April 16, 2019 – Competition

Handstand Balance Practice

Spend time working on kicking up to a handstand and hitting a balanced position. Refer to the video for guidance.

Every 2 minutes, for 6 minutes (3 sets):
Sotts Press x 3 reps
(clean grip, pressing from the front-rack position in receiving)

Followed by…

Every two minutes, for 6 minutes (3 sets):
2 Clean Lift-Offs + Power Clean + Jerk @ 70-80%

Followed by…

Every two minutes, for 6 minutes (3 sets):
1 Clean Lift-Off + Clean + Jerk @ 75-85%

Followed by…

Every two minutes, for 6 minutes (3 sets):
Clean & Jerk @ 85-90%


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On the minute perform 5 burpees and a max set of 135/95 lb thrusters. Keeping this pace until you complete a total of 100 thrusters.

At the beginning of every minute perform 5 burpees, for the rest of the minute perform as many thrusters as you can during that minute. At the beginning of the next minute perform 5 burpees and then max rep thrusters and so on until you reach 100 total thrusters. Go as long as it must take to complete the 100 thrusters.

Three sets of:
Weighted Supinated-Grip Pull-Ups x 8-10 reps
Rest 30 seconds
Tempo Push-Ups x 20/15 reps @ 2111
Rest 30 seconds
Dumbbell Hammer Curl x 10-12 reps
Rest 2-3 minutes

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Casey M
Casey M
May 10, 2019 3:25 pm

A. 10 minutes… Hit some solid reps… slow n steady wins the race
B. 20/20/20kg
117/120/125kg (Most I have hit in a while, despite a large degree of soreness, these felt good)
C. 14:45 @ 50kg
*I have wanted to do this workout for awhile, just hadn’t stepped up to do it. Good times, painful but good*
D. Completed

Will be traveling to Ft. Worth, any invictus friendly spots?

Wes Ng
Wes Ng
May 10, 2019 3:17 pm

First did my 3 pos snatch I missed yesterday
6 sets at 75

A) fun practice

Sotts at 50 across
2LO + PC + jerk 80,100,115
LO + clean + jerk 120,125,130
Clean and jerk all at 130

Went 11-7-7 then all sets of 5 until the last minute did a 10. Was hard but happy I didn’t take any minutes of just burpees. If redo would attempt to hold 6 throughout and shave a minute off

Drew Dziwulski
Drew Dziwulski
May 10, 2019 3:17 pm

A. Done
B. Up to 85lb
C. 175/205/235 (245 fail)
D. Started at 135, restarted and scaled to 95 lbs. knee a bit sore/ didn’t want to die.
Did an extra 10 after counting just now.
14:59 scaled
D. Done 10 lb dumbbell 10 reps
Push ups broken up
30 lbs 12 reps

John Vautier (North Central)
John Vautier (North Central)
May 10, 2019 3:08 pm

A. Some other accessory work.
B. Empty bar for sotts; 135/185/205; 225/240/255; 255/265/275 – metcons no belt, happy with this.
C. 21:50 Rx. This ate my lunch, first attempt with this workout after seeing it for years and avoiding it. Learned a lot, will re test at some point using what I know now and I’m confident I can (and will) get this down to 15 or less.
D. Done

Jake Swartwout
Jake Swartwout
May 10, 2019 3:08 pm

A. Done
B. Sotts: 75/85/85 2 lift off: 215 1 lift off: 245 clean and jerk: 265
C. 13:51 at 95# (I don’t think 135 would have been appropriate. I could have done it but would have rested a lot. Probably would have been doing doubles and triples.)
D. Done

Geoff Pellerin
Geoff Pellerin
May 10, 2019 3:08 pm

B. Skipped sotts press, short on time.
145, 165, 195
200, 205, 210
215, 220, 225

C. 17:30 scaled to 115# (felt tired today but 115 was the right weight. Happy to get that done)

D. Done

Brooke Lee
Brooke Lee
May 10, 2019 2:58 pm

A. Done – trying to keep a neutral head but harder to balance that way
B. 143/153/163
C. Scaled to 83 pounds: 14:53
Didn’t want to do this at all but I told myself that if Tino can do like 300 thrusters in a workout, you can do 100 haha
D. Did some push ups holding on to dumbbells bc my wrists were hurting after all the thrusters

May 10, 2019 2:35 pm

Handstand practice DONE
B: Sotts press : 3*40kg
Today I felt that everything was too heavy,but my “ego” done the job
Next time with better form
C: 23 minutes….i hate this program,and how i feel after…i want to cry..
D: afternoon

Tino Marini
Tino Marini
May 10, 2019 3:17 pm
Reply to  Konstantinos

The intention isn’t to make you hate us, its just to make you better…:)

May 10, 2019 2:35 pm

A. Handstand Balance Practice done B. Every 2 minutes, for 6 minutes (3 sets): Sotts Press x 3 reps: 20kg (empty bar) Every two minutes, for 6 minutes (3 sets): 2 Clean Lift-Offs + Power Clean + Jerk @ 70-80%: 80/85/90kg Every two minutes, for 6 minutes (3 sets): 1 Clean Lift-Off + Clean + Jerk @ 75-85%: 92,5/95/97,5kg Every two minutes, for 6 minutes (3 sets): Clean & Jerk @ 85-90%: 100/100/102,5kg C. “KALSU” scaled 43kg (I did burpees jump over the bar) I split in 18 rounds of 1 min, first two rounds 10 reps of trusters, the… Read more »

Tino Marini
Tino Marini
May 10, 2019 3:17 pm
Reply to  Joaky

Looks like you scaled well. This is a tough one! Nice work dude!

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