Transition Week – This week will look a bit different than a typical week. It’s an opportunity for you to reset after the Masters Qualifier and have some good rest & recovery. A new cycle will begin after this transition week, and I want you all to be ready.
Take 10-15 minutes to build to a heavy Snatch
(heavy is based on how you feel – if you feel fast and your mechanics are good, keep building, if you feel sluggish or mechanics are off, back off and work on speed and technique.)
Take 10-15 minutes to build to a heavy 2-RM Bench Press
(same thing here – heavy is based on how you are feeling today – not on what you think your max load should be.)
For 20 minutes, perform the following movements every odd and even minute:
Even Minutes: Power Snatch x 3 reps @ 70-75% of today’s 1-RM
Odd Minutes: Bench Press x 3-4 reps @ 70-75% of today’s 1-RM
A. 105#
B. 225#
C. 85#/165#
D. 1.5 mile run.
A. 115#
B. 130#
C. done w/ 80# Sn & 95# BP
And now, off to Palm Springs to refresh and escape the Seattle rains for 3 days of 80+ temps. Can’t wait!
Have fun!
A. 155#
B. 235#
C. PS @115# BP @175
D. 20 min EMOM
Odd minutes: 100ft suitcase carry 110# each arm
Even minutes: 50 UB DUs
A. 215#
B. 295# x 2
C. Done with snatch at 150#x4 for 5 sets then 155# for the remaining. Bench at 220#
1000yd swim
A. 175
B. 275×2
EMOM 135 x3 and 205×4
Iron Scap
140 snatch
140 bench
105,35 DB
Some barbell cycling and assault bike
Everything felt super heavy today
Hands are very sore with a couple of holes in them ?
No qualifier for me. Congrats to everyone who finished the workouts and who are advancing on.
A. Snatch to 130 (PR)
B. Today is bench day at home gym. Single to 120 then 3×10 @ 90. Bench is not a strength
C. WOD with class. 4 rounds 10 deadlift &185, 72′ handstand walk, 30 cal row. Last one done but I did those HSW lots of laps unbroken!
Looking forward to next year!
Congrats on your pr!!!
Congrats Jenny!
A. 100#
B. 120#
C. Used 75# for Snatches and 95# x 4 for Bench Press
D. It was my birthday yesterday (43) so I did 43 Muscle Ups (not for time)!!!
Happy belated birthday!!
I am taking some time this week to focus on my family. My dad is so very sick and my Mom needs me right now. I hope everyone has a good restful week. I am sure I will sneak in some training in my garage gym if I can.
Take care ? Hope your family is ok.
Hugs Tracy. Let me know if you need anything.
Take care Tracy! Always in smiling thoughts….
Sorry to hear this Tracy. Take care ??
Good call Tracy. We will be thinking about your family!
A. Worked up to 165 with pause at knee
B. Worked up to 225×2
C. Snatchx3@125&benchx4@160
Rest day today. Wiped out from the MQ. Maybe some light rowing/running tomorrow, then a massage on Thursday. It was awesome to see all of the improvement and PRs from this group over the last few months. Thanks again Nichole/CJ!
Congrats on making to the Games again Perry. I am stoked for you.!
@Perry Siplon , @Al , congratulations! So glad you were able to make it happen again. I followed you two closely since the prep cycle started in August. These online relations are weird but I feel I know you and have a sense of what you went through. Good luck during the game prep. My solace is that I finished just one spot behind Joe Ames 🙂 . Now I’m going to enjoy the summer with all this Fitness. Local comps, surf a lot, and work hard on my weaknesses. I’ll be cheering you on in Carson. Should be there… Read more »
Thanks for the note Dutch, really appreciate it! Congrats on your performance, you put in quality work over the past year!
Thanks so much Dutch. I really appreciate it. You had a great season yourself. I hope to meet up with you if you are able to make out to Carson over the summer. In the meantime, “pray for surf” and “keep charging!”
Thanks Al! Congrats on your awesome performance throughout the Open and MQ!
Perry, Al, congratulations! So glad you were able to make it happen again. I followed you two closely since the prep cycle started in August. These online relations are weird but I feel I know you and have a sense of what you went through. Good luck during the game prep. My solace is that I finished just one spot behind Joe Ames 🙂 . Now I’m going to enjoy the summer with all this Fitness. Local comps, surf a lot, and work hard on my weaknesses. I’ll be cheering you on in Carson at least 2 of the 3… Read more »
Congrats to everyone on another successful year. Whether you qualified or just completed all the workouts. You’ve accomplished something many haven’t. Thanks to the Invictus team I feel I was more prepared for this years challenge than I’ve ever been although I only had two days to complete them.
A: up to 180lbs
B: 215lbs- well between this and the DL this weekend I know a huge hole in my game.
C: PS@135lbs and Bench @ 160lbsx4reps/min
Went light today to work on form…Huge day for me-I have worn gloves every time I lift. Today NO gloves and hook grip on all snatches
Up to #80
Up to #120
First 10 snatches at #65 last 10 @ #70
Bench First set @ #95-Last 9 sets @ #90
Cheryl I remember when I first started hook gripping.. I wasn’t that long ago… :/ It takes time to get used to it… but you will. It makes a huge difference. Stick too it. Now I don’t even think about it. Good for you!
Thank you!
A. Up to 175#
B. Up to 220#
C. Pwr Snatch @ 125# and BP @ 165#
Even though yesterdays workout was only five minutes (redo of event 1) I felt sore, stiff and tired today.
A. Up to 175
B. Up to 225
C. Modified version of EMON : 10 rounds of
3 reps BP (175)
3 reps Snatch (135)
200 m jog
Thanks Nichole to you and the rest of the Invictus staff for the terrific programming throughout the year. I don’t think I could have felt any more prepared for the Open or the MQ. The success of the masters athletes following this program speaks volumes of its quality.
Hi Nicole, will you be doing a different programming for people going to the games? Thanks and I’ll finally get to meet you in July!
Thank you. Hope you had a great MQ
Congrats to you. Awesome job!
Thank you! Hope you had a great open
Congratuations! absolutely awesome!!
Thank you!
Hey Kim! I am speaking with Cj about it over the course of this week because we want to provide you with the best training possible to get you prepared for Games!
Hi Nicole – sounds good. I have a lot on my schedule in May & June (step son’s wedding) but luckily there are CF gyms everywhere. I assume there are others how qualified?? Cheryl? I happy to hire you solo if it’s just me. Thanks again for all the help.
A. 150#
B. 210#
C. Snatch x3 @ 112#
Bench x4 @ 157#
Good fun first w/o. 🙂
Physical Therapy
Bench 2rm #245
50 GHD Sit Up
A. Took snatch from yesterday 180#
B. BP 215 2RM
C. PS @135 3 reps
BP@160 4 reps
A) up to 155, my shoulder was pretty unstable so I stopped there
B) No bench, couldn’t even do 135 without pain…..
C) Did the snatches at 135, subbed the upside down KB presses…. to at least do something on the odd min.
Did some handstands, HSW’s, and some KB ohs (failed with the 44 lb bells… those are pretty difficult to do without going on you toes)
Lets take some time to do no shoulder work over the next 2 weeks and see if that pain dissipates!