Workout of the Day
Three sets, not for time, of:
6″/4″ Deficit Handstand Push-Ups x 8-12 reps
Alternating 24/16 kg Weighted Pistols x 4-6 each leg
L-Sit x 45-60 seconds
Every two minutes, for 20 minutes (10 sets):
Clean x 1 rep
Let feel dictate loading.
Three rounds for time of:
365/225 lb Deadlift x 7 reps
Muscle-Ups x 7 reps
Be smart about modifying the load here if these are loads that are not comfortable for you to perform safely.
Rest exactly 3 minutes, and then…
Three rounds for time:
Run 800 Meters
115/75 lb Shoulder to Overhead x 25 reps
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A. Done
B. 65kg for most. Ended with 70kg
C. 5:11 @ 92KG
This was the regionals weight last year and I would not have been able to do those sets so lats of improvement even though I still had to scale. Muscle ups 7 then 4/3 then 3/2/2
D. 15:47
Run was rough but S2OH was UB.
A) Done
B) FINALLY 205lb clean PR! So thrilled!
We structured a team wod girls for “c” and male/female pairs for “d”
C) took the ladies 10 something. All my MU’s unbroken and DL’s feel better than ever
D) took Brian and I 16ish minutes
A-8 d-HSPU 25lb KB on pistols
B- 175 felt hard today..little bit off PR
C- LONG TIME…. 12.56 DL rX but MU’s hard needing some work
D- 15.40 RX
A) Done
B) no misses through to 101kg clean on last set, started at 55kg
C) 6:19
D) 12:44 UB on shoulder to overhead
Did A and B today because I did not have time yesterday. Went 165/175/180/185/190/195/200/205 failed the squat/205 failed the squat/210 failed the squat and 215 (would have been a 5lbs PR) but failed the squat. My hips and legs are shot from running this week but my cleans have never felt better! Im not even upset that I couldnt stand up with these weights haha
Stoneway CF (NW)
Cheryl: b: 160 c: 13:43 d: 16:48
Karla: c: 12:55 @185 d: 15:54
Emily: b: 190 c: 8:00 d: 15:51
Andy: b. 280 c: 4:20 @315 d: 15:33
Scott: b. 245 c: 8:27 d: 14:30
Joe: b. 306 c. 5:17 (subbed burpee bjo 30 in for mu) d. 14:30
A. Skipped due to time
B. Failed at 285 not my day today
C. 5 something, deadlifts UB
D. 14:29
B. 215/225/235/245/255/265/275/285/295F/300#
A. HSPU 3×8/KBPS 3×4/leg LSit 3×45 accumulated
C. 10:54… DLs Singles all the way, MU 5/2, 4/3, 4/3
D. 1RFT: 4.30ish
Swam in the A.m.
Hspu: 8,10,11
Bw: 6, 6, 6
L sits: 2 sets every time, done.
worked up to 245
C. 6:09 rx UB dl, mu UB, last set 4&3
D.14:38 UB
Tough day, feel accomplished 🙂
A. Done. Tough
B. I worked up to 305 and failed at 3:15
C. 7:00 @365, I switched to 315 halfway through the second round
D. 14:27, I broke all of the shoulder to overhead at 15/10. Felt pretty quick for me though.
A. Done
B. Hit 315 on last set, pr’ed!
C. 5:56@315, transitions were mad slow, no fire today
D. 19:37, felt like way more than 800m, s2o all ub
A: done
B: 235-305 missed an attempt at 295 and at 315.
C & d: going to have to hit this tomorrow. It’s late and the roads are dangerous lol
A. Done
B. Worked from 125 to 165
C. 14:18 – scaled DL to 215# (unbroken); did some work on regular grip vs. false grip MU
D. 14:32
Also did my homework of 6×5 butterfly chest to bar
A. Done: 8 hspu; 6 pistols; 45 sec L-sit
B. 200# (PRed with 215 last week….still feeling good on way up, but had trouble getting elbows through quick enough to catch properly tonight)
C. Terrible…not for time; MUs were killing me tonight (prob because I was working on them last night trying to link….couldn’t get my neutral grip and my wrists and hands are beat up from false grip. On a good note..the 225# Deadlift felt surprisingly okay.
D. 11:29 (s2o ub, run about 3:00-3:15 each)
A. 8 hspu, L sits: 45s, Pistols: 10uw, 8w/17#, 8w/26
B. 175
C. 5:38 (dl: 195)
D. not sure of time, timer was switched off during workout.
I really struggled today, tired I guess.
A) done. I suck at L sits.
B) 355#
C) 4:22
D) in the morning
A. Had to modify the pistols, couldn’t stand up with my right leg
B. 275
C. 5:41
D. 13:45
A. done.
B. hit 295 in the 9th set. failed 315 in the 10th. stripped the bar back to 245 to work on some positioning, then went back up and hit 315
C. 4:20
D. 16:36
A. Done 10 HSPU, 4 pistols @ 24kg, 30 sec hold.
B. Went up to 245. It was pretty light and easy.
C. 5:40 (@315) Transition were slow. Last muscle ups 3-2-2 slow.
D. Had to stop after 2 rounds. 11:00.