Dynamic Mobility, Activation and Warm-Up
Front Rack Partner Assisted Stretch x 60-90 seconds
and then …
Glute Activation Warm-Up x 20 seconds on first interval, 30 seconds on second interval
Straight into …
Banded Monster Walks x 10 reps fwd/bck
Banded Lateral Walks x 10 reps each direction
Air Squats x 15 reps
Four sets of:
Front Squat x 5-6 reps @ 41X1
Rest 3 minutes
Please note the tempo prescription – this is a slow, 4-second descent followed by a 1-second pause at the bottom. The athlete should then attempt to move the barbell quickly back to the starting position, pause for a full breath and brace at the top, and repeat for 5-6 reps. Start around 70% and use today to build to figure out what you are capable of for this rep scheme. In the upcoming weeks, you’ll be asked to increase the loading by approximately 5% each week, so be sure to track your results. We’ve done this progression before with Front Squats and it yields great results so make sure to adhere to the tempo and track your results.
Every 2 minutes, for 8 minutes, complete:
Half Knee DB Shoulder Press x 8 reps per arm
Keep the hips square as you press. Build in DB weight over the course of the 4 sets.
and then …
Two sets of:
Skull Crushers x 8-10 reps
Rest as needed
Three rounds for time of:
400 Meter Run
21 KB Swings
12 Pull-Ups
35-54: 24/16 kg
55+: 16/12 kg
Please make your KB swing overhead as we will be testing this again at the end of the cycle. If you need to row x 500 meters instead of run x 400 meters due to the weather then that is fine, just make a note of it for future testing purposes.
Two-Three sets of:
Supinated Grip Bent Over Row x 8-10 reps
Rest 60 seconds
Banded Lat Pull-Downs x 8-10 reps
Rest 60 seconds
I’m a bit behind d/t taking a day off earlier in the week.
A: Up to 125.
C: Helen 11:14. Running felt slow, but it was a PR by 35 seconds so it must not have been that slow for me!
A. Up to 125, could not do the tempo at 135. Knee doesn’t really like tempo work
C. Done on assault runner–so Slow! 13:45. At least 1 min slower per 400 compared to outside running
A) 195/200/205/205# kept failing the last rep on 205 which is about 70%, this seems to have exposed a weakness in my front rack
B) 25/30/35/40# DB, 55/65# SC
C)12:36 w/500m row sub for run, much room for improvement
D) 3x10x105# 3x10xGreen band
Tried the Jefferson squats again with empty bar and proper form, these burn baby burn!
Yessss – well done!! Yeah, they for sure burn!
A. 85/95/105/115
B1. 20/25/25/25
B2. 35/35
C. 9:19 (all UB accept for last round of PU’s 9/2/1)
D. Did Tabata with Techno Gym Treadmill highest resistance (:20 Push / :20 Pull) Really cool piece of equipment we are trying out for them. Takes away the need for a sled.
Oh awesome Jean – I saw the video on it and it looks really cool!
A. 205, 210, 215, 225 (78%). Really liked these.
B. 50# DB for shoulder press. Skull crushers with 85#. Kept these light to test elbow. 100%! No pain. Woo hoo. Finally.
C. Helen 9:49. Felt slow. Not sure what this gym’s 400 is, but it isn’t accurate and the last 75m is uphill. Runs took almost 2:00 and my 400 is typically way faster. Butterfly PUs a little inconsistent. Need to pull legs back a little quicker. Felt good to finally run.
D. 135, 145, 155 on rows. Pull downs done.
A: up to 145# (based off of 185# max)
B: up to 30#, easy with right, struggled with left.
Skull crushers with 35# with ezbar
C: Helen: 10:30 run has to be slow and controlled still. (But hey…i can run!)
D: 75# row and lat pulldiwns
6000m row for “fun”. A client wanted to come in and do yesterday’s class wod. I told her I’d row til she was done, shouldn’t make that level of comitment again ?
Yay, you can run!!!
A-80kg, 90kg, 100kg, 110kg. Felt great, back wasn’t an issue, ROM was great, that’s good news!
B-Done, shouders with 40lbs, triceps with 80lbs.
C-8:37, split times 2:47, 2:53, 2:57. KBS and PU were unbroken that’s a PB!!!
D-80kg and standing band pulldown
Did yesterday’s sandbag carry with zercher squat 40kg, and GHD hip Extension and glute bridge!
Are we on a deload week????
Great job on your Helen time! Awesome work keeping those pull-ups unbroken!
No deload week. You’ve officially transitioned to your off-season program so the volume is going to be less so we can focus on building strength!
