Workout of the Day
Three sets of:
Rack Squat x 5 reps with a 10 second hold at bottom position
Ankle Pulse x 10 pulses per ankle
Trap 3 Raises x 8-10 reps @ 2111
(use very light weight, if any at all, and focus on properly activating the lower trap)
Wall Slide x 6-8 reps
Three sets, not for time, of:
Legless Rope Climb x 1-2 ascents
Strict Handstand Push Ups to a 4″/2″ deficit x 6-8 reps
Alternating Pistols x 16-20 reps
50-59: Strict Handstand Push Ups
60+: Strict Handstand Push Ups to 2″ riser; Rope Climbs x 2 ascents
Progression for Pistols:
Single Leg Squat Off Box x 8 reps per leg
Every minute, on the minute, for 4 minutes:
Back Squat
*Set 1 – 40% x 4 reps
*Set 2 – 55% x 3 reps
*Set 3 – 65% x 2 reps
*Set 4 – 80% x 1 rep
And then …
Every 2 minutes for 8 minutes:
*Set 5 – 90% x 1 rep
*Set 6 – 95% x 1 rep
*Set 7 – 99+% x 1 rep
*Set 8 – 90% x 2 reps
For times:
Thrusters x 5 reps
Rest 60 seconds
Thrusters x 10 reps
Rest 60 seconds
Thrusters x 15 reps
40-49: 185/135 lbs; 155/105 lbs; 135/95 lbs
50-54: 155/105 lbs; 135/95 lbs; 95/65 lbs
55+: 135/95 lbs; 95/65 lbs; 65/45 lbs
*Use one barbell and work on quickly changing out the plates during your rest period
Optional Additional Work
Three rounds for time of:
20 Handstand Push-Ups
40 Double-Unders
50-59: Handstand push-ups with a 2″ riser
60+: Handstand push-ups with a 4″ riser
A. done
B. done
c. 90/110/130/160/180/F190 🙁
d. :30/:45/:30 (but modified to #75/65/45)
Optional: done (but forgot to time)
A. Three sets of: Racked Back Squat x 5 reps with a 10 second hold at bottom position. 95, 105, 115, 115…WOW. Never did that before! 3o lb DB Trap Raises and Wall Slides x 6-8 reps B. Three sets, not for time, of: Legless Rope Climb x 2 ascents … failed very last one 2 feet from top Strict Handstand Push Ups to a 4″/2″ deficit x 7 reps Alternating Pistols x 20, 18, 16 reps Didn’t know how to even do the Single Leg Squat Off Box C. EMOM4 *Set 1 – 40% x 4 reps 135, *Set… Read more »
A) 2 ascents,pistols and did DB press shoulder a bother on hspu
B)95,130,155,190,210,225,232(got stuck in bottom),211
C)135 worked front squat drive,105-46s 5-3-2,/95-1:08..8-7
Feeling off today shoulder felt funky so skipped the d…
A. Done
B. 1-2 ascents, HSPU, pistols
C. 95,125,145,175,205,210,215,205
Right at parallel or a little above due to hamstring issues
D.115,95,85 … Women that are doing thrusters at 135 !! You girls are amazing :))
RX at about 10 min .. Forgot to keep time
A. Done
B. Done (2 ascents, 3″ deficit HSPU)
C. 105, 135, 160, 195, 220, 230, 240, 247, 222×2 (247# new post achilles rupture pr)
D. Rx Unbroken: 0:20, 0:21, 0:30
Optional: 4:42 (kipping HSPU felt harder than should have)
Solid times Cheryl!
A. Done rope elbows, 6 HSPU, 16 pistols
C. Didn’t stay OTM 150-185-220-290-305 fail 295-295-300-300lbs felt heavy today!
D. :15, :48, :31 I need work on thrusters!
Limited Time today and body feeling sore
A. Completed some
B. 2 rounds Legless rope climb, 8 strict hspu used 2 mats, then 1 mat (4-5″), 16 pistols
C. 95, 118,138, 173….193, 198, 200.5, 203 – moved up a little, should of hit 215 but wasn’t feeling it today,.
D. Did a few thrusters at 73, 83, 93 – Body just feeling tired needed to back off today.
A. Completed
B. 1 leg less rope climb, deficit hspu’s- 6, 4+2 strict on floor, 3+3 , 16 pistols
C. 90/120/145/175
Then, 205/215/230 got greedy and went for a 240 pr- nope/ 205
D. Didnt check clock each round- total time about 5 min.
Additional work- 13:35- smoked me- but got through it.
