Handstand Play Time:
Spend 10 Minutes working on handstands. If you feel confident with handstands then explore new ways to challenge yourself. Stairs/ramp, weave through cones, walk sideways, or walk backwards.
Take 15 minutes to build to a Power Clean & Jerk that is roughly 80-85% of your 1-RM Clean & Jerk
and then…
Every minute, on the minute, for 10 minutes:
Power Clean & Jerk x 1 rep @ 85% of 1-RM Clean & Jerk
“Double DT”
Ten Rounds for time of:
12 Deadlifts (155/105 lbs)
9 Hang Power Cleans
6 Push Jerks
Time Cap = 20:00
Three sets of:
Lean Away Pull-Ups on Rings
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x 8-12 reps
Rest 30 seconds
French Press x 10-12 reps
Rest 30 seconds
Dumbbell Hammer Curl x 10-12 reps
Rest as needed
A. Done
B. Done w/ c&J at 85%: 173…. but honestly I should have taken weight off. Kept trying to focus and make them cleaner but just no leggies… modified DT for this reason
C. Modified weight to 95#: 14:33
D. Accessory work (idk if it’s just me or not but the link below is broken?)
B. 155 power clean split jerk
C. 16:51
A. done
B. worked up to 110
C. 5 +21, that was challenging, holy cow!
A: done.
B: done with 60kg
C: 8+24 Rx
D: done. 5 of the pull-ups
A. Done
B. 60 kg
C. 8+12 RX. First time doing DT with RX weight. Hang power cleans were tough in the end!
D. Done with 10 ring rows since my hands were all done for the day..
Great job hitting DT as prescribed!
A. 10 sets 25ft
B. Up to 225. 10×215 two fails
C. 6 + 5 hpc
D. Done
A) done with plate and obstacles back and forward
B) 60 kg (80%)
Emom done with 60
C) 9+1 deadlift Rx
I never done dt and today I had fun to do a double dt ?
D) lean pull ups 7/5/5
French press x12 barbell 15 kg
DB Hammer curl x10 10 kg
Throw yourself into the fire with doing “DT” for the first time…twice!
B.up to 95kg
C.normal DT 60kg 11:12
A- done
B-225 across
C- 19:26 Rx. Felt amazing! (11/1+7/2+6)
D- Done
Nice work Pat!
B. 180 this hurt. I stuck with a power jerk for it. Would have rather squat clean and split jerked instead haha
C. Did this as you go I go with my husband since we’re on vacation- 29:34 I did 11dl then the rest ub- hands hurt!
D. Done 8 pull up things/ 15lbx12 for the others
That’s a fun partner variation, nice job!
Do Yesterday session
Skip cause can’t squat don’t no why but feel pain in my left leg
Done in power
High hang:
Below knee:
80/80/80 (fail)
Lift off:
3 rounds + 9 pull up
D: today core
Get that left leg checked out!
Yes tonight it’s Already better but i don’t know from where this pain come from
Two days of good traning feelling so strong
A) Done
B) 300 Lbs power clean and split jerk (PR)
C) Double DT
DT 5:56 PR!
Double DT 16:49 (first time of this nasty hero wod)
Thank you guys im feelling great every week whit this traning
Damn! What a great day. PR power clean and split jerk then you PR’d your “DT” in double DT!! Great work!
At home again in the garage. Wish I could have dropped the barbell on DT but I did manage to sweep out my garage between lifts! And the sun was glorious!!! Vitamin D up!!!
A. Done
B. Done at 190# (225# 1-RM)
C. Scaled to 135#, 19:58 (no lie! Super happy to finish under 20. I was at 10:50 remaining through 5 rounds.)
D. Subbed barbell rows, no rings
40# DB for press
20# DB for curls
Much respect to hitting this at home. Holding onto that bar for 20 minutes must have been rough! Awesome work!
A-✅ with cones and ramps
B-116kg Pr
B1-110kg ( 1 missed)
C- 8r+10 ( i just die, I don’t know what’s happen, it was the belt , or the poor cardio , but my pr in dt is 8:52) , move on.
In aftnernoon i did Terry( run a little )
Congrats on the power Clean and Jerk PR!!
Quick day, work travel.
A. Week 5 of shspu program
B. 225×2/235×2/245×4/255/265 – felt heavy today.
C. Just DT – 8:48 Rx, grind today. I have a 3 hour drive now and wasn’t looking to put that volume on before sitting. I’ll throw in double DT when I have training partners to do it with soon.
D. Just ring pull ups, will make up bis/tris at hotel this week.
Plenty of extra hip and lower body mobility with all that travel.
A. Mobility
B. 295
C. 245
D. Single DT @135
B.built to 275 which is 85% of my clean and power clean ?
D. Done
Great work on “Double DT”!
A. Finished Inv. Gym Sesh #1
B. 110kg; EMOM – 5 @ 100kg, 5 @ 105kg
C. 20min Steady State on Assault Bike instead
D. Completed w/ Shoulder Series from Day 1
It’s official my recovery score and HRV have been in the dumps for over a week (32% avg for the last 7 days). So I am going to keep taking it easy and adding in some steady state cardio to try to get back on track. Hopefully it doesn’t take more than a couple low intensity days to get back on track.
You’re body might be fighting some illness too. Continue to be smart until you feel better ?
A) done
B) built to 160 then EMOM there. I’ve been sore but felt incredibly strong here so that’s good!
C) I love DT. Got a PR on DT (7:06 Rx) and then died for the rest 16:02 Rx. My cardio/aerobic capacity is not where it was. ?
D) done
Thanks tino! Hope your day has been great!
Great work on the “DT” PR!!! Good to see things going well this week!
Thanks Tino!!