The Qualifiers are here! You all have put in the hard work so now is the time to showcase your training! You should all be feeling very confident with the announcements of these events.
We just practiced hang power cleans on Monday with heavier weight than what is called for in Event 3. We have hammered chest-to-bar pull-ups on a weekly basis and have continued to work on making your grip strength stellar.
You all have been doing drills to improve your muscle-up efficiency, so have confidence when you approach the rings on Event 4. Know that the mobility drills you have been doing have prepared your shoulders to be bullet proof for this event.
Thrusters have been your jam for the past few weeks, as well as rowing. Just remember when you approach your thruster barbell that the weight is light, we are normally playing with thrusters heavier then the ones in Event 1.
And your Open Prep Program had you on a deadlift progression so rest assured that you are prepared for a 1-rep max deadlift. Be determined to lift heavy. Have confidence in your training and know that you are capable of more than you think! Have fun and remember, full effort is full victory!
Session One
Assault Bike or Row 10 minutes @ 70-75%
Then. . .
Banded Pec Stretch
T-Spine Opener
Banded Lat Stretch
Band Assisted Anterior Pec Stretch
Single-Arm Hang from Bar x 30 seconds each arm
Then. . .
Assault Bike or Row 5 minutes @ 80-85%
Then. . .
Three sets of:
6-8 Rocking Box Bridges (slow and controlled)
Finish with. . .
Three to Five Sets of:
30 Second Assault Bike or Row @ 90%
Rest 30-60 seconds
WARM-UP withe empty bar
Three sets:
Overhead Squat x 3 reps
Rest 30 seconds
Three sets:
Overhead Squat with 3 second Pause x 3 reps
Rest 30 seconds
Three sets:
Overhead Squat 1+1/4 x 3 reps
Rest 30 seconds
Repeat for two sets of 3 reps at the following:
40-54: 95/65 lbs
55+: 75/55 lbs
Two sets @ Competition Pace of:
5 Bar Facing Burpee
5 Overhead Squats
1-2 Muscle-Ups/Ring Dips
Rest 60 seconds
40-54: 95/65 lbs
55+: 75/55 lbs
For time:
55 Bar Facing Burpees
34 Overhead Squats
21 Muscle-Ups/Rings Dips
Time Cap: 20 minutes
40-54: 95/65 lbs
55+: 75/55 lbs
Session Two
10 Minutes of Assault Bike or Rowing @ 70-75%
Then. . .
Every minute, on the minute, for 12 minutes, complete:
Interval 1 – Inchworm Walk x 3 reps
Interval 2 – Hamstring Floss x 10 reps per leg
Interval 3 – Russian Baby Makers x 10 reps
Then. . .
5 Minutes of Assault Bike or Running @ 80-85%
Then. . .
Every 90 seconds, for 12 minutes, complete:
Interval 1 – Banded Lat Stretch x 45 seconds per side
Interval 2 – 6-8 Rocking Box Bridges
Interval 3 – Shoulder Mash x 45 seconds per side
Finish with. . .
Three to Five Sets of:
30 Seconds of Assault Bike, Run or Row @ 90%
Rest 30-60 seconds
At Competition Pace:
6 Thrusters
6 Calorie Row
4 Thrusters
4 Calorie Row
2 Thrusters
2 Calorie Row
40-54: 95/65 lbs
55+: 75/55 lbs
21-15-9 reps for time of:
Row for calories
40-54: 95/65 lbs
55+: 75/55 lbs
MQ Event 4 – Capped out the time with 17 MU’s…the most MU’s I’ve ever done in a workout. Missed my first attempt and just missed locking out my 18th MU. Happy ; )
Fantastic!!!!! 🙂 Great work!
MQ Event 2. 315 for a 10# PR. Almost had 325, had I lead with that I may have made it.
MQ Event 1. 8:03
Only time for A today
14:21. Need to improve my MU’s with a increased HR
A) 9:22
B) 4:33
that’s a wrap, event 3 in the morning, here we go woot woot, keep pushing everyone!
Nice job Pete. Keep it up
Great times Pete!
Great start Pete!
1RM Deadlift @ 275#. That was a 10# PR!!
Then did Session 2C. 6:13
Nice work Gina!!!
Session 1
20:00 – completed 19 MUs
kept going to complete the whole thing finished the total in 20:51.
burpees: 4:33
OHS: 2:13 (unbroken – real shaky at the end)
MUs: all singles (really can’t believe I got this many – really didn’t plan on getting any, so i will take it)
Fantastic Ryan!!
Session 1
Subbed C2B instead of MU
Nice work Cheryl!
I’ve come to the conclusion that since weight is only used as a tie breaker after the AMRAP tomorrow in going to eat and drink like an idiot I the hope to gain 10lbs for the DL- and Nichole, very sneaky way to get us to row close to a 10k during the warm ups! 🙂
14:05 – didn’t think I’d make 21 MU but I did and did 1 extra incase I had a no rep. Super excited. Good luck everyone. If I can do it you can
Way to go!!
