Primary Training Session
Mobility, Activation & Warm-Up
Mind Muscle Hip Internal Rotation for Squatting
(Nasal Breathing Only)
30 Seconds Assault Bike
Deep Squat Progressions x 3 reps
10-15 Ring Rows
20 Seconds Assault Bike
Deep Squat Progressions x 3 reps
Static Hang from Bar x 30-60 seconds
10 Seconds Assault Bike
Deep Squat Progressions x 3 reps
Strict Pull-Ups x 3-5 reps
Two sets of:
25/18 Calorie Assault Bike
300 Meter Ski Erg or Row
Rest 60 seconds
300 Meter Ski Erg or Row
25/18 Calorie Assault Bike
Rest 3 minutes
Challenge…breathe exclusively through your nose throughout this entire portion. If you find that your mouth drops open, you’re going too hard. Slow your pace and resume breathing only through your nose.
Every 90 seconds, for 6 minutes (4 sets):
Hang Clean x 2 reps @ 65-70% of 1-RM Clean
Rest 60 seconds, and then…
Every 90 seconds, for 9 minutes (6 sets):
Hang Clean + Clean @ 75-85% of 1-RM Clean
“The Standard”
For time:
30 Clean & Jerks (135/95 lbs)
30 Muscle-Ups
30 Snatches (135/95 lbs)
Time cap: 12 minutes
Grace + 30 Ring Muscle-Ups + Isabel…what could be more fun?!?!
Every 90 seconds, for 24 minutes (4 sets):
Station 1 – Dumbbell Death March x 14-16 steps @ 3011
Station 2 – Slider Hamstring Curls x 10-12 reps @ 2111
(if you don’t have a Valslide or furniture sliders, perform prone lying banded leg curls for 20-25 reps)
Station 3 – GHD Sit-Ups x 20 reps
Station 4 – Supinated-Grip Bent-Over Barbell Row x 6-8 reps @ 2111
Athlete Notes:
If you are looking for some motivation today go back and watch some footage of athletes tackling the last event, “The Standard,” at the 2019 Games. What an epic event that was, and now you get the opportunity to complete it today! The hang cleans will have warmed you up, but make sure you get a few muscle-ups in prior to the start of the workout.
Be measured on your opening clean & jerks. We don’t want to see people PR’ing their Grace here! Break up the 30 reps in one or two more sets than you normally would tackling Grace. Stay away from any grinding reps on the muscle-ups as we do not want to see you hit failure. We would rather see you break early and more often on the muscle-ups then go for a big set and then start failing attempts. You can unleash the inner beast once you get to the snatches. Stay focused at this station since you will be tired here and wanting to rest. Be diligent in getting your shins to the barbell and every rep completed is one rep closer to finishing. This workout was a hit as the finale of the 2019 CrossFit Games with Mat Fraser winning in 8:05, and Tia Clair Toomey winning in 8:25. How close can you get to those times?
Warm done
B -1. 95. -2. 115. Getting stronger and smoother
C. Cj @65. Mu sub for heavy lay pull to belly & snatch 65 6:39. I was too light????
D done. (With 10 ghd per )
Trust your fitness a little more dude!
Warmup done
A. Done
B1. 90/90/96/96Kg(70%)
B2. 102Kg(74%) for all 6 sets
Focused on hanging onto the BB after first rep and quickly hitting the second for both B1 and B2. Today was DL/HC/HC then DL/HC/C complexes. Hanging onto the BB was weakness on 21.4 at higher weights.
C. 12:43Rx; the snatches killed me today. Shoulders were smoked.
CJ – 3:13 fast singles
MU – 8:43 5/5/5/5/4/3/3
S – singles as fast as I could go ????
D. Done
Enjoy some good rest tomorrow!
And look after those shoulders!
I will. Snatches yesterday, MU and PS today tired them out. They’re ok just need some rest.
Definitely will. Thank you.
Mobility done
A: done
B: knee sore did power, 125-145; 155
C: ring PU hit cap around 10-15 into Isabel, finished in 14:15
D: 25-35#, 85# BB
Ready to rest!
Great job Kathryn!
Mobility, Activation and Warm up done
A) Done
B) Up to 75lb then 80lb
C) Did the equipment free option of 21.3, because I thought I would have more fun doing it ????. Didn’t have time to do 21.4 because the accessory work is a priority for me.
30 Air Squats
30 V-ups
30 Thrusters (empty bar)
Rest 1 min
30 Air Squats
30 Dips
30 Thrusters
Rest 1 min
30 Air Squats
30 HSPU ( scaled to 20 Strict HSPU with raise)
30 Thrusters
Time: 12:41
D) Done
Have a great weekend and Happy Easter ????????!!
Happy easter!!
Warmup done
A. Done
B. Hang cleans 140/150/155/160
Hang + clean 165/170/175/185
C. Had to modify due to pull-up rig being used. So I did grace in 4:30 sets of 5, rested til 7 min mark to wait to use rig for muscle ups, did 20 reps 3/3/2/2/2/2/1/1/2/2 and then isabel in 5:58 after that. Had a plan to do the wod differently but had to share space on the rig and wait. But it was a solid sesh.
D. Done two rds
Have a great weekend everyone and Happy Easter!!
Happy Easter Chris!!
Warm up flow ✅
A. ✅
B. HCLx2 120/120/125/130#
HCL + CL 140/140/145/145/150/155# (belted for last 2 sets)
C. 45 reps RX @ cap *not gonna lie, I chickened out on this one & backed way off. I just didn’t want to hurt today ???????? All singles on the MU, which chewed up soooo much time.
D. ✅
1- 25# DB; 2- banded HS curls; 3- V ups; 4- 85# rows
Trust yourself Katie! Don’t be scared to use your fitness!
Not able to get to gym so did a home workout
Every 3 Minutes for 21 Minutes (7 Sets)
500 Meter Row
Hang Power Cleans*
Set 1: 7@135
Set 2: 6@155
Set 3: 5@185
Set 4: 4@205
Set 5: 3@225
Set 6: 2@265
Set 7: 1@ 275
Would like to test the standard again though I forget my time the last time we did it was trying to look back but couldn’t find it
Did a little pump session after
Sub 10 for sure!
WU. Done
25cal 2:01, 300m Row 1:56/300m Row 1:54, 25cal 2:05
25cal 2:00, 300m Row 1:58/300m Row 1:53, 25cal 2:02
Scaled at 95lb, sub’d C2B since I can’t do MU cause my ceiling is too low.
Later. Need to recover after “The Standard”
Awesome work making the cap!
A: Done
B.1: 155lbs
B.2: 185lbs
C: scaled 95lbs and pull-ups (10:38) ????
D: Done