Primary Training Session
Mobility, Activation & Warm-Up
3-4 Minutes in a Hip Opener Position
and then …
*Nasal Breathing Only*
5 Calorie Assault Bike Arms Only
60 Seconds Band Distracted Ankle Mobility (30 seconds per side)
5 Calorie Assault Bike Legs Only
60 Seconds T-Spine Hold (change up your positions)
5 Calorie Assault Bike
60 Seconds Hawaiian Squats (30 seconds per side)
Every 90 seconds, for 9 minutes (6 sets):
1 Snatch Balance + 2 Overhead Squats
Build over the course of the 6 sets, but understand the goal is activation and positioning, not maximal loading.
Every 2 minutes, for 16 minutes (8 sets):
Slow Pull Snatch + Snatch
(3-second pull from the floor to mid-thigh, then snatch.)
Back Squat
*Set 1 – 5 reps @ 65-70%
*Set 2 – 3 reps @ 75-80%
*Set 3 – 1 rep @ 85-90%
*Set 4 – 8 reps @ 75%
*Set 5 – 8 reps @ 75%
*Set 6 – 8 rep @ 75%
Rest 2-3 minutes between sets.
Every minute, on the minute, for 21 minutes (7 sets):
Minute 1: 10 Burpee Box Jump-Overs (24″/20″)
Minute 2: 12-15 Overhead Squats (115/75lbs)
Minute 3: 15-18/10-12 Calorie Assault Bike
Athlete Notes:
If you completed all the Qualifier workouts this weekend, please take today as a rest day or move by feel and keep the intensity low. For the EMOM, please adjust the reps in station 1 and 2 if you have less than 10 seconds of rest. We are looking for 21 minutes of fairly continuous work at a relatively moderate heart rate. Once you complete your station try to take some calming breaths to bring down your heart rate. Be smooth and efficient at each station, then use the remainder of the minute to reset your focus for the next station.
A. Up to 135kg, Back offs at 112,5kg
B. Up to 75kg
C. Up to 75kg
10 Burpee over Bar
12 Overhead Squats 40kg
15 Cal C2 Bike
C) 8 reps @ 280# (75%)
A) Done built to 135#
B) Built up to 175# (80%)
D) Later with next day’s program
A. 75-95
B. 115 125 135
C. 245 275 305 reps at 255
D. Done with 10 burpee / 12 ohs 95# / 15 echo bike
Fun start too the week!
Took an extra rest day today and just took my pup for a walk. Still feel pretty beat up, but Ready to train tomorrow!
Hope you had a great day Tino!
I would take it easy until Friday! Enjoy some extra rest and let your body recover!
Sounds great! Thanks Tino!
Mobility and warmup done
A. 95/115/135/145/155/160
B. 95/115/135/145/150/155/160/165
C. 185/235/275/3×8 235
D. 15 min emom scaled back but moved through this
10 box jumpovers / 15 burpees / 15 cal ab
Did events 1-4 this wknds but was gonna post yesterday and forgot
E1-325 reps E2- 206 reps E4-255×4 260fail third rep E4-12:31 qualified but waiting for masters to throwdown.
Good test over the weekend to see where your at, now to ramp up toward AGQ!!
M a w done
A 105 Yes!
B-95 smooth
C 165/186/205/175/175/175
D 6 burpee and box step over 24”. / empty bar squat x10 / 8 cal ski x 7 rounds
Solid start to the week!
Mobility done
A: muscle snatch
B: 3 position power and snatch pulls
C: box squats
D: done
✅ ????
Mobility & warmup ✅
A. Built to 165
B. 95/ 115×2/ 135×2/ 155×3
C. 245/ 275/ 305/ 255×3
D. Done but had to scale, took down 2 reps in all
Solid start to the week!
A) Up to 215
B) Up to 225
C) 275, 315, 365, 315, 315
D) done rx
Bike was 18,18,16,16,16,16,17
Oh squat 15,15,15,12,12,12,12
Burpee box jump overs 10 each time
These emoms always kill me for some reason. So damn hard for me. Some kind of mental block I have with these emoms.
