Dynamic Mobility, Activation and Warm-Up
Band Assisted Pec Stretch x 45 seconds per side
Band Assisted Tricep Stretch
45 seconds per side
and then …
StrongFit Shoulder Opener
Bicep Curls x 5 reps
Bicep Curls with nuetral grip x 5 reps
Overhead Lateral Raise x 5 reps
Overhead Nuetral Grip Raise x 5 reps
In 20 Minutes or less build to a 1-RM Bench Press
*Yes, you will be on a bench press cycle for the next 6 weeks!*
“Captain America”
Row 1,000 Meters
Wall Balls x 50 reps (20 lbs to 10′ target; 14 lbs to 9′ target)
Rope Climbs x 10 reps
Wall Balls x 50 reps
Row 1,000 Meters
Time Cap: 20 minutes
“Captain America”
Row 1,000 Meters
Wall Balls x 40 reps (20 lbs to 9′ target; 10 lbs to 9′ target)
Rope Climbs x 8 reps
Wall Balls x 40 reps
Row 1,000 Meters
Time Cap: 20 minutes
This is a workout to honor the amazing Matt Beals! These movements are some of Matts favorite movements so you can thank him for this incredible workout. 🙂 If you don’t know Matt Beals then check out this great write up about him and feel free to congratulate him on making the 2018 CrossFit Games (*validation of scores still pending). Please make a note of how many reps you still had left if you don’t make the time cap as we will be re-testing this one at the end of the cycle.
Three sets of:
50 Meter Farmers Carry
Rest 2 minutes
(Load as heavy as possible without breaking – lets work on improving your grip strength)
A. 245 alone, scared to go up
B. 18:15
C.110 each
A) 260# felt like I had more but ran out of time
B) 21:57, shared a rope with my wife so I can certainly shave some time off this with my own rope
C) 120# each hand
Jumped in with my members and built up to a heavy set of 3 reps of OHS, bench, power clean.
OHS: 130kg/286lb
Bench: 130kg/286lb
Power clean: 110kg/242lb
Pretty rapt with OHS and bench so I didn’t push too hard on the power clean.
DMA – done
A – 138# (first bodyweight bench press and 8# PR!)
B – only did 5 rope climbs (I do rope climbs very rarely as the ropes are outside and couldn’t for the life of me figure out clamping the rope with my feet today – weird!), got 45 meters into the second 1000 meter row.
C – did not do – out of time
D – went for a 30-min run after I got home.
Congratulations Silke!!!
Thanks, Nichole!
A. Done. Lifted alone (as always) and was slightly worried about getting stuck. But definitely more than I’ve ever benched
B. 15:54 35-54 but subbed in pull-ups for rope climb. I’ve said before that I mentally struggle with rowing. I usually panick a little. Best mental row ever, I stayed calm and controlled my breathing. Still not the fasted rower but I think a huge breakthrough today mentally!
C. Done
Finished with some core and accessory
That is AWESOME Theresa!!!!!!!! I am so happy to hear that about your row!
A) 137#
B) 19:20. Felt like a slug today! Row was pathetic! Glad we will be testing that one again. All I had time for.
Have a great weekend everyone!?
A. skipped today (working out alone)
B. Got to 32 wb’s on the 2nd set before time ran out. Stopped to log what I got then went back and finished.
C. Used 2 40# db’s
Have a good weekend!! 🙂
A: up to 145# easy but just couldn’t press 150 🙁
B: my rope ia only 10′ off the ground so i did 20 rope climbs vs 10. Lots of rope mounting? I finished it at right around 21. (My brain was shot, had a few people talking to me and i cant remember for the life of me what my actual time was!)
Didnt have time for the farmers carry 🙁
Great work Amber – that is a lot of pulling!
A. This is definaltey a pain for my shoulders yet. Maintained to get 200 clean. No chances without spotter to go heqvier.
B. Time flew by on this one. I thought for sure it was a 15:30 -16:00 . Rope climbs got hard fast.
Ended with 18:30.
Have a good weekend. Cya monday
Good work Bob! So no need to bench if it bothers the shoulder!
Done French Throwdown Qualifier WOD 4.
Paced it too much. May repeat on Mon.
A. 90kg. Done close grip. Had nothing more in me from snatching 2 days in a row.
B. 16min. Didn’t go crazy on this.
C. Done.
First in a long while I have benched.
165,185,205,225,236,245,260. Don’t have spotter so I stopped at 260. More than I thought I would do.
-Worked Pull-ups, Presses after bench
-1000m row
-Farmers Carry 60lbs
Nice work on your bench!
Thanks boss!