Clayton Reid
Owen Clayton Reid
April 4, 2016 7:34 pm

Master’s 60+ Newbee to Invictus Master’s Program It was a rainy day in Canada West, where I am from and my work for pay doesn’t fly in the rain. Split the sessions; one at noon and another at five thirty. Wasn’t happy with my muscle ups, no problem with the OH walking lunges, the strict HSPU’s challenged my manhood but I managed to get most of it, as it was scaled for the 60+, only had time for 3 sets of 1B, but session 2 went well for me.I scaled up a little on the C with 75lbs in stead… Read more »

S. McAdams M 39(40-44)
S. McAdams M 39(40-44)
April 4, 2016 7:34 pm

Session 2
DMA done
A 95-155 shoulders were on fire today
B up to 155 missed 175 2 times then at 135 for power
C 115 used and all rounds 21-29 sec. Faster rounds dubs unbroken

Felt fast on my snatches today “win”

Jay Werstler
Jay Werstler
April 4, 2016 6:52 pm

Combined sessions and started with M&A from session 1, then
A1. I didn’t really time any, my hands move a lot, so I got some good ones, mostly not so good
1:40/2:04/2:20 muscle ups went 5/2-4/2/1-3/2/1/1- 1 hs walk ub
Hspu done
A2. 135/155/175/185f/155/155
B2. 135/145f/150f/140/145/150&then 125
C. Done, all but 1 set of dubs ub

Cheryl Brost Hawaii 45-49
Cheryl Brost Hawaii 45-49
April 4, 2016 6:36 pm

Performed in one long session: 1A. Freestanding HS holds: 30-40 secs Ea x 5 sets 10 Ring dips + 25′ HS walks: 28-29 secs each 12 min EMOM of strict hspu done Mobility done 2A. 125-145-155-155-156-175# Snatch Bal + OHS 2B. 125-130-135-140-145-150# Snatch Pulls + Snatch 125# 9 min EMOM of Snatch Pulls + Power Snatch 2C. 21, 18, 19, 18, 18, 19,18,19,18,19 secs Great day of training…no misses on any lifts! Surprised myself that I could hit 150# for the 2 snatch pulls + snatch, but then that made the next part at 125# challenging for the snatch pulls… Read more »

karen wilson 48 north central
karen wilson 48 north central
April 4, 2016 6:35 pm

Session 2:
A. Snatch Bal + ohs 65/85/115/130/135/145
B. Snatch pulls + snatch 85/95/105/110/115/120
Then only did 4 sets at 100#…pressed for time
C. Done

Leticia Ficek (F, NW, 45)
Leticia Ficek (F, NW, 45)
April 4, 2016 6:12 pm

Session 2:
A. 12 sets of snatch pulls then power snatch from the blocks: 85 up to 115# felt good
C. Emom 10: 3 power snatch from blocks at 75# then 20 seconds hard on assault bike (Chiro said no DU today); hard and felt good.

April 5, 2016 7:38 am

Great to hear things are feeling better…I’m rooting for you :)!

Leticia Ficek (F, NW, 45)
Leticia Ficek (F, NW, 45)
April 5, 2016 11:12 am
Reply to  CRSunshine49

Thanks so much!

Kincaid Krizek (44 5'9" 195)
Kincaid Krizek (44 5'9" 195)
April 4, 2016 5:54 pm

Sesh 1
A. Done, skipped MU just HS walks.
B. skipped
Sesh 2
Mobility done.
A. 95- 135
B. 135, 115(85%)
C. 115

Curt Dunn (52)
Curt Dunn (52)
April 4, 2016 4:56 pm

Over lunch did some pushing and pulling at the nearby globo gym for session 1
Session 2
A. To 205
B. 175/155
C. Done at 115

Al 52 5'4" 152
Al 52 5'4" 152
April 4, 2016 9:33 pm
Reply to  Curt Dunn (52)

Nice work Curt. I met your sister at a restaurant on Maui last week. She seems like a lady. Small world.

Curt Dunn (52)
Curt Dunn (52)
April 5, 2016 9:22 am
Reply to  Al 52 5'4" 152

Same to you. Yes it is a small world! She would be a great Crossfitter if I could talk her into it.

Al 52 5'4" 152
Al 52 5'4" 152
April 5, 2016 8:35 pm
Reply to  Curt Dunn (52)

I meant to say “nice” lady. Great job again with your workout on Tuesday.

Curt Dunn (52)
Curt Dunn (52)
April 6, 2016 7:15 am
Reply to  Al 52 5'4" 152

Thanks. Just give me workouts less than 5min and I’m good! Congrats to you on the PR clean! You are peaking at the right time looks like.

Chris Fulton, 50 5'7" 153lbs
Chris Fulton, 50 5'7" 153lbs
April 4, 2016 4:53 pm

Session 1
A. Handstand Holds – Done, maybe a couple seconds on each one, used to moving.
A2. 1:59, 1:39 (MU UB), 1:51 (got 4 MU UB)
A3. HSPU done w/out riser
B. Done, used 90lbs on sled, and did dbl unders.
Session 2
M&A done
A1. used 115#
B1. worked upto 135#
B2. used 115#
C. done, typically finished in the low 30 second range.

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