Mobility, Activation & Warm-Up
400 Meter Run @ easy pace (try adding in some breathe holds every 100 meters)
Banded Hip Flexor Stretch x 60 seconds per side
Psoas Floss x 60 seconds per side
Two sets of:
10 Toes-to-Rings
5 Kang Squats with Medicine Ball
20 Second Static Hang on Pull-Up Bar
3 Kick to Handstand (focus on consistently placing your hands down in the same spot)
Back Squat
Set 1 – 6 reps @ 70%
Set 2 – 4 reps @ 80%
Set 3 – 2 reps @ 85-90%
Set 4 – 1 rep @ 90-95%
Rest 2 minutes between sets
Handstand Walk Skill Practice
Accumulate 40 reps of Handstand Marching (freestanding) or Handstand Marching on a Box
and then …
Three sets of:
Single Leg Thigh Taps on Wall or on Box x 10 reps
Rest as needed
Four rounds for time of:
400 Meter Run
50-Foot Handstand Walk
10 Toes-to-Bar
25-Foot Handstand Walk
3 Rope Climbs
Four rounds for time of:
400 Meter Run
25-Foot Handstand Walk
10 Toes-to-Bar
25-Foot Handstand Walk
3 Rope Climbs
Four rounds for time of:
400 Meter Run
25-Foot Handstand Walk
10 Toes-to-Bar
15-Foot Handstand Walk
3 Rope Climbs
Four rounds for time of:
400 Meter Run
15-Foot Handstand Walk
8 Toes-to-Bar
2 Wall Walks
2 Rope Climbs
*Sub 3 Strict Pull-Ups for every Rope Climb
**Sub chin-over-the-bar pull-ups or jumping chest-to-bar pull-ups if you don’t have chest-to-bar pull-ups
Handstand Walk Alternatives (replace the handstand walk with 30-60 seconds of one of the following):
Handstand Marching
Handstand Marching on Box
Single-Leg Thigh Taps
Wall Climb x 1 rep for every 10′
Three sets of:
20 Leg Lift Overs
30 Alternating Pike Position Heel Taps (15 each side)
40 Russian Twist @ 1111 Tempo (20 each side)
Rest as needed
Athlete Notes:
Skill work and engine are on the menu for today’s workout. If you are confident on your hands then push the run and see if you can kick straight up into that handstand walk. If you are less confident in your handstand walk then pull back on the last 100 meters on your run to bring your heartrate down. Focus on just ONE cue that resonates with you for handstand walks. The toes to bar volume is relatively low each set so your goal should be unbroken. If, however, your grip starts to burn then come down for a quick break. The rope climbs are going to vary based on your ability to do them, but we’d like to see you drop off the rope and go right back up so be fast with your climbs. Have some fun and practice some movements we anticipate coming up throughout the AGOQ!
Optional Additional Work Sessions
*Please choose to only perform as much of the additional work as you can recover from successfully before your next training session.
Mixed Modal Conditioning Option
For time:
15/10 Calorie Assault Bike
30 Russian Kettlebell Swings
15/10 Calorie Assault Bike
35-54: 24/16 kg
16/12 kg
Rest 2 minutes followed by…
15/10 Calorie Row
30 Weighted or Drag Rope Double Unders (50 Regular Double-Unders)
15/10 Calorie Row
Rest 2 minutes and repeat for 3 sets total