Workout of the Day
Primary Session
Every 90 seconds, for 12 minutes (8 sets):
Tempo Front Squat x 1 rep @ 22X1
Goal is to complete all 8 sets at last week’s heavy or more.
Five sets of:
60 seconds to establish 3 Clean & Jerks
Rest exactly 2 minutes
You get the full 60 seconds to put up 3 clean & jerks. Use the time wisely. Note scores for each set:
1. 315 x 3
2. 325 x 2
3. 315 x 3
4. 320 x 3
5. 325 x 3
Five rounds for time of:
2 Rope Climbs (15′) or 4 Bar Muscle-Ups if you’re at Point Loma
3 Clean & Jerks (225/155 lbs)
Two sets for times of:
60 Seconds of L-Sit – accumulated
Rest 2-3 minutes
Optional Additional Training Session
Three sets for times of:
10 Meter Handstand Walk
15 Toes to Bar
50 Double-Unders
10 Meter Handstand Walk
Rest 3-5 minutes
Treat this as if each set was a Regionals event. The goal is to figure out if you can speed up your handstand walk and maintain control if your placement in the event depends on it.
Every 3 minutes, for 24 minutes (8 sets) for time:
Row 15/12 Calories
8 Chest-to-Bar Pull-Ups
6 Strict Handstand Push-Ups
4 Dumbbell Burpee Box Step-Overs (55/35 lb DBs)
A. 150/150/155/155/160/165/170/175/180/185f/185/190f
B. 150/155/160/165/175
C. 7:16 (bar mu’s)
A. 1:45, 1:47, 1:42
B. wasn’t able to fit in
A. 90, 90, 93, 93, 95, 95F, 95F, 92…heaviest last week was 94.
B. 75, 80, 85(failed 3rd rep), 85, 87 (failed 3rd rep)
C. 6:05. My rope climbs were slow.
A. 1:30, 1: 27, 1:32 – this team relay was so fun!
B. Complete – fastest was 1:30, slowest was 2 something. Row dropped off a lot.
A. Up to 315
B. Hit 275 for 3, 285 for 2 missed the 3rd
C. 8:35 (need to work on rope climbs)
A. 1:30, 1: 27, 1:20
B. 1:33, 1:30, 1:24, 1:22, 1:25, 1:26, 1:27,1:26
Primary Session A. Every 90 seconds, for 12 minutes (8 sets): Tempo Front Squat x 1 rep @ 22X1 #193/198/198/198/198/198/203/203 Goal is to complete all 8 sets at last week’s heavy or more. (#163/168/173/178/183/188/193/198/203/208miss/208miss) B. Five sets of: 60 seconds to establish 3 Clean & Jerks Rest exactly 2 minutes You get the full 60 seconds to put up 3 clean & jerks. Use the time wisely. Note scores for each set: 1. 153 x 3 2. 163 x 3 3. 168x 3 4. 173 x 3 5. 178 x 3 (wobble on 3rd jerk questionable rep) C. Five rounds… Read more »
A. 213/218/223/223/228/228/233/233 (failed 233 last week but it felt good this week! However, both last week and this week my left side serratus has really started to bother me at the heavier loads…not sure if it’s the prolonged front rack position or a twist but it’s really annoying because we went into cl & jerks right after and then rope climbs – got through it though) B. 155 x3 (42s) 165 x3 (51s) 170 x 3 (55s) 175 x 3 (55s) 180 x 2.5 missed the jerk on the 3rd one out in front. C. 1 rope climb and 3… Read more »
A. 140/145/150/155/160/165/170/175 -5lbs more than last week when I failed at it so progress! B. 135×3 140×3 145×3 150×3 155×2 hips really tight so did power cleans for it C. This was interesting. One I just needed to get through since relearning bar MU, so did 1 bar MU plus 5 jumping bar MU then the cleans each set. Took about 17 min. D. Done. Did about :45 sec then :40 sec for longest hold Optional A. 1:48,1:53,2:00. This was a lot of fun. All sets UB but a lot of traffic in gym so running all over to different… Read more »
Primary session
A. 315, 315, 325, 325, 335, 335, 345 – F
275×2 – missed 3rd clean
275×2.5 – missed jerk – cut it too close on time and rushed jerk
C. 6:13 – missed a jerk on the 4th set and my last rep as well trying to beat Ras
D. Did not get a chance to do – I’ll do these tomorrow
A. Not sure times, but I know I beat Ras on all of them
I think they were around 1:20
B. Skipped – body needed rest
B. 135×3/145×3/155×3/165×1/170×1… cleans were easy but jerks on 165/170 Shoulder was giving me trouble on the punch for some reason.
C.11:04, might have done an extra round and worked on rope climbing technique after.
A. 2:15,2:16,1:56. Did about 12 ft walks here but made a huge PR in my HS walks today and did 4/6 of my HS walks controlled/fast/and unbroken!!! longest consistent distance yet!!
Couldn’t finish the rest due to time.
A. 265 across.
B. 205×3/215×3/225×3/245×3/255×2.
C. 7:56.
D. Done.
A. 1:20/1:22/1:19.
B. 1:48/1:50/2:15/1:56/2:30/1:50/2:15/2:20
Body wasn’t feeling it today… Recovering tonight and I’ll be ready for tomorrow!! Handstand walk relay was really fun! 🙂 Lots of work to do for my handstand walking. The big arch while walking started to bother my back and lingered during part 2 of optional conditioning… I couldn’t make the every 3 minutes (I did 12 cal row, 8 c2b, 6 strict hspu) didn’t do the burpee box step overs in hopes of saving my low back. Im not sure how many rounds I made… I think 3.. after that I had to scale back to 4 strict hspu…… Read more »
That’s a lot of hspu
Volume PR 🙂
A. 255/275/285/295/305/315/325/325
These felt good today, it was nice to hit 325 twice considering my max is 335
B. 225×3
Got frustrated with these, had no stamina on the jerks, the cleans were easy but the jerk was the limiting factor
C. 7:35
Need to get better at cycling 225, did all the bar muscle ups unbroken
D. Done
Wasn’t able to get the optional session done in addition to the primary at 6 tonight. Kinda bummed I wasn’t able to do it.
We didn’t choose the thug life taylor
A. up to 355
B. Up to 275×3
C. 5:24
Primary A. 265 across… last set was at 275 B. 205, 215, 225, 225, 235… Could have gone a little heavier, but was scared of missing – so stuck with weights that were a struggle/challenge. Being cognizant of my low back. C. 9:42… would have been just over 9:00, but missed my last cln&jrk due to fatigue… rushed that last rep :/ D. Done Optional Rested 15 or so minutes after Primary. A. 3:19, 2:55, 2:52 – handstand walks are getting better and I conducted these on the concrete outside of Point Loma… I know I can be faster and… Read more »