Workout of the Day
Three sets, not for time, of:
Alternating Pistols x 10 reps (5 each leg)
Double-Unders x 40-60 reps
Toes-to-Bar x 10-12 reps
(Same as Monday, get comfortable with these movements – modify or regress as needed.)
Every minute, on the minute, climbing the ladder:
Hang Clean + Front Squat + Jerk
Males – Start approximately 100 lbs below your 1-RM Clean & Jerk and add 10 lbs every minute.
Ladies – Start at approximately 50 lbs below your 1-RM Clean & Jerk and add 5 lbs every minute.
Four sets for times:
Run 200 Meters
155/105 lb Ground to Overhead x 7-10 reps
Rest 3 minutes
This should be used as a skill session. Play with different techniques to get the barbell from ground to overhead. What adjustments can you make to pick up a few seconds?
Complete rounds of 21, 15 and 9 reps for time of:
Overhead Squats (95/65 lbs)
Handstand Push-Ups -OR- Hand-Release Push-Ups
Choose the upper-body press most appropriate for your individual ability and your age divisions typical competition programming.
M46 late post
A: done
B: 155-235, failed 245hc
C: 143, 142, 140, 138
D: 9:26 shoulders fried
A – Done. Still need to work on being smoother on pistols
B – Worked up to 245
C – 1:56, 1:52, 1:53, 1:50. Maybe saved a little to much on the run. Tried different combo’s of singles and doubles and found fast singles to be best
D – 5:40. HSPU’s got a little ugly on set of 15. Otherwise OK.
Male (40-44)
A – Started on 60kg worked up to 100kg in 5kg increments
B – Did 7 reps using 70kg 1) 2:10 2) 2:05 3) 1:45 4)1:40 bit slow but just tried fast singles this time round. Happy to be 30 seconds faster than when started though. Better to speed up than fade away!
C – 7:00 flat
40 – 44 Australasian Region (New Zealand, CrossFit Central Wellington)
B.went light worked on hands and feet
C. 1:32 1:28 1:25 1:25
D. 6:31 all strict HSPU
Ginny Jager (60+)
A: Done ( held rig for pistols)
B: worked up to 90 #
C: 2:10, 2:15, 2:30, 2:55: scaled to 75#
D:13:35 scaled to 55# and did sitting kettle bell shoulder press with 2-18# kb
A: Done
B: Worked up to 275#, getting sketchy at that point.
C: 1:32 -> 1:44 between the 4 sets. Increased by a few seconds each round.
D: 8:23
Arms still sore from the 100 C2B several days ago. HSPU’s and shoulders were not real strong today.
A. Done
B. 95-195 (failed on jerk)
C. 1:44, 1:54, 2:00, 1:52 guestimated 200 meters
D. 6:41 95lbs, hspu’s
A. Done B. 135-215, failed 225 hang clean. C&J max is 235. I failed on 225 because I was power hang cleaning everything and need to drop in the hole. Next time I will start to drop in the hole while the weight is still light for me since I have trouble just switching from power clean to clean. I wanna do this one again. C. 250 m run: 2:17,1:58, 2:10, 1:52, 3rd round tried power snatch and just too tired. Did singles of power clean to push jerk. D. Exhausted here. OHS are my goat. Took 6:05 to get… Read more »
A- box pistols, 50/ DU
B-135, 145, 155, 165, 175, 185, 195, 205, 215, 225 failed jerk
C- 1:37, 1:40, 1:39, 1:38- 7 reps @ 155#
D- 6:49 Hand Release Push UPS
M- 55-59 6’3″ 220#
A: taped my left knee very well, getting better @pistols, I can do a few w/right leg and w/left leg if I stabilize myself(for balance). Yahoo! B: started@ 75lb., failed my 155lb. Jerk, which is my PR. C:1:51, 1:55, 2:00, used 115lb. And did 7 reps, I think next time heavier. D:3:50, w/65lb. For some reason I got very tight at this point, I couldn’t get down with 75#, and did hand release push ups. I don’t have HSPUs yet. T2B getting better also, I was able to pop throw out this AM, DUs, okay, doing my daily 50-100, missed… Read more »
I live in town, closer to the airport. Let me know if you feel like making the drive over to do the Invictus Wod. I usually work out early in a.m. But that changes depending on my work schedule. Good luck next week.
Canada East 40-44 Going to try and blend some of the master’s prep with Regionals prep, depending on how body is feeling – I find it a bit hard to have no one to train with especially the way I have been feeling the last week. Borderline rhabdo (we’ve coined it Trhabdo) – almost have full ROM back with no tightness or pain – it’s been brutal! Shoulder is not good so HSPU’s were out, and heavier C&J’s too so did mostly regionals workout with major mods: Snatch ladder (1 snatch/2OHS) – started at 33kg adding 2kg every minute, made… Read more »
Felt really winded today. I guess this cold is catching up to me.
So Cal 41 years old
A. 10/60/12
B. 155-245, Failed the jerk @ 245. Was more from fatigue. I can hit that jerk 9 x out of 10.
C. Heart was racing on this one. 1:35, 1:48, 1:55, 1:56
D. 4:09 Unbroken on all movements, Did it wearing Nanos. Usually OH squat with Oly shoes, but wanted to try without.
A. 10/50/12
B. 85-120, Failed HC @ 125#
C. 3:25/3:56/3:24/4:00
Hip issues on run. 7 reps.
D. 18:34 – shoulders were so fatigued, HSPUs ended up very broken, singles in last set.
A. Done
B. 145 155 165 175 185 195 205 215 225 235F
C. 1:31, 1:21, 1:23, 1:19
D. 5:55
Nice work! I just posted above still 1 day behind
A- done
B- up to 245. Failed after that. Called it.
C- Did all c&j unbroken.. At a different gym the 200m felt a bit short. Finished at 1:10 to 1:12 on all.
D- 6:11 hspu were horrible
A. Done
B. Started at 120-145 fail 150
C. Choose to row 300m because I didn’t want to run in sleet…gotta love Green Bay!! 2:06/ 2:07/ 2:11/ 2:18
D. 9:38….nasty nasty couplet
A. Done
B. 185# up to 285#
C. 1:48, 1:45, 1:38, 1:46 (did it while wearing elevation training mask)
D. Didn’t have time for D (had to drive out of town to Dallas/doing it in AM)
A. Done
B. started at 115# – 165# / failed at 170#
D. 4:52
Didn’t have time for C … But I joined my class for a 15min AMRAP of
15 Burpee box jumps
15 T2B
2 MU’S
3 rds and 31 reps
Really wanted to work on mu’s in a wod …. Weakness
A. Done, 4 pistols each side with 10kg plate
B. Worked up to 110kg, failed jerk
C. 1:40, 1:36, 1:38, 1:48
D. 6:15
did this same work out May 31, 2013, same on B, big improvement on C about 20 seconds each split, 1 min slower on D
A – done, pistols felt great
B – 115-195, failed at 205, based on max of 215
C – done (155)
D – didn’t do it, ran out of time.