Dynamic Mobility and Activation
One set of:
Front Rack Partner Assisted Stretch x 60-90 seconds
and then . . .
Three sets of:
Hip Flexor Stretch x 45 seconds per side
Butterfly Pulses x 10 reps
Foam Roll Lats x 45 seconds per side
and then . . .
One set of:
Banded Air Squats 30 reps
Complete as many rounds and reps as possible in 8 minutes of:
Thruster x 5 reps
Power Clean x 10 reps
Pull-Ups x 15 Reps
Rest 4 minutes, and then,
40-49: 135/95 lbs
115/75 lbs
55+: 95/65 lbs
Complete as many rounds and reps as possible in 8 minutes of:
20 Kettlebell Swings
30 Walking Lunge Steps (unweighted)
40 Double-Unders
Rest 4 minutes, and then,
40-54: 24/16 kg
16/12 kg
Complete as many rounds and reps as possible in 8 minutes of:
10 Burpees
15 Toes to Bar
20 Push-Ups
Mobility Done.
A. 3
B. 3+15
C. 2+3 (Need to start working on T2B again)
Did some Jerks first, new 1RM at 215 for a 10# PR.
A. 3+6
B. 2+20
C. 2+18
Nice work!!
Active recovery, 5x500m rows, conversational pace. Mobility. Hollow rock & arch holds.
DMA done.
A. 2+2
B. 3
C. 2
And I thought the push-ups would be easy.
A. 2 + 10
B. 3 + 50
C. 3 + 15
** Hmmm, I wonder where my weakness is? Looking forward to a rest day tomorrow.
Mobility done.
Did some strength.
OHS @135 3×3
Hang squat cleans @155 5×3
Halting clean Deadlift @195 3×3
Then Invictus workout. Had to modify, palms are torn up from the C2B qualifier WOD on Monday.
A. Did rowing Fran 4:57. Went too hard on row!!
B. 2 rounds 20KB, 30 lunge, 40 DU 5:33. Legs dead!
C. 2 rounds 10 burpees, 15 V-ups, 20 Pushup 4:30
Tweaked mid back somewhere during strength. It’s all tightened up. Hopefully nothing serious.
Get in an epsom salt bath tonight!
Mob/Act done
A. 4+2 – thanks for putting this one first 🙂
B. 3+3
C. 3 -started to fade on the T2B
Felt good on all movements, goal is stay smooth and move faster
A. 3+13
B. 3+28
C. 3 (my T2B have disappeared.)
M&A done
A. 3+9
B. 2+55
C. 2+21
A. 3 plus 1 (done w 135)
B. 3 plus 3
C. 3 plus 13
Have nice day all.
Nice work Al!
Thanks Nichole. By the way, I know that it was brought up yesterday, but I am interested in participating in the Games Prep programming. Do you suggest that Games qualifiers continue following this programming until that gets underway?
We are working out the details to provide a Games Prep program! We will keep you updated 🙂
The weather is a lot different here in Kansas compared to Germany. Humidity almost killed me!
A: 3rds +15
B: 3 rds+18
C: 3rds – So sweaty I was sliding all over the floor and bar!
Some good thunderstorms rolling through last night. The humidity in July adds a nice dimension to the workouts…
M & A done
A. 2+6
B.2+9-DU were good and smooth
C.1+28 Pushups were a huge struggle-focused on cycling T2B took a little more time here
Feeling slow today didn’t push it…Back is screaming at me…Chiropractor apt tomorrow
Congrats to everyone on the Masters Qualifiers and to everyone who will be competing this year
Take off the rest of the week Cheryl!!! Rest up so you feel good to train – we want you pain free!
A. 3rds + 9 reps
B. 1 Rd + 57 reps
C. 2 rds + 15 reps
Mobility Done
A. 2+2 Rx
B. 2+13 Rx
C. 2+3 Rx
Crushingly good.
A. 3 rds +16
B. 3 rds + 50
C. 2 rds + 35
I think I need a rest day – felt like a slug
Hope evryone is good after masters qualifier. Congrats to all. Will start posting again when I can actually do all the exercises, hopefully not longer than 4 more weeks. On that note, im hoping my squats and deadlifts along with all my clean and snatch pulls will get better numbers while no overhead or swinging is performed.
Did some of this workout but needed scaling or changing exercises on every 8min
400 m walking lunge back then 200 oh walking lunge
Fsq every 30 secs for 7 mins@185
3+1 strict pulls up my hands are still ripped
2+12 did Ghd instead of lunges
4 rounds of
200row 6buroees over erg
400 run easy
My hands are trashed from the MQ
A: 3+9 @ 115
B: 2+29
C: 2+13
Love the triple triple format
A. 3+13
B. 3+13
C. 2+ 11
4 days in Vegas did not help?
Did A. 3rds RX
Done for today will rest and maybe come back later to do the rest.