Workout of the Day
Three sets, not for time, of:
15′ Rope Climbs x 3 ascents
(perform these three as fast and efficiently as possible)
Double-Unders x 75 reps
(perform these as fast as possible with no trips)
Alternating Pistols x 20 reps
(perform these three as fast and efficiently as possible)
Every two minutes, for 20 minutes (10 sets) of:
Power Clean + Hang Clean + Clean + Jerk
Three sets for times of:
Row 500 Meters
315/215 lb Deadlift x 15 reps
Chest-to-Bar Pull-Ups x 30 reps
Rest 3 minutes
(If you cannot safely perform this volume at these loads, reduce the loads to 275/185 lbs.)
Complete as many rounds and reps as possible in 5 minutes of:
20 Air Squats
20/15 Push-Ups
Keep the push-ups legit – ladies you only have to do 15 each round.
A. RC: 24, 18, 18
Dubs: 36, 41, 40
Pistols: hurts my partial acl tear so I don’t do it.
B. worked up to 205
C. 5:16, 7:02, 11:20
D. 4+33 I think. Push ups were the limiting factor.
B) playing catch up. Mixed part b with April 1st work. Worked up to 175, feeling drained from work trip.
A. Done..pistol felt progressively better!
B. 65,65,70,70,75,75,80,80,85,87.5.. These got heavy!
C. 5:21, 5:48, 6:40.. Hands felt okay but tender now.
D. 4 + 15
Fatigue set in on the cleans..but shook it off on the rower
A) Done
B) 185/195/205/215/225/235/245/255/265/275
C) back a little sketchy so did 2 sets of this w/ 275# DL
D) 4+5
*feeling pretty beat up from the past 2 days…definitely need a rest day. 80% effort today. Need to be careful not to over train this old body before regionals.
A. Completed
B. 145, 155, 165, 175…last two sets 185. Might should have went up to 185 faster.
C. Ouch. Felt drained after B. 6:28, 6:31, 6:30. At least I was consistent lol.
D. 5 rounds.
A) good practice. One trip on each set of doubles
B) 185 205 225 235 245 255 265 275 285 295
C) 3:45 4:15 5:15 (slow because tore mid set and hand to get gymnastics grips out to finish)
D) 4 +20 thought it would be the push UPS that slowed me down but the squats slowed a lot too!
A. Check
B. Up to 150
C. 8:30/ 7:15… Tore both hands so opted out the last round
D. 4 + 28
B. 125/135/145/155/165/170/175/180/185/190 — Didn’t do the last jerk because elbow was acting up. Pretty excited I was able to get a PC at 190lbs!
C. 9:00/7:45/7:20 — My C2B’s were really off today… I had to switch to single kipping. Did DLs in sets of 5 and 2:16/2:14/2:11 for the rows.
D. Will do at work today. Aim for 7 rounds.
A. Complete
B. Sets 1-3 @ 225, Sets 4-7 @245, sets 8-10 @ 275
C. 6:52, 7:18, 7:21
D. 3 + 27
A. Done
B. Worked up to 165# felt super sore and wiped today
Muddled through a little 14.4 with Kelsey
Decided to take it easy…last minute decision to do the LA combine with Kelsey 🙂
Hope to see you there this weekend Ashleigh. I’ll be volunteering there Saturday and Sunday!
A. Done. Shoe came untied once, otherwise all unbroken.
B. 205, 205, 215, 215, 225, 235, 245, 255 then my thumb ripped so I stopped.
C.4:57, 5:14, 6:01 – Hands felt terrible! (Weight was 315)
D. 5+20
A) done
B) wrist pain- just got MRI, waiting on results. Kept it light at 105#
C) 185#, 5:48, 6:38, 7:00 – really need to learn how to butterfly C2B
D) 5+ 18 squats
Had to compress everything due to time constraints…
A. One set
B. 135/1×165/2×185/2×205/225/235/245
C. 2 sets using 275#, 5.51, 7.00. Rows at 2.00, transitions a bit paced.
D. 4+20. Push ups as legit as possible.
Body got its money’s worth the past 2 days.
Brian Fogarty Northwest
A. Done with 90 DUs but no pistols. Legs not cooperating.
B. 145#, 155#, 165#, 175#, 185#, 185#, 195#, 195#, 205#, 205#
C. Set 1: 315# at 6:47
Set 2: 275# at 7:14
Set 3: 275# at 7; 22
D. 4 rounds plus 20 squats.
1. Issues with doing A&B in the morning and C&D in afternoon? Will not always happen, but work is tough right now!
2. Should I break and drop to 274# DL or stick with 315#
315# and tsk bhyi8
A. Done
B. 225,225,225,235,235,235,240,245,245,245
D. This was also a challenge for me to get into, finally went after it.
set 1: 4:18 only did 295#
set 2: 4:36 did 305#
set 3: 5:50 did 315# lost the c2b a little on this round I should have done the 315# for all these sets. I was feeling pretty tired and I guess you could say I was trying to be careful a touchy hamstring, but really I was just being lazy. Gonna do some yoga tomorrow.
Yes, love yoga Will!! That sounds awesome!
A. Complete except for rope climbs. I don’t have a rope.
B. 155-245
C. 5:35, 6:00, skipped
D. 4 rounds
A. Complete. All DU’s UB. Pistols felt a lot better than they have been lately.
B. 85/105/115/125/130/135/140/140/140/145
C. 6:15/6:01/6:48. Calves were cramping on C2B.
D. 5+8
A. Done
B. 135-155
C. 6:12/7:12/8:30
A. Complete
B. 205-275 (285 failed squat clean)
C. 4:09, 4:49, 4:51
D. 5 rounds + 5 squats
A. Done B. Worked up to 162#…. I feel like I’ve lost strength bc these were heavy and hard!! But good complex though!! C. Did one round 5:12…. My hand ripped 🙁 and this was too much … I tried to fit all of this training in one hour :/ D. 5+2 Really felt good to be back on track training. I feel like I haven’t done much the last 5 weeks. Really looking forward to the next few weeks. Since starting in November I have made so much progress following this programming. It’s smart and well thought out and… Read more »
That is awesome to hear, thanks Melissa!