“Last Man Standing”
On the minute, every minute, perform the following – once you fail at a certain movement, move immediately to the next (starting with the next minute interval):
Push Press x 1 rep
40-54: start at 135/95 lb and add 10 lb. every minute
55+: start at 115/75 lb and add 10 lb. every minute
Front Squat x 1 rep
(start with the weight you finished with on the push press, add 10 lb. every minute)
Picking up on the one minute segment that you would have been starting your next round of front squats, perform 20 Wall Ball Shots on the minute, every minute, for up to 7 minutes. (If you make all 7 sets, terminate this portion of the workout and move on.)
If you cannot complete all 20 shots within the designated minute, this portion of the workout is over . . . move on to the next phase of the workout.
40-54: 20 lbs to 10′ target/14 lbs to 9′ target
20 lbs to 9′ target/10 lbs to 9′ target
Picking up on the minute you would have been starting your next set of wall ball shots, perform:
5/3 Muscle-Ups on the minute, every minute, for a maximum of 7 minutes.
If you cannot complete all 5/3 Muscle-Ups within the designated minute, your workout is over.
55+: 5/3 Strict Ring-Dips
If you cannot complete all 5/3 Strict Ring-Dips within the designated minute, your workout is over.
(Goal is to keep working for as long as possible…to be the last man/woman standing.)
push press to 165, front squat 225, four rounds wall ball shots (could have attempted 5th but out of time), 2 MUs. I liked this one very much
Up to 225, 235F
Up to 295, 305F
7 rounds! Wjew…
3 rounds Ring MU, then 3 rounds BMU
I did 4 rounds of 12 dips in yesterday’s WOD, so I googled “last man standing,” looking for something different and found Invictus had this WOD back in 2012, but with HSPU, instead of dips. So…..
PP 95-125
FS 125-185
HSPU 3 rounds of 10
WB 2 rounds
Stopped on WB’s (and FS) to save legs for benchmark 5K tomorrow.
Bench Press 135-225
50 GHD’s
New to the program started on Monday, first time posting.
1. 185,195f. Old PR 225
2. 255,265f. Old PR 315
3. 7 Rds. Rd 1-5 UB, rd 6-7 10+10, 8+7+5
4. 10 Rds. All UB Strict
Good to be back after 2yrs off from Crossfit. Still need a lot of work on strength.
Welcome Rafae!
Really light hike today. A few dirt hills then hiked back down. Just to move a little. Resting up to be back on Monday.
Push Press 135-215
Front Squat 225-335
Wall Balls Done. Each set :30-:35
No bar or rings for MU today so I finished out with 6×10 Dips
Not sure if I did it exactly right but worked for 32 min.
PP up to 215 (fail at 225)
FS up to 295
18 reps on 4th round of WB
7 rounds of MU x 5 completed
Have a nice weekend all!
Nice work Al!!!
Push Press 175 I should have got to 195 but I didn’t drive the bar off my shoulders right and missed the press.
Front Squat 215 Posterior chain is jacked up from sitting at work all day, really felt it here.
Wall Ball 3+10 Don’t like Wall Balls, so I need to work on these; add it to the list of 50 other things to work on.
Muscle Ups 2+2 Surprised I got that second round of 5 UB, but after 2 in the third round my arms went dead.
Was a fun work out!
Great work Hoke!
Pistol practice, then 3x8min AMRAPs from Wednesday:
A. 3+6 @135
B. 3+22
C. 3+2
Nice work Perry. Enjoy your rest day!
Thanks Al! You too, awesome numbers today!
Last Man Standing
Push press up to 215- failed 225
Front squat from 225-285-failed 295
Wall Balls all 7:00
Muscle Up-5 on the first minute(2/2/1), didn’t attempt second minute
After cleaning up, I went back to the rings to complete sets of 3 continuous muscle ups. Rest as needed between sets. Completed 4 sets and failed on the 5th.
Push Press : 185#
Front Squat: 225#
Wall Ball : 1rd (15 into 2nd rd)
RingDips : 4 rds
15k ALS awareness 1:21.3
Not bad for Never running except in WODs
Roughly a 8:45 pace for 9.3 miles. That’s fantastic.
Fantastic Pete!!!
Wanted to save my shoulder so I did the following
Even 10 cosack squats
Odd 45 sec handstand holds
Candle sticks (deck squats) x 6
2 burbee bar pull overs (did a couple 3s)
3 800 meter runs with a 400 meter recover jog in between. 3:29, 3:24, 3:29 splits. Like Tom said need work on my engine.
A. 135,145,155,165,175,185,195
B. 195,205,215,225,235,245,255 (f)
C. Died 3 rds
D. 7rds with 5 jumping MU/rd
Guess I have to work on my engine lol
Hello… My First day with master programming by Invictus… It’s gonna be fun!
1. 59 kg/130lb
2. 83 kg/183lb
3. 7 rounds
4. 7 rounds but dips.. Not able to du MU yet!!
Thanks ?
Welcome Malin!
Oh thanks
On shift for the next two days ? Have to pay people back who worked for me maybe I could do this on Thursday next week have a great weekend everybody
Congrats on your MQ finish! I just saw you way up in there yesterday…wow!
Thank you?
Are you a firefighter Beth?
Yes!!! 12yrs on?8 more too go?
That’s great. I’m a BC on Maui. Our magic number is 25. I make that this August. Congrats on your MQ!
Ha!!! That is super awesome I am jealous? Good job to you Brother
Bethanne you did amazing in the MQ so much to be proud of! You insprire me and just plain have me in awe of your dedication and strength. Keep on your journey I have no doubt you will be at those games! ????
Thank You Tracy ! you are a tough cookie yourself? And I appreciate the encouragement ☀️
Finally back after almost 2 weeks off because a really bad cold.
Part 1: up to 85 kg (fail 90 kg)
Part 2: up to 120 kg (fail 125 kg)
Part 3: 5 rounds
Part 4: Did ring dips.
Glad you are feeling better, you were missed!