Mobility, Activation & Warm-Up
Band Distracted Pec Stretch x 30 seconds per side
Psoas Pulse x 30 seconds per side
followed by …
Two sets of:
Wall Facing Squats x 10-15 reps
Plank Forward Taps x 10 reps (right)
Plank Lateral Taps x 10 reps (right)
Plank Forward Taps x 10 reps (left)
Plank Forward Taps x 10 reps (right)
Every minute, on the minute, for 12 minutes:
Minute 1 – 10-12/8-10 Calorie Row
Minute 2 – 30 seconds of any of the following drill:
Option 1 – Double-Under Practice
Option 2 – Wall Facing Handstand Marching
Option 3 – Handstand Marching
Option 4 – Wall Climbs
Draw out your jerk footwork
and proceed with 10 jump and lands, followed by …
*Set 1 – 3 reps @ 60%
*Set 2 – 2 reps @ 70%
*Set 3 – 2 reps @ 75%
*Sets 4-8 – 1 rep @ 80+%
Rest as needed
Hold receiving position in all sets for 1 full second to assess proper footwork and positioning – make adjustments and prioritize mechanics over load.
Three sets of:
Push Press x 3-4 reps
Rest as needed
Complete rounds of 25, 20,15 and 10 calories for time of:
Ski-Erg or Row
Assault Bike or Bike Erg
Rest until the running clock reaches 15:00, and then…
Three rounds for time of:
20 Wall Ball Shots (20 lbs to 10′ target/14 lbs to 9′ target)
15 GHD Sit-Ups
75-Handstand Walk (50-54: 50-Feet)
Rest until the running clock reaches 30:00, and then…
For time:
400 Meter Run
12 Rope Climbs
400 Meter Run
Complete rounds of 22, 18, 12 and 8 calories for time of:
Ski-Erg or Row
Assault Bike or Bike Erg
Rest until the running clock reaches 15:00, and then…
Three rounds for time of:
20 Wall Ball Shots (20/10 lbs to 9′ target)
10 GHD Sit-Ups
25-Handstand Walk
Rest until the running clock reaches 30:00, and then…
For time:
400 Meter Run
10 Rope Climbs
400 Meter Run
If you don’t have access to a rope then please complete 3 Towel Pull-Ups for every Rope Climb
Scaling Options for Handstand Walk:
15 Nose to Wall Shoulder Taps for every 25′
15 Handstand Marching on Box for every 25′
5 Wall Walks for every 25′
Athlete Notes:
Today’s workout is scored as three separate events. Treat them as separate workouts and push yourself on each. This is designed to allow you to go hard on each one individually without needing that movement for the next workout.
Conditioning Part 1: This is a pure test of engine and the power output you can achieve on the machines. You are definitely going to want to have your heart elevated earlier in the session with a good warm up so this isn’t too much of a shock. So if you do not do the back squat portion of this session, get a good warm up.
Conditioning Part 2: Some of you got really familiar with GHDs lately. They are back today, but are the least important in terms of winning workout 2. Just stay smooth on the GHDs so that you can push the handstand walks and wall ball shots.
Conditioning Part 3: Pick your pace based on your abilities. Decide if you want to push the run to give more time for rope climbs or pace the run to feel more fresh when you get to the rope. Either way, make sure you prioritize being efficient.
Optional Additional Work Sessions
*Please choose to only perform as much of the additional work as you can recover from successfully before your next training session.
Aerobic/Gymnastics Accessory Option
Three sets for times of:
Row 500 Meters
10 Shoulder to Overhead
50-Foot Front Rack Walking Lunge
15 Toes-to-Bar
50-Foot Front Rack Walking Lunge
Rest as needed
35-49: 135/95 lbs
50-54: 115/75 lbs
55-59: 95/65 lbs
60+: 85/55 lbs
EMOM done
No weights … travel by road (legs were very sore)
D 1- 9:30
2- 11:12
3- 5:55 (30 Ches 2Bar) instead of ropes
A. done
B. 145/170/185/195/205/215/225/235/245/255/265/275 30# PR!!!!!!!!!!!! felt great
C. 155
D. 55+. 8:09/7:00 ( 15 GHD)/6:23
HSW unbroken
What David?! That is AWESOME!! Massive PR! Congratulations!!
Warm up done
A. 10 cal row and handstand marching
B. 50-70 kg
C. 4 p. Press 50 kg
I-10:31 cal ski and bike erg
II- 9:26 WB all ub/ hsw 3*7m
III- 10: 26 run assault runner
Ran 1.5 miles then 2 rds of work session this morning. A-C this afternoon.
That run helped you PR!