Workout of the Day
Gymnastics Play Session
Take 15 minutes to mess around with efficiency with any 2-4 gymnastics movements of your choice:
** HSPU, Deficit HSPU, Ring HSPU, Freestanding HSPU, Freestanding Handstand Hold, Handstand Walk
** Ring Muscle-Up, Bar Muscle-Up, Bar Muscle-Up with Roll Over
** Toes to Bar, Knees to Elbows, L-Sit
** Butterfly Pull-Ups, Chest-to-Bar Pull-Ups, Chin Over Vertical Plane Pull-Ups
** Pistols, Pistols with Weight Overhead
** Rope Climbs
** Ring Dips
** Double-Unders, Backwards Double-Unders, Triple Unders
** Box Jumps (different standards), Box Jump-Overs, Lateral Box Jumps
** etc…
Please choose something that you need work with, or that you believe you could be more efficient with. Note what movements you selected and the rep scheme and sets performed.
Every two minutes, for 8 minutes (4 sets):
30 seconds of 225/135 lb Banded Deadlift
(drill courtesy of Mark Bell – stand on a band looped around your barbell and complete your reps as quickly as possible)
Three sets of:
Bulgarian Split Squat x 8 reps @ 30X1
Rest 45 seconds between legs, rest 90 seconds after
Go as heavy as you can while maintaining tempo.
Every 90 seconds, for 15 minutes (10 sets):
Split Jerk x 1 rep
Loads per set (by %): 55, 65, 70, 75, 80, 85, 90, 95, 95+, 95+
2015 Masters Qualifier Event 3
Two rounds for time of:
Row 1000 Meters
50 Thrusters (65/45 lbs)
30 Chest-to-Bar Pull-Ups
After you finish, be sure to compare your scores to those in the Masters divisions.
Three sets of:
Seated Strict Dumbbell Press x 10 reps @ 2111
Rest 60 seconds
Supine Ring Row x 10 reps @ 2111
(get as horizontal as possible)
Rest 60 seconds
AM: Pilates
A) 58, 68, 74,79, 85, 90, 95, 100F, 100F, 97
B) 18:20
A. 108/128/138/148/158/168/178/185/190/195 went for PR at 200 but missed out in front, weight felt good though
B. 19:34- too slow on thrusters, gotta learn to push those more
gymnastics play- ring mu 1 every 30-45 sec for about 8 minutes or so
working on smaller kip, which feels way better, and working on a smooth kip to start connecting them
A. Split Jerk
B. 22:13, did all C2B, made sure wasn’t going to scale it even if it was mostly singles, but made em all hit
went out of order but wanted to make sure I got the workout in before work
then did the Banded Deadlifts about 15 minutes after double Jackie
Optional session with Rasmus in the morning
A. Worked on deficit hspu and lsit
B. 13/14/16/12
C. Completed
Primary @ 1pm DT
A. 175, 210, 225, 240, 255
275, 290- F, 305, 315 – F, 325 – F
B. 13:43
C. Did not have time to do – coached 3PM comp group DT
A. Split jerk
125/140/150/160/175/185/195/205/215….and 225#!!! New PR!!! Cat says that’s legit grown up weight!
B. 23:34…. CTBs finally feeling great today…focused on using hips… Probably too conservative on the first round doing sets of 5… Second round did a set of 11..then 9 and then sets of 3s and 2s to finish out… Not an impressive time but good for my skill work!
My optional conditioning included passing my navy fit test…
Max push ups 2 mins… 46
Max sit ups 2 mins… 95
1.5 mile run… I’d rather not say but I passed! Lol
A. Hand Stand Holds and Pistols.
B. 15/15/14/13
C. Done.
A. 155/185/205/215/225/245/255/275/285/295(f)
B. 16:14.
C. Done.
A. Hit 357 shout to gage for hitting 355
B. 16:29 thrusters were super slow. The light weight was hard couldn’t get it on my shoulders. 95 would have been better
C. Done
B. Deads with black band outside hand width and 225lbs. Around 12 each rd also did deadstop.
A. Worked on bounding box jumps and some strict hand stand push-ups. Also spent a little while doing mobility.
B. 18,13,10,9
C. Done
A. 185/205/215/230/245/260/275/290(f)/290(f)
My left should and arm were particularly cantankerous today. I was having trouble locking that arm out, going to be icing and taking anti inflamatories.
B. 17:24
Not too thrilled with my time, didn’t put the bar down on the thrusters but ended up resting it on my back too long
optional session:
– worked on mu drills and HS holds/walks/push ups until my elbow started to bother me
B. banded DL – 17/17/14/14
1st 2 rounds i felt it in the butt…2nd 2 rounds i felt it in my back
C. bulgarian split squat x 8
used 44kg
A. split jerk:
113/ 133/ 143/ 153/ 165 /175 / 183/ 193/ 203 (miss)/ 203 (PR!!)/ 208 just barely missed in front 🙂
B. 9:00 split / 19:16 total (damn chest to bars)
C. done with 35# DB
Nice job hitting a PR!!!
You too, Cynthia!! You crushed the jerks!! SO STRONG!
A. 335 (20# PR)
B. 13:46
B. 16, 14, 14, 15
C. Done
Nice work Jack – 20# PR on your jerk and you set the time to beat on double evil Jackie