A) 115# x 5 x 4. Those were hard! My back was fatigued from the 100# sandbag squats yesterday so stayed at same weight. B) 25#,30#, 35#, 40# only on right, left stayed at 35#, gotta wonky shoulder. Skull at 55# x10x2. C) 8:43, I know our 400 m is slightly off, I’m usually 9 even for Helen but will retest on same course. Ran at track 2.5 miles at easy pace, then 800 at 1:45 pace. Try to get my legs back after long winter? Great job to all you bad ass masters who completed the online qualifier! Congrats… Read more »
Nice work on Helen Christine – was your 400 m the hill 400?!
Oh gosh no, I would have been much slower! Love Helen though, thanks for programming it. Enjoy the blissful weather!
DMA: Complete
A.) 220#x5 / 225#x5 / 235#x5 / 235#x4 – failed the 5th rep (Front Squats @ 41×1)
B1.) 25#x8 / 25#x8 / 30#x8 / 35#x8 (Half Knee DB Shoulder Press)
B2.) 65#x10 / 65#x10 (Skull Crushers)
C.) 2:49 / 2:50 / 2:41 (“Helen) – Not sure if the legs were dead or if it was because of it being the first run of the year but legs felt dead.
D1.) 125#x10 / 125#x10 (Supinated Grip Bent Over Row)
D2.) Green Band x 10 (Banded Lat Pulldowns)
Still a great time on Helen!
Congratulations to all the Masters who did AGOQ! Way to go, and enjoy your week off!! 🙂
Today I had: A. 5 sets: 2 min rest 5 HS kick ups + max hold :30 Band supported HS hold on rig. 5 big kips 10 ttr 5 skin the cats B. 12 min emom: 2 squat cleans 5lbs heavier than last week C. 4 sets: :90 rest Each set is 2 rounds 8 cal ski 8 ball slam 8 bj over 24′ 8 cal row another great day! A. done. loved this. B. worked at 120. Felt good and strong. C. Times: 5:15/4:42/4:47/4:47. This was fun! My set up was kind of spread out bc someone else was… Read more »
A. Wow. 205# / 225# x 3 sets. All at five reps. I found these very difficult. Not much speed coming out of the hole.
B. 60# / 75#
C. 9:19 on Helen. PR by 1:18.
then, because so beautiful out, did Helen+
600m run
21 Kettlebell swings
12 DB Clean and Jerk (60#) (1 arm, CFG Open style)
12 CTB Pull-Ups
D. 135#
3 sets of each.
Nice PR on Helen Brian!! The weather is GORGEOUS right now – glad you were able to get outside and run!
A. Done at 70%. Didn’t expect them to feel so heavy.
B. Done
C. 10:54 Bike 800 meters, 40# kettle bells (only weight I have), pull-ups.
D. Done.
A. 125/136/145/155….this wasn’t even 70% ?
B. 20# 2 rounds 25# 2 rounds
35# bar skull crusher
C. 10:48….my running is awful…
D. Short on time
That is okay Karen! The tempo squats are tough! We will be doing them for the next few weeks. 🙂
A. 200
B 45lb and bar will go heavier next time
C 12.58 had to run across gym to get to pull up bar from treadmill.
D. Ran out of time.
C. 8:44, rest days the next 3 + ROMWOD
Nice work on Helen!
Mobility done
A. 185/190/195/200 – ouch!
B1. 45#
B2. 75#
C. 10:24 (14 sec PR) – shoulder started bothering me on butterfly pull-ups so had to do quick small sets of kipping. KBS unbroken and runs around 1:42-1:45. Grip was shot!
D. Done
Great job on your PR!! Sorry the shoulder is bugging you – only on butterfly pull-ups?
Butterflies and bar muscle ups bother it the most – really just depends on the day.
Mobility completed
A)165#(4) This is exactly the type of work that I need but it is hard.
C)Skipped. Will do this evening. Performed Hinshaw running program.
Run 25:00 for max meter (5800M) and (10) 100M sprints
D)95#(2)/Blue Band (2)
A: 165# x 5 reps x 4 sets
B:135# B2: 45# and 65#
C: 11:34
D: skipped
Solid Gene!
Thank you, Nichole.
Warm up and mobility done
A. 100# – 70% stayed there for 4 sets of 6.
B. 20, 21 1/4, 22 1/2 & 22 1/2# for HK shoulder press
Skull crushers with 35# bar
C. 13:12. I am a slow runner. All KBS & pull-ups unbroken. Happy about that.
D. Bent over rows at 85# and band pull downs. Good way to finish.
Did a few core exercises with the class.
Good work on todays training!!