Dynamic Mobility and Activation
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Three sets of:
Pec Mash x 30 seconds per side
Band Assisted Anterior Pec Stretch x 45 seconds per side
Band Assisted Upper Anterior Chain Opener
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x 60 seconds
and then . . .
Two sets of:
Bamboo Press x 5-6 reps
Rest as needed
Three sets, not for time, of:
Rope Climbs x 2-3 ascents
Strict Handstand Push-Ups x 8-10 reps
50-59: sHSPU to 2″ riser
60+: sHSPU to 4″ riser
Progressions for Strict Handstand Push-Ups:
Handstand Push-Up Negatives x 5 reps @ 40A1
Three sets of:
Push Jerk x 10 reps
Rest 60 seconds
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135/95 lbs
50-54: 105/75 lbs
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95/65 lbs
Back Squat
*Set 1 – 5 reps @ 65-70%
*Set 2 – 3 reps @ 75-80%
*Set 3 – 1 rep @ 85-90%
Rest 2-3 minutes
For time:
Assault Bike x Max Calories in 5 minutes
A – Bamboo press: Bamboo bar with 35# Kbs on each side. Rope climbs and SHSPUs done.
B – Push Jerks @135. :20, :16, :18
C – 5@225, 3@265, 1@295
D – 80 cals
Mobility: Complete (Bamboo press done with 2 x 45# KB attached to a standard bar with green bands) 135#
A. 3 ascents/ 8 hspu
B. Complete – 135#
C. 285# x 5, 330# x 3, 370# x 1
D. 80 Cal
Mob done, Bamboo press with 26#KB
A. 2 rope climb 8 deficit at tempo
B. 65/75/95×2
C. 205/235/275
D 46
Did 2 100m sled push
2 sets of bamboo press x 6 reps with 10kg kb each end.
A. 3 rope climbs and 5 negative hspus progressions.
B. Push jerks at 42.5kg – 19 secs. 16 secs. 16 secs.
C. Back Squat – 72.5kg, 82.5kg, 92.5kg.
D. No assault bike so used ski erg. Haven’t really used it before so not sure of pace – 67 cals.
Butterfly pull up practice – 10 mins.
M&A Done, Bamboo Press – Done
A. 3 sets of 2 Rope climbs, and 8 SHSPU – Done
B. Push Jerk @ 105# – Done
C. Back Squat – 225, 252, 285
D. Row for 5 min – 89 Cal on water rower, then did 5 more min on new C2 and got 59 Cal, felt like my pull was the same but surprised at the big variance.
DMA done Bamboo press done also
A. 1/1/2 on climbs as wrist was aggrivated. focused on getting to the top with 2 pulls
6/6/8 on HSPU as this also bothered the wrist
B Push press @135 done. I need to work on being efficient at this
C squat 260/305/360 felt good to go heavy today
D 80 cal I think I pushed that dark place back.
A great day
Mobility done
A. 2 climbs/ 8 SHPU
B. Push Press @95 done
DMA: Done and practiced HS walks
A: Done 3/8s at 50-59 scale
B, Done 105# 50-54
C. 225/255/285
D. 83 Cals on THE Assault bike in 5 mins (started out at 70 RPM then tried to hold 68 but had to drop to 65)
A. EMOM Style for 3 sets
B. EMOM 3 x 10 @ 135
C. 245×5, 275×3, 315 x1 335 x1, 345 x1
D. THE Air Assault: 99 cal
A. 15CTB/10 SHSPU x 3
B. 3×10 @135
C. done up to 330
D. 2000m row (7:56)
Mob and Act done
A. 3 climbs and 10 HSPU (5-3-2)
B. Done
C. 275×5, 315×3, 345×1
D. No bike. Subbed row – 105 calories
M&A done
A. 3 rope climbs, 10 hspu- first set ub, then 5/3/2 on last 2 sets
B. Push jerks done ub
C. 250,285,320
D. Box I was at had an imitation assault bikes named Marcy, which seemed way more user friendly(easier)calories was 60, not sure Marcy equates the same as an Assault bike
A. 3 ropes/10 SHSPU “at a medium pace”
B. did OHS PR 250
C. 109 calories- on a Schwinn my first real workout on this thing- holy quads
Great job on the OHS today Al!
Nice twinner, of course you did since i got 245 last week…
Just trying to inspire you to get 255
Sick PR
Mobility done.
A. Done
B. 245, 295, 330
C. 133 calories. Last minute had a pedal malfunction and then it fell off so only used one leg and arms. Lol
Way to push on the bike that was a lot of mental toughness!
A. Done 3/8
B. Done @105
C. 225/255/285
D. 95 cals on C2 rower
M&A done
A. Done (2/10)
B. Done at 135
C. 265/315/365
D. 80 cal on THE Assault bike
Mob done
A) 3 Rope Climbs/8 sHSPU
B) 10/5-3-2/5-2-1-1-1 (used blocks for this)
C) 125-145-160
D) 58 Cals Assault Bike
Mobility/activation done
A. No ropes today so subbed with 8-10 strict pull-ups and 10 strict hspu
B. :15 each round
C. 190-215-245-255#
Added in
That’s a lot of data for a lil bike ride!!
Hah! That’s funny!
A. 3 × 2 Rope Climbs/8 SHSPU (had to use 2 abmats)
B. 3 × 10 95#
C. 140/160/180
D. 62 cals
Dynamic Mobility
A: 2 Climbs – 5 HS Negatives
B: :13 :14 :13 @135
C: 225/255/285
D: 92 CAL (Rower)