Primary Training Session
Mobility, Activation & Warm-Up
Banded Scarecrow x 2-3 minutes depending on how tight you feel
Two sets of:
Rotational Med Ball Throws x 10 reps (right side)
Rotational Med Ball Throws x 10 reps (left side)
Rotational Kneeling Med Ball Throws x 10 reps (right side; 2:41 in video)
Rotational Kneeling Med Ball Throws x 10 reps (left side)
Max Overhead Med Ball Throws with heavy Med Ball x 5 reps (work to get as extended as possible)
Rest as needed
Movement Primer
Every 3 minutes, for 6 minutes (2 sets):
Single Leg Depth Drops x 5 reps each leg
*box set up below knee height
Followed by…
Every 3 minutes, for 6 minutes (2 sets):
Depth Drop into Split Stance x 5 reps each leg
Every 2 minutes, for 20 minutes (10 sets):
Clean + Front Squat + Jerk
Build to approximately 90% of your 1-RM Clean & Jerk.
For time:
1-Mile Run
150-Foot Handstand Walk
10 Squat Cleans (205/135 lbs)
Rest until the running clock reaches 15:00, and then…
Two rounds for time of:
500 Meter Row or Ski-Erg
100-Foot Handstand Walk
15 Shoulder to Overhead (155/105 lbs)
Rest until the running clock reaches 30:00, and then…
Three rounds for time of:
15/10 Calorie Assault Bike
50-Foot Handstand Walk
20 Ground to Overhead (75/55 lbs)
Handstand Walk alternatives:
For every 25-Foot of Handstand Walk, perform 15 nose-to-wall, back-to-wall, freestanding shoulder taps or 5 Wall Walks.
Four rounds for quality of:
10 Double Kettlebell Front Squats (32/24 kg)
15 GHD Sit-Ups
100-Foot Sandbag Bearhug Carry (150/100 lbs)
Athlete Notes:
Today’s workout has it all. Monostructural, gymnastics, AND barbell. For the first portion, we want you to hit that mile hard, but not so fast that you’re gasping for air before you try to kick up into a handstand walk. A good pace would be slightly faster than your 4-5k pace. The goal should be to come in from the run and immediately begin the handstand walk. That said, we’d recommend throttling back just slightly for the last couple hundred meters of the run, in order to allow yourself to do so. When you get to the moderately heavy squat cleans, we want to see how quickly you can put your hands back on the barbell, or maybe you even try to touch and go a few knowing this is the final movement before you get a little bit of rest. Modifications for this first portion should be as follows… limit the run to 8 minutes so that you have some time to do the other work as well as get some rest before starting the next portion. For the barbell we recommend this be no more than around 60-70% of your squat clean to ensure that you are able to put your hands right back on as soon as it hits the floor, and it doesn’t become a staring contest with the barbell.
When you get to the second portion, we are switching things up a bit by rowing and doing shoulder to overhead with a lighter weight. For your rowing pace we would recommend something close to around what your 2k pace would be, or slightly faster. Again, we don’t want to go so fast that it takes us 20 seconds to kick up into a handstand walk, but we also don’t want to dog the row too much and lose precious time. When you get to the shoulder to overhead, your arms will definitely be a little blown up, but we want this to be a weight that you can cycle for all 15 reps in a row. Not saying that will happen for everyone, but that’s what we’re looking for here! If you look back to Monday’s workout, we talked about two strategies for this, push press, and power jerk. Since the reps are much lower, some of you may elect for the faster push press, just know that your legs are much stronger than your arms, so don’t be afraid to revert back to a power jerk if your shoulders start to go!
The final portion of this workout should almost be somewhat of a “sprint”. We want you to hit the assault bike hard, 15/10 calories should take no more than 45 seconds. Kick straight up into the handstand walk and work on your speed here! It’s only 50 feet at this point. When you get to this barbell we are testing a skill that we have seen come up somewhat often over the past few years. Cycling a “Randy” weight barbell. Snatches will be the fastest technique here, but some of you may elect to go with the clean and jerk. Whichever you choose, move that barbell like your life depended on it and see how fast you can rip around 75/55 pounds… while still adhering to movement standards of course!
Activation- done. This felt so good today
A) up to 170, then I kept going to 190 with the clean and front squat just bc I needed that boost today.
B) 10:23
C) done
Shoulder felt great today and it felt good to move normally again! ????
Hope you had a great day! Thanks for everything Tino!
Great to see you completed all of today’s fun!
Primary Training Session: done ✅
A. Up to 225 lbs
B. 11:58/11:34/13:38
C. Done
Solid finish to the week!
Primer and rotational stuff done
A) Trying to limit squatting a bit due to a hip issue, first 10 mins did clean pulls up to 275 (100%)
Next 10 mins just did one clean up to 220 (80%)
B1) 11:42 (185lbs for squat cleans)
B2) 7:37 with bike erg metres x2
B3) 7:27 with bike erg cals
C) Just one round, I was dead.
Hope to see your hip back to full health soon!
Morning class got canceled, and body felt tired anyway, so skipped today’s session ???? try to make up for it tomorrow, we’ll see
Did some easy flow in the afternoon tho
Strict Murph without vest, Cindy style
Every 5:00 during the Cindy, inc. at the beginning:
1 round hill run (~250m)
Time: 35:18
Make up for your what? You did “Murph” that’s plenty!
A. Clean + FS