A. Completed
B. 1 legless RC, 6 SHSPu with 2″ def, 20 pistols
C. 95/125/145/165 then 175/180/185/185 , wasn’t happening, legs super sore and back tight
D. 105/95/85 :17, :40, 1:40.
Optional 10 SHSPu and 40 DU 3 rds=5:21. arms smoked
I was kind of a mess today. No motivation and just really fatigued. Hope to hit the refresh button for tomorrow:)
A. Done
B. 3 Sets – Legless x 1 ea set/ Strict HSPU no deficit/ 16 Alt Pistols
C. 95/125/145/175/200/210/225(5#PR)/200
D. 125# Thrusters 6:58 (:20/1:31/3:07) 5UB/3-2-2-2-1/3-2-2-2-1-2-2-1
You just woke up a little stronger today 🙂
B-No rope today, 4″ SHSPH (4/3, 4/3, 4/2/1), 20 pistols each round
B.1-Snatch pulls 5 sets x 4x 95, been pulling to early so trying to fix
C-Up to 350×1, 330×2
D-RX, .21, .35, .79 last round at13 grip gave out almost dropped on head.
E-4:55 two rounds only, shoulders fried. I did HSPU as required in open. I videod To watch new technique to speed up my reps. Much quicker but had 5 no reps as heels not going past line.
A) skip
B) no rope at moment so worked handstand walk each set/ 8 hspu using 25#plates as deficit so hoping that’s 2″/20 alternating pistols
C) worked up but missed 205# (which wld have been 100%) Legs felt tired.
D) used 125/105/95. (Not sure why but didn’t write times down)
Optional done 7:49RX.
A. Done
B. 2 legless/6,8,7 4″ deficit sHSPU/pistols with various mods
C. 135/185/215/265/295/315/315/295
D. 155/135/95 :39/:44/:45
Optional 8:29 Deep tissue massage later.
Mobility done
B) I did 2x legless rc/ 3x deficit strict HSPU unbroken (15kg plates) and 16 pistols each time
C) Done until 85kg
D) RX 40-49 – 1’10” / 49″ / 1’19” – My changing plates times were 1’30”
Optional Work – Done with 10 HSPU unbroken and 40 DU unbroken – 3’28”
A. Done
B. Done.
C. 135/185/215/265
295/315/330(5#pr post surgery). 295
D. 1:48. Heavy
7:19. Shoulders smoked
A. Done
B. Done
D.:12sec. :22sec., :34 sec.
Visited Crossfit The Squad in West Palm Beach, FL this morning. Here for my son’s Region 8 gymnastics championships. Thankful they let me continue with the MQ programming. Short on time so I skipped A and B.
C. 145/190/225/280/315/335/350/315
D. :25/:29/:47 – all unbroken
Optional: 12:00
That was super awesome of them!
A. Done
B. Done- Half-way up on the legless rest of the way used my feet./ 1Ab mat on strict HSPU
C. 70,95,115, 140,160,165, 175, 160×2
D. 26,40, 38
Ran out of time for optional wod.
A. Done
B. Solid did all reps no break – 4” deficit
C. #185, 215, 255, 315, 355, 375, 395
D. Unbroken :25, :35, :29
Unbroken – 3:12
Flying on both C and D, great job my man!
A. Done
B. 1 legless, 2 strict HSPU with ab mat – then 2 at 4″ deficit with kip, 10 pistols each round.
C. 95, 115, 135, 170, 190, 195, 195, 185×2. Less than 95% and 99%. Felt extra heavy today.
D. Front squats instead with same weight (to protect clavicle). Then 5 sets of 10 wall balls.
Optional: 11:25