Stay checked in on those Emoms! You’ll learn to love them, but they won’t necessarily get any easier 🙂
Happy beginning of the week!
WU. Done
A. 95 x 2/105 x 2/115/120
B. 115/115/125/125/130/135/135/135
C. 220/255/285… 235/235/235 rested 3 min. These were tough!
D. Scaled after first round. Station 1: 8/Station 2: 8 @ 95lbs/Station 3: 10-12. I was able to sustain this the whole time til I died a bit on the last round.
Looks like you had fun on the emom ????
Mobility, Warm up and nasal breathing done
A and B – Skipped
C) 95 – 115 – 135 – 115 – 115 – 115lb. Did by feel.
D) Scaled to:
12 OHS (45lb)
8 Cal Echo
Short on time today.
Have a great day ????!
Glad you were still able to get all of that in with the time you had!
Maaaaan, I love these EMOMs, thanks for bringing them back ????☠️☠️
They are lots of “fun” haha
MOB & Warm up ✅
A. 55/60/65/67/70/70#
B. 55/65/75/85/95/100/105/110#
*skipped C & D. Legs are still a little fatigued and I’m still struggling with vertigo so the burpees will set me off. Did 21 minutes of light running instead, which allows me to stay upright. Stayed light on A & B. Trying to be kind to the body after Quarterfinals.
I hope that you feel 100% better soon! Take some time to rest. Quarterfinals was a lot of intensity over the past few days.
A. Up to 50Kg
B. 61Kg for all
C. 120/140/160(85%)/140/140/140Kg(75%)
D. Done Rx w/ 10/12/18
Solid start to the week!
Thanks Tino. Legs were shaking after today. Those EMOMs are killer and no joke. Happy to see them back.
you’re welcome … ????
Warm up Done
A: 75, 85, 95, 105, 115, 125
Focus on my technique
B: all sets @125 lb
C: 215, 245, 275
D: done
Skipped a & b since I did quarterfinals test 5 yesterday.
C. 255/295/335/225/225/225#
D. 14 minute emom 15 cal bike 12 OHS
If you havent taken a rest day all weekend then definitely make sure you are giving yourself some time to recover.
Take it easy until Friday dude!
Warm up done
A. 95/115/135/155/175/185
B. 135×2/155/175/185/195×2/205 felt pretty good here
C. 265/305/345/295/295/295 slightly lighter here getting legs back
D. RX 10/12/18 for all sets.. coulda swore I read 10-12 overhead squats ????♀️????♂️
I blame your old age 🙂
Lol that or Subconsciously that’s what I wanted it to say!
Mobility, Activation & Warm-Up
Nasal Breathing Done
A. 25/ 27/ 28/ 30/ 31/ 33 kg
B. 35/ 35/ 35/ 35/ 36/ 36/ 36/ 36 kg
C. 50/ 58/ 65/ 58/ 58/ 58 kg
D. EMOM, for 21 minutes (7 sets):
1: 10 Burpee Box Jump-Overs (20″)
2: 15 Overhead Squats (55 lbs)
3: 10 Calorie Assault Bike
✅ ????
Warm up done
A. Kept it light top set at 155. Reps from the floor
B. Up to 185. Felt smooth
C. 285/325/365/310/310/310
D. ✅ 10/15/16 all sets
Started the week strong!
Wu done
A. 20/30/40/50/60/70kg took it easy
B. 40/50/60/65/70/75/75/75kg
C. 122,5/142,5/172,5(90%)/142,5/142,5/142,5kg Man those sets of eight felt like they were sets of 20 ???? haven’t done bigger sets in ages, good stuff ????
D. Reps as 8-10-12, OHS with kb’s. Took an easy steady pace.
My legs are gonna hurt tomorrow ????????????
Fun start to the week! ????????????????