Workout of the Day
For time:
100 Pull-Ups
100 Wall Ball Shots (20 lbs to 10′ target; 14 lbs to a 9′ target)
For time:
75 Pull-Ups
100 Wall Ball Shots (14 lbs to 10′ target; 10 lbs to a 9′ target)
For time:
50 Pull-Ups
100 Wall Ball Shots (14 lbs to 10′ target; 10 lbs to a 9′ target)
Masters Athletes – what are your plans for the Masters Qualifier? Are you prepared for your Quest for the Top 20?
Join us in sunny San Diego at CrossFit Invictus on April 23rd through April 27th for the 2015 Masters Qualifier Invictus Camp!
During the camp, we’ll be taking you step by step through the strategies necessary for you to conquer all of the Masters Qualifier workouts. We’ll also provide judging and video recording so that you’ll be able to submit your videos to HQ with ease. All you’ll need to do is show up and put in the work! We’ll also be providing our athletes with dinner on Friday and Saturday night, along with other fun group activities that we have planned out! You’ll also receive your own Invictus t-shirt and a copy of our new “The Invictus Mindset” eBook!
Space is limited to only 24 athletes and registration closes on Friday, April 17th, so register today: REGISTER HERE!
F 55
Did 4/10 on 4/11
A: done
B: 3 rounds
no rope, 5 pull ups instead
SHSP 6,7,8
16 Alternating pistols
C: 4×75, 3×105, 2×125, 1×150
1×170, 1×180, 1×185, 2×170
D: miss timing, did 5×85, 10×65, 15×45
Optional 11:58 kipping HSP
10:45 (11:13 last year)
53 Y.O.
RX’d: 16 1/2 mins
I was on the pull-up bar for 9 1/2 minutes, and it went like this:18, 12, 8, 5,5,…then ..333’s and 2s real fast with alot more need for rest after 65 or so.
I never got a string better than 20 WB shots (22 lb home-made ball). The Legs definitely recall yesterday’s toil.
Nice job Wells!
Today 8:48, MQ last year 10:38. Felt great! Wore hand grips this time, kept with 5’s on the PU and 4’s last two rounds. WB much better strategy, last time I was hitting big sets and heart rate jacked, this time went 15/15/10/10/10/10/10/20.
15 minutes HS walks practice prior and 3 rounds of 20 OH walking lunge and situps post work out.
Great improvement Christine!!!!
10:25 pull ups slow wall balls in 4min
8:46. Last year 8:33. Checked and was actually 90 seconds slower on pull-ups vs last year but made most if it up on the wall-balls which was encouraging. Felt like a potential tear was coming on around half way so took the sets down 3’s today…thankfully skin seems to have held up.
4/10 on 4/11
A. Done
Pistols x20
C. Off 355- failed 99%
185#x5- .15sec
155#x10- .27sec
135#x15- .43sec
5.34RX…. Done… Just done
8:51 M-55-59 Rx (75/100) Last years MQ did 10:37 1:45 improvement. Considering how my leg felt coming off of the this week I feel pretty good about it.
Great job Greg! I hear you on the legs…
I am severely humbled by you Greg. I am 53 and you smoked me so bad I will keep my time to myself. I know what you mean about the Leg death experienced especially yesterday.
Gary, keep in mind I only had 75 PUs and a 14lb ball.
Solid Greg!!!!!!!
10:22 pull ups get me everytime. Going to dominate them in 2015!
Yeah girl! Get it!