Workout of the Day
Optional Morning Session
Every 12 minutes, for 36 minutes (3 sets), for times:
Row 1000 meters
100 Double-Unders
Run 800 Meters
Primary Session
Minutes 0-2:00
5 Snatches for Max Load
Minutes 2:00-4:00
5 Snatches for Max Load
Minutes 4:00-6:00
5 Snatches for Max Load
Athletes have two minutes to complete 5 snatches for max load in each of the three sets. The athlete may only take 5 attempts, all at the same weight, in each two minute set. The athlete does not need to complete the reps unbroken, but all five reps must be completed within the two minute window.
At Minute 8:00, complete the following…
For time:
Max Effort L-Sit
At Minute 10:00, complete the following…
Three rounds for time of:
3 Toes to Bar
6 Pull-Ups
9 Chest-to-Bar Pull-Ups
12 Alternating Pistols with 24/16 kg Kettlebell
Three sets, not for time, of:
Bent-Over Barbell Row x 6-8 reps @ 21X0
Rest as needed
Reverse Hypers x 20 reps @ 1011
Rest as needed
Hollow Hold x 60 seconds
Rest as needed
A. 175 for all three sets, missed the fifth on all three.
B. 42 seconds
C. 9:00… T2B were a struggle, weighted pistols involved a learning curve!
D. Done
Optional – completed 15 minutes after Primary.
1. 7:56… Broke twice on DUs
2. 7:56… Broke once on DUs
3. 7:51… Unbroken DUs
Optional portion right in my wheelhouse.
Sorry forgot to post this last night!
A.125/130/135(missed 2nd rep)
B. 28 sec
C. 9:13, bar work was quick and felt great but first time with weighted pistols and they were slow-had to figure out kb hold/not holding toe/not getting no reps!
D. did gymnastics skill work with the girls-HS walks, C2B, OH pistol (got one!!)
Primary 6pm:
A.115/125/140 (missed 3rd rep, but then made 3 more)
B. 44 sec
C. 13:10 – yikes! The bar stuff was quick but back muscles were fired up which slowed the pistols drastically, finally figured out how to hold the kb in the last round)
No time for optional work today
First set 205
Second set 215
Third set 225
(No missed)
B. 48 seconds
The 4:27
Workout of the Day Primary Session A. Minutes 0-2:00 #130 5 Snatches for Max Load Minutes 2:00-4:00 #135 5 Snatches for Max Load Minutes 4:00-6:00 #140 5 Snatches for Max Load B. At Minute 8:00, complete the following… For time: 0:38sec Max Effort L-Sit At Minute 10:00, complete the following… Three rounds for time of: 4:51 3 Toes to Bar 6 Pull-Ups 9 Chest-to-Bar Pull-Ups 12 Alternating Pistols with 24/16 kg Kettlebell 10:00mins after primary A. Every 12 minutes, for 36 minutes (3 sets), for times: Row 1000 meters 100 Double-Unders Run 800 Meters 9:13UB/9:13UB/9:23(37/63) (This was wicked trying to… Read more »
A. Did 105, for all 5 first round and failed 115 on rep #5 for rounds 2 and 3. Sad face but good practice under pressure!
B. L sit :49 seconds
C. 8:49, first time doing weighted pistols so really slowed me down but fun new thing to work on!
D. Did gymnastics with the girls
Doing optional piece on Sunday since I can’t workout today and will update then.
A. 9:55, 10:15, 10:20
A. 135, 145, 155 – really happy with this!
B. 41
C. 4:40
D. Rows with 105lbs
A. 125, 135, then for whatever reason i missed 145 on the first rep. I feel like i jumped into it to quickly without calming down before i got to the bar. Lesson learned.
B. 34 seconds
C. 6:10
D. same as Cynthia, worked on gymnastics mostly CTB. i need to work on stringing them together.
A. 125#, 135# 145# Completed all reps!
B. 35 seconds
C. 8:16 (ctb slow)
D. Gymnastics skill work- ctb, handstand holds , weighted overhead pistols
Morning Session:
8:57, 8:58, 9:15
Gymnastics play: Seated strict muscle ups/ HS walking/ HS holds.
Primary session:
135 made all 5
145# made all 5
150 made 1, missed 2nd -I could feel myself shift to my left to protect my right knee from the squat 🙁
L sit:38 seconds
Workout was modified because of my knee pain. 70# KBS x 20 instead of pistols (holy grip!)
Time was 5:50 something… forgot to write it down.
Happy to say that I am now cycling my Motha Effin Butterfly Chest to bar pull ups!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 🙂 Finally clicked today!
Yay Cat!!!!
A. 8:15, 8:40, 9:05.
A. 155/165/185 missed the 5th.
B. 42sec.
C. 5:15
Morning session
7:51, 7:52. 7:54
Primary session
A. 205 – 1/F
205 – made them all
215 – 1/F
B. 60s
C. 3:42
D. Only had time to do 2 sets
165 all lifts
175 hit all lifts
185 missed the 4th
(Body felt way out of whack on these, could of been because I got worked on/adjusted earlier today)
B. 33 seconds on ring L-sit
C. 6:49
Optional session:
Cut it in half due to time contraints (500m row, 50DU, 400m run) didn’t keep time but did three rounds
Optional morning session
A. Did 3 rounds for time instead of the every 12 mins
Primary session
A. 0:00-2min 200# all successful lifts
2-4min 215# missed 4th attempt only
4-6min 230# missed 1st and 5th attempt only
B. L-sit 1:48
Wod 5:01
C. Done