Primary Training Session
Mobility & Activation
Wall Slides x 8-10 reps
Y’s x 8-10 reps
Walking Lunges x 8-10 steps
Followed by…
Banded Squats x 10 reps
T’s x 8-10 reps
Alternating Lateral Lunges x 8-10 steps
Followed by…
Banded Lat Pull-Downs x 8-10 reps
W’s x 8-10 reps
Alternating Bowler Lunges x 8-10 steps
Followed by…
Two to Three Sets:
5-Pull Row Sprint Start (3/4, Half, 3/4, Full, Full)
5 Strokes at your regular row pace. Focus on calm breathing.
Quick Release
Burpees x 5
Rest 30-60 seconds
Two rounds for times of:
10 Burpees to 6″ Touch
20 Sandbag Squats (Light)
400 Meter Run
10 Burpees to 6″ Touch
20 Sandbag Squats (Light)
400 Meter Run
Breathe exclusively through your nose throughout this entire portion. If you find that your mouth drops open, you’re going too hard. Slow your pace and resume breathing only through your nose. If you do not have access to a sandbag perform Kettlebell Front Racked Squats (24/16 kg).
For time:
1000 Meter Row
50 Pull-Ups
25 Deadlifts (335/225 lbs)
50 Pull-Ups
1000 Meter Row
Rest until fully recovered, and then…
Ten rounds for time of:
25-Foot Handstand Walk
15 Air Squats
*Time Cap = 11:00
Handstand Walk alternatives:
For every 25-Foot of Handstand Walk, perform 15 nose-to-wall, back-to-wall, freestanding shoulder taps or 5 Wall Walks.
Three sets of:
30 GHD Sit-Ups
20 Alternating Pistols
Rest 60 seconds
Three sets of:
Death March x 20 steps @ 2111
Walking Lunges x 20 steps
Rest as needed
Farmer’s carry hold the heaviest dumbbells you can handle for these sets – there is no rest between the death march and walking lunges.
Athlete Notes:
Pick your strength and run with it. The row will not save you too much time, but pull-ups or heavy deadlifts can be a breakaway movement for people on this first workout. If you are good at either one, then be good at it. Do not pace yourself much there to save for a weakness. Test it that way and then learn from how it felt. Every workout is an opportunity to learn and not just in the program for you to do because it makes you sweaty.
After you are fully recovered you will get either good skill work if you struggle with handstands or a fun, fast race if you are proficient. Try to set small goals within the workout that you will follow. Maybe that is not resting before kicking up to handstands, or unbroken handstand, or that you will sprint the first 10 squats right away.
Optional Additional Work Sessions
*Please choose to perform only those sessions that are most focused on your weaknesses, and only perform as much of the additional work as you can recover from successfully before your next training session.
Strongman Option
Five sets of:
50 Meter Pinch-Grip Plate Carry
(walking…not running)
Rest1:1 work:rest ratio
Followed by…
Two sets of:
Towel Pull-Ups x Max Reps in 60 seconds
Rest 2 minutes
Followed by…
Two sets of:
Behind the Back Wrist Curls x 60 seconds (20/15 kg barbell)
Rest 2 minutes
Running Endurance Option
For distance:
4-5 Minutes of Running @ 70% of 1-Mile Pace
4-5 Minutes of Running @ 80% of 1-Mile Pace
4-5 Minutes of Running @ 75% of 1-Mile Pace
4-5 Minutes of Running @ 85% of 1-Mile Pace
4-5 Minutes of Running @ 75% of 1-Mile Pace
4-5 Minutes of Running @ 85% of 1-Mile Pace
4-5 Minutes of Running @ 70% of 1-Mile Pace
Rowing Endurance Option
For distances:
40 Minutes of Rowing*
*Change your strokes per minute every 5 minutes as follows:
*0-5 Minutes @ 22 spm
*6-10 Minutes @ 26 spm
*11-15 Minutes @ 22 spm
*16-20 Minutes @ 26 spm
*21-25 Minutes @ 22 spm
*26-30 Minutes @ 26 spm
*31-35 Minutes @ 22 spm
*36-40 Minutes @ 26 spm
Mobility/Activation- Done
A) 9:45 with a 100lb sandbag
B) 18:11
C) 8:26
D) Done
E) Done- Did with weight vest and 35lb DB
A: Done
B: 17:14
Pull Ups: 20-13-8-8, 10×5 – I need to shave my calluses and rested a bit too much on the second set.
DLs: 5×5
My second row was sad. My forearms had a hard time holding onto the handle for the first 250m
C: 6:23 UB Walks and quick squats.
D: Done. Didn’t do for time since pistols and a bad knee don’t mix. GHDs felt great, all UB. Those took a minute or less.
Time for second breakfast.
Seems like your body held up well this week! Keep me posted on what the Physio says and if we need to make any adjustments.
A done
B 13:45
Pull ups 22/10/10/8- 30-20
Dl 5-5-5-5-5
Skipped c
D done
E done
How’s your knee?
Felt it today but in a good way after yesterdays squat movements. So decided not to squat at all today
9 am
Done ✅
Row 3’53”/3’53” molto male
Pull-up 20-15-8-7/15-15-10-10
Deadlift 4-All 3 rep
11:30 am
2’20” GHD Unbroken
2’18” GHD 18-22-26-30
2’34” GHD 16-20-24-27-30
Done kB 24 kg
In the afternoon Montainbike
Just don’t overextend yourself dude! Double sessions everyday is hard on the old body! Be smart! ???????? 🙂
it’s just a walk. nothing strenuous. when i’m tired i don’t reach the limit
always thanks for the advice
Did monday’s engine accesory today. Because of time issues
Against a 3 minute running clock
30cal assault bike
20 ghd
Max dumbell snatches
90 sec rest
Six rounds total
Score: 12 – 17 – 18 – 12 – 3 – 3
Got a bit overconfident on the bike the fourtg round. Tried to stay on 78 rpm that round but that obviously didnt work.
Ghd have gotten better lately. Im starting to use my hip flexors more which saves a lot of energy
Im going to do the hsw gymnastics program tonight and do part of todays program tommorow.
Tat escalated fast! ????????
Good to see you getting more comfortable with GHDs!