April 19, 2022 – Competition Program

Primary Training Session
Four sets of:
Run 200 meters
10 *Pulls*
10 *Squats*
10 *Presses*
Rest 1:1 or alternate with a partner “you go/I go” style.

*Set 1 – Ring Rows, Air Squats and Push-Ups
*Set 2 – Jumping Pull-Ups, Cossack Squats, and Down Ups
*Set 3 – Strict Pull-Ups, Alternating Reverse Lunges, and Kipping Handstand Push-Ups
*Set 4 – Butterfly Pull-Ups, Alternating Pistols, and Strict Handstand Push-Ups

Seated Strict Press
Every 2 minutes, for 8 minutes (4 sets of):
Set 1 – 6-8 reps
Set 2 – 4-6 reps
Set 3 – 3-4 reps
Set 4 – Max reps

*Start around 70% and build throughout as long as you aren’t arching to achieve lockout.

At the 12 minute mark…

Push Press
Every 2 minutes, for 6 minutes (3 sets of):
Set 1 – Max reps @ 80% @ 11X2
Set 2 – Max reps @ 75% @ 11X2
Set 3 – Max reps @ 70% @ 11X2

*Controlled 2 second descent, 1 second pause in the dip, 2 second pause at the top.

Every minute, on the minute, for 12 minutes:
Station 1: 6-8 Ring Pop Swings
Station 2: 6-8 Supine Snap Pull Transitions on Low Rings

Station 3: 20-30 second Ring Support Hold
Station 4: Rest

Against a 60 second clock, perform as many reps as possible of:
10/7 Calorie Ski Erg
Max Ring Muscle Ups in the remaining time
Rest 60 seconds between sets and complete a total of FIVE sets OR 30/24 Ring Muscle Ups, whichever comes first.

Rest until the clock reaches the 15:00 mark, then…

For time:
10-9-8-7-6-5-4-3-2-1 reps of:
Strict Handstand Push-Ups
Strict Pull-Ups


Three sets of:
8-10 Strict Toes to Bar
Rest 30 seconds
60 Second Weighted Plank Hold
Rest 60 seconds

Athlete Notes:

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Today is our gymnastics volume day. We’re continuing to work through some ring muscle up progressions and want to give you guys some opportunities to work on them under fatigue. That said, if you’re still learning this movement, feel free to substitute OR even put them first in the workout by picking a set number of reps and then hammering the ski to finish out the minute. The ski erg is a different beast to put right before ring muscle ups so this is really going to test your pull volume fatigue! After you finish that part we’ve got a fun little pump that we’ve used for years to help athletes get better at strict handstand push-ups. This part is meant to be all about volume accumulation so don’t worry as much about your time but more about getting quality reps in!

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Simon Lehtimäki
Simon Lehtimäki
April 22, 2022 3:34 am

On friday
Wu done
A. Up to 60kg then 75/70/70kg
B. Done
C. 5×3 rmu’s then accumulated reps, no time.
D. Done
+ did the squat sets from fridays workout ????

Jessica Uehlin
Jessica Uehlin
April 19, 2022 7:46 pm

I’m a day behind this week- been a tough couple weeks for my pup so I haven’t gotten much in but getting into a new routine ????
Yesterdays work:
A) 225 they felt ok today
B) 6 + 2 Rx
8:16 Rx
C) done
D) done
E) done

Thanks for everything! Hope you had a great day!

Wilson Hopkins
Wilson Hopkins
April 19, 2022 6:14 pm

Warmup done
A. 34/43/52/52Kg x 3
75Kg – 3
70Kg – 4
65Kg – 5
B. Done
C. Done with row(no ski)
4/3/3/3/2 = 12 reps
9:49Rx – all strict pull-ups UB, SHSPU sets of ~3 reps throughout.
D. Done

James Wozniak
James Wozniak
April 19, 2022 5:02 pm

Warm up ✅
A. 115×8, 135×6, 155×3, 170×1
215×4, 200×5, 185×7
B. Done
C. 30 MU @ 6:55 9/7/7/7
4:15 Rx UB those last few HSPU were a fight
D. ✅

Alex González
Alex González
April 19, 2022 12:32 pm

Warm up: done
A. 95/105/115 lbs
A2. 195 lbs x3
C. Muscle up: 5/5/2/1/1: 14 total
C2: until round of 5
D. Done

Aron Megyik
Aron Megyik
April 19, 2022 10:25 am

Back from home after 3 days feasting, did the living room training, because no box and weather was shit Warm up with modifications done A) 4 sets of double db L-sit strict press 6-6-7-7 reps 50lbs db’s 8-8-8 reps push press, same db B) did a complex instead: 50 UNBROKEN REPS FOR TIME: 1one-arm devil’s power snatch + 1 one-arm hang dower snatch + 1 one-arm push 25-25 reps per side C) 10 high jump burpees + max single db hang cl+j, did 10 reps at every round Then did… 10-9-8…2-1 reps Push ups to dumbbells with a band resistance… Read more »

Bobby Wallum
Bobby Wallum
April 19, 2022 7:57 am

A. 125×8/145×6/165×4/185×1
A2. 230×5/215×6/195×9
B. Done
C. RX 30 muscle ups done in 4 rounds at 6:55 9/8/7/6
Ski between :20-:26 seconds
C2. RX 5:22
Shspu unbroken
Broke 8-7-6 strict pull ups in two sets
D. Done

Last edited 2 years ago by Bobby Wallum
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