Thanks. You’ll crush it
Nice job!
Thanks Cheryl
That is awesome, major accomplishment!
Thank you. I’m pretty excited to get thru that one. Now time to crush 1 & 2
Super job Kim!
I decided with my PT and the coaches I work with here that doing workout 4 first would not be a good idea for me. The muscle ups flair my shoulder up and would make for the rest of the workouts a challenge with pain management. As a result we came up with a plan. So I did workout 3 this morning. 490 reps Forearms are smoked. Wasn’t happy with my double unders they were off today. Will maybe do this one again on Monday if my body allows for it. Tomorrow I will do the Workout 1 and Deadlift… Read more »
5+ rounds is great
Thank you… I really had to pace myself it was harder than I thought. Forearms were smoked!
Great kob Tracy!
Session 1
Mobility done
A-C) Warm, etc. done
D) 9:14 with Ring Dips (no ring mu yet)
Burpees 3:30
OHS 7:10 (14-10-10)
Dips 9:14 (7-7-7)
WOD: 15:00 emom, 5 thrusters: 75# (Rds 1-5), 95#(Rds 6-10), 115# (Rds 11-15).
session A – burpees done @ 4:05, OHS done @ 6:59 expired, started MU with 3, tried 3 again and failed on 3rd, then went to doubles,singles and fails, finished in 15:49.
I’m kinda curious for those mere mortals here like me, and who only get one crack in the gym today, how do you attack this 2-session workout? Are some of you planning to do both WOD’s (55 burpees, 34 OHS, 21 MU/Dips and then 21-15-9 row/thrusters)? Are some of you picking 1? Both? Just curious.
I was wondering the same thing. I had some thoughts of trying both, but I only had 90 minutes, tops, so I ended up just doing Session 1. As a fellow mortal, it seemed like a good idea not to jump into Session 2 without a break, anyway. Of course, then they talked me into jumping in the class WOD (15:00 emom thrusters), so I guess I could have at least done part C.
Up to you – you don’t need to do both sessions if you aren’t recording a score … however, on that same note, it is okay to attack event 1 30 minutes after event 4 knowing you are a little smoked.
Did session 2
Row /Thrusters 21-15-9 5:30 Rx shit what a great week! Feeling awesome!
To those qualified go out and kick Ass! You guys got these!
Session A: 10:09
Burpees – 3:20( splits were 30; :33; :37; :41; :39; :20)
OHS- 15/10/9- 2:02
MUs- 4:38- this is where I lost it. Bad strategy
4/3/2+miss/ 2 / 2/ 2/ 1+miss/ 1/ 1/ 1+miss/ 1/1
Very solid score on this Corey, even with those misses. Considering the 2 misses, you did great.
Thanks Nichole. Yea I got a bit greedy. Arms felt like Logan Off to do event 1 in a couple hours.
Nice work Corey. Good luck with next workout.
Thanks Al
Great Job! Keep going!
Thanks Tom! You also
Wow great work Corey!!
Thanks Tracy- I’ve got to give all credit to Nichole and the Invictus Team.
I hear you on that!
Session 1
Mobility done
A)Warm up done
B) 18:51 was trying pace off of Bill…. didn’t work, but if we didn’t have big dreamers we wouldn’t have things like electricity, nuclear power, airplanes…. and crossfit, haha
Burpees 5:39
OHS 9:40
MU 18:51
Good luck to all you Monsters that made the qualifiers.
Great work finishing that!
Thanks, had to really try to catch the MU high so it didn’t hurt my shoulder…. made it through with minimal pain, so I will take it.
Major accomplishment Dave!
Way to push through! Great Job!
Session A: 12:47
Burpees: 10/10/10/10/10/5 5:35
OHS: 14/12/8 8:25
Muscle ups: 6/4/3/3/3/2 12:47
I’m by no means one of the Ninjas here but this one is a good challenge. My goal was to finish between 13-15mins and my OTT goal was to finish under 12 minutes. I missed my last muscle up at 11:55 and waited a while to make sure I didn’t miss again.
For those of you qualified for the next stage, get out there and smash it!
Nichole since I only have Fri and Sar to do this would you also recommend doing the 1 RM both days? I may have an opportunity to do that one again Monday but that’s after traveling halfway across the workd
If you only have Fri and Sat then I would suggest doing the 1-RM Saturday afternoon!
Thanks Nichole
I know…this might sound so naive but is the above workout sessions for those not doing the Master’s Qualifier or is exactly what is recommended for the one day as a warm up and event finisher?
This is the training program for everyone today. Ideally Session 2 will be completed 3-4 hours later.