Workout of the Day
Three sets for speed and efficiency of:
4 Rope Climbs
6 Bar Muscle-Ups
8 Pistols (4 each leg)
20 Meter Handstand Walk
Rest until fully recovered
Every minute, on the minute, for 15 minutes:
Snatch + Overhead Squat
Build from approximately 50% to 90%. Focus should be on speed and mechanics, not hitting max loads.
For max reps:
90 seconds of Muscle-Ups
Rest 30 seconds
60 seconds of Muscle-Ups
Rest 30 seconds
30 seconds of Muscle-Ups
For time:
Run 800 Meters
60 Handstand Push-Ups
40 Toes to Bar
Row 1000 Meters
In same-sex teams of three…
Two sets for speed and efficiency of:
9 Rope Climbs
18 Bar Muscle-Ups
36 Alternating Pistols
20 Meter Handstand Walk (all must perform, you cannot pass the person ahead of you)
Rest until fully recovered
Work on transitions and breaking reps according to the strengths and weaknesses of your team members.
Every 90 seconds, until all team members have been eliminated:
Snatch + Overhead Squat
Weights start at 155 for males and increase by 10 lbs each 90 seconds; females start at 105 and increase by 5 lbs every 90 seconds. All teammates must hit their snatch + overhead squat within the 90 second window. If a team member fails to do so, they are eliminated from future sets.
In three-person, mixed teams – each team must have at least one male and female, complete the following congo-line style, for time:
Male/Female Congo-Line Style:
60 Calorie Row
50 Wall Ball Shots (30/20 lb)
40 Toes to Bar
30 Handstand Push-Ups
20 Burpee Box Jump-Overs (24″/20″)
10 Muscle-Ups
Split your teams and race, strategizing individual athlete placement for best team results if you added the two teams, times together. You will record your results as follows: Team MMF Time + Team FFM Time = Total Time
Team Workout
A. Done
B. Girls worked in groups of 2 (every 60 sec) and 3 (every 90) Boys 2’s(every 60)
C. 2 boys 24:30 2 girls 31:10 First time girls got all 10 MU’s and 3 girls 32:12 Bar MU’s
Did team part B with 4/19 wod today. Completed 150, failed ohs at 155. Decided to try and go for 160 which would be a pr – too tired and mentally out of it, but got under it several times! Very fun complex
A. About 3:00 each
B. 35/40/45/47.5/50/52.2/55/55/57.5/57.5/60/60/60/62.5/65kg no fails
C. 12/6/4
D. 13:47
D. HSPU 5x 12 and T2B 4x 10 with quick breaks
Arms were so dead in the row!
I’m a day behind. Done 4/19/2014 A. 4:00 – BMU unbroken, sucked at HSW, 3:50 (BMU 4 and 2, a little better at HSW, 5:00 – BMU 2, 2, 2, HSW sucked. BMU are a huge struggle for me compared to ring MU…is this normal? B. 3 x 135, 3 x 165, 3 x 185, 1 x 195, 1 x 200, 1 x 205, 1 x 210, 1 x 215, 1 x 220 (got the snatch, failed the OHS), 1 x 225 C. 15, 8, 5 = 28 D. 14:00 (hspu 10, 10, 8, 6, 6, 5, 5, 5, 5)… Read more »
A. Other team members did it. I had to skip this part.
B. Guy 1 165#, guy 2 175#, me 225# (fail on 235#)
C. 1 rower, 5 persons (2 female, 3 male) 58 mins total
Stoneway crossfit (nw)
A. Done
B. girls: Cheryl 105f, Sam 125, Emily 150
Men: Scott 165, Andy 165, Joe 215
C. Team of three MFF. 33:37
Team Cygnus Crossfit (Latin America)
A) Girls 10:24 8:56 Guys 6:04 5:54
B) Girls 115 115 125 Guys 185 175 165(Light here because of elbow injury)
C)MMF 35:38 FFM 31:26 TOTAL 67:04
Thank you so much for this section. We had been trying out some of the old regional work outs but this will be much better.
D: 16:47
HSPU were kind of a disaster. Big weakness for me.
C: 14/5/4
Shoulders dammit.
A: done
Didn’t write down times and skipped pistols. Knee inflammation.
B: did some technique work. Shoulder and knee was angry at me.
Note to self…do workouts in order that they are written.
Yes, the order of the workouts is important Constantino!
You probably don’t remember but thanks for calling me out on that last box jump over that I didn’t do at the camp last weekend btw…this whole past week I was worried you were going to pop out off nowhere and call me out on my lack of effort….it’s been stressing me out haha
Lol of course I remember you Constantino! I really hated giving you that no rep but it had to be done. 🙂 I am glad I have inspired in you a healthy fear to always put out in your workouts! 🙂 You’re welcome!
A) My hand ripped more on the first Muscle up so none for me today. Did legless for rope climbs. Hs walks were awesome!
B) 115 to 205 but failed on 205… Twice. My 5k hike up a mountain today killed my legs.
C) I skipped because of my ripped hand.
D) 14:27. Ran about 1000m though. What a great day. 🙂
CrossFit 808 Team B:
In a team of 4 (MMFF): 7:48, 6:40
Girls: 135 + 135
Boys: 185 + 205
In a team of 4 (MMFF): 29:52
CrossFit 808 Team A
Girls (Shay, Kyla, E): 5:38, 4:24
Boys (Rich, Josh, Jamo): 4:56, 4:40
Girls: 170, 150, 140 = 460
Boys: 235, 225, 215 = 675
(MMF) 20:25 + (MFF) 23:46
Note: Brandy had to workout in the AM, Shay our alternate jumped in.
I really suck at the handstand walks, are there any tips or helpful hints to improve this movement? Thanks for the help.
Check out this video by Carl Paoli – it is his Handstand Walk Progression #1. I think it has some great drills and, once you feel comfortable with these drills, go to Progression video #2 and so on. Here is the link:
Hope that helps!
Hey thanks a lot for all your help.
A. Complete
C. 13-5-3
Did not do B and D today. Did an Easter wod with my box instead.
A. No rope to climb so subbed DU’s
B. 115, 135, 165, 175, 185, 195, 205, 215 for the remainder of the EMOM.. 3 misses at 215.
C. 15, 11, 6
D. 14:10
A. 3:06,3:12,3:09 Done with mask
B.135-195, failed last one at 205
C. 12/7/5
D. 12:29
Haven’t posted in a while. I’ve been dealing with my back again, resting it for a few days and lowering the volume of the programming. Today it wasn’t as tight so I went for it.
A. done
B. 80#-140#
C. 15/7/4
D. 12:29
shoulders are smoked!
A) all felt great but Pistols took a long time to warm up. Knees a little sore
B) 125 up to 195. Shoulders knees weak
C) 12-8 -4 ah shoulders!!
D) 16:00 again…. Shoulders!
A. Complete
B. 165
C. 11, 7, 3
D. 12:32
A. Done for technique rather than speed
B. Build to 105
C. 5/3/2
D. 17:19 – flashback to regionals last yr! HSPU killed me
Were you from Asia region last year?
Yes I was…you?
Yup but on teams, CFMNL. Cool to see some people here from Asia last year. Good luck.
Good luck to your team!
A) done, needed the practice!
B) 135-205
C) 17/9/5 super happy about this one!
D) 14:12 with about 1000m run. Felt awesome to have energy!!