Dan Tandon – Transformed His Body in 8 Weeks!

Dan Tandon has been a member of Invictus for nearly 2 years and a great contributor to the community. Below, Dan Tells us about what motivates him, how he has changed his life through CrossFit and what it means for his family. This story is brought to you by the guys over at CrossFit Story.

13 thoughts on “Dan Tandon – Transformed His Body in 8 Weeks!”

  1. mazeltov to george and sarah!!!

    dan, i caught your mention of fatty liver. way to go! i just got my first 6 months into crossfit bloodwork and it looks like i’ve reversed my fatty liver to. go invictus, fatty liver killer!

  2. Woot woot to George and Sarah.

    Thanks for liking the video. Shane, great job and I’m glad people can get inspiration from these stories. I know I do.


    1. Dan, you’re an inspiration for all. Thank you for the interview and your willingness to put your story up for the world to see.

  3. Dan and Katie and kids are the cutest, bestest, nicest family in the world!

    I’m so excited for George and Sarah! Being married is pretty awesome. 🙂

  4. What a great story Dan! It is so wonderful to see what an impact this can have on someones life. You are such an inspiration and you continue to be an integral part of the Invictus family.

    Thanks Shane for this awesome video!

  5. Dan, thanks for serving as an inspiration for our community. Your hard work and effort paid off, and the best part is that you’re still making steady improvements…you rock!

    Shane, great job on the interview and editing! This looks fantastic!

    To the rest of the community, Sarah and I will see you next week. We’re heading up to Mammoth Lakes today so Sarah can make an honest man out of me 🙂

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