Workout of the Day
Every minute, on the minute, climbing the ladder:
Snatch + 2 Overhead Squats
Ground to Overhead x 6 reps
Rest 3 minutes between sets.
* Set 1 – 135/95 lbs
* Set 2 – 155/105 lbs
* Set 3 – 165/115 lbs
* Set 4 – 185/135 lbs
(Adjust loads based on age division/skill/ability level.)
Four sets of:
250 Meter Row @ 95-97%
Rest 90 seconds
Three sets of:
500 Meter Row @ 95-97%
Rest 2 minutes
A. 95 to 195 by 10#, power snatch to 175…
B. Done, all T&G except 185# 4,2
C. :47’s
D. 1:37’s
A. 45,55,60,65
B. 55,65,75,85 clean and jerk
C. only had time for the 250’s, last one was 1:09
A- 95 to 140 in 5# increments
B- 115, 135, 155, 175. 115 & 135 Power Snatch touch and go, 155 Power clean and jerk touch and go 175 Power clean and jerk 3-2-1
C- :50, :49, :47, :46
D- 1:50, 1:51, 1:49
A: 35/45/50/55/60 failed at 65
C: 1:04, 1:06, 1:04, 1:02
D 2:13, 2:15, 2:15
A. 165
B. 19s, 21s, 29s, 59s
C. 49-50s
D. 1:40-1:43
Scott 40-44
A. Up to 120
B. 95/105/115/135
C. 1:01/1:00/:59/:59
W 40-44
A. 85, 95, 105, 110, 115, 120, 125, 130 lb (first attempt at 130 failed on snatch, second attempt in the same minute successful).
B. 95lb = power snatch, 105lb = power snatch, 115lb = power clean, power jerk, cycled, 135lb = power clean, power jerk, singles.
C. 55s, 54s, 54s, 54s
D. 1:58, 1:54, 1:55
W’s 55+
Still jetlagged in Barcelona. But I did this:
A. 30k , 35, 40, 45, 50 ( probably started too light and might have gone to 55, in retrospect)
B. :55 every round
C. 2:12; 2:08, 2:05. Better every round!
A: 105, failed @115
B: done
C: :55, :47, :49, :57
D: 1:47, 1:55, 1:58
A: 135 to 215#
B: Done
C paces: 1:18 (:39 seconds), 1:27, 1:31, 1:32
90’s rest
D paces: 1:36, 1:38, 1:39
This was an ass kicker today. Ouch
I am a little dude so these are slow and light 5’4″ 165lbs
B.:27, :30, :33, :59
C. :50, :51, :53, :52
D. 1:48, 1:48, 1:50
A. 65/75/85/95/100/105/115/125/135/145 PR snatch
B. 95# x6 tng snatch
105# x6 tng clean/jerk
115# x6 fast singles clean/ jerk
135# x6 fast singles clean / jerk
C and D.. Ran out of time but did WOD with class before A and B
Congrats on that PR! Great job Michelle
A. 65/70/75/80/85/90/95/100
B. Really frustrated here as I couldn’t get beyond 115#. Shoulder was bothering me on the Jerk. Set 4 went back to 110#
C. :54/:55/:55/:54
D. 1:55/1:59/1:59
(W 50-54)
A. 65/70/75/80/85/90/95/100/105/110(F)
B. Completed, did not time, last set took forever
C. :56/:56/:57/1:05
D. Ran out of time.
A- 170, 175(F)
B- 185 tng
C- :47, :46, :47, :46
D- 1:37, 1:38, 1:39
M/41 So Cal
A. 135,145,155,165,175,185,195, 200(F)
B. #155 tng, 185 tng, 205 tng, 225 singles-split jerks
C. 46.8, 46.9, 47.5, 47.5
D. 1:38.5, 1:42.1, 1:42.7
A. 75-130 missed 135
B. 95 lbs 6 snatches unbroken, 105 6 snatches unbroken, 115 3 unbroken snatches 3 unbroken c&j’s, 135 3 unbroken C&J’s 3 singles
C.:53.3, :50.9, :51.8, 52
rest 3 minutes
D. 1:51.9, 1:54.7,1:55.3
Great week of programming!
A. 75 – 165 increased by #10 each round
B. Done tng all but 185. Fast singles
C. :45.7, 47, 45.5, 47.4
D. 1:41, 1:39, 1:42
A.135#,145#,155#,165#,175#,185#,195#,200#,205# (All power snatch)
-5:00 rest
B. :15/:17/:18/:20 all tng
-10:00 rest
C. :45/:42/:44/:45
-3:00 rest
D. 1:36/1:39/1:40
A: 75-175 at 10# steps, clarked 185# and called it
B: Rx 18/20/20/22 seconds
C: 250s – 49.5/46.9/44.8/44.6
D: 500s – 1:38.7/1:36.3/1:33.6
Testing it out to find the right pace on the rows. Next time I’ll shoot for consistency with 250s @ :45 and 500s @ 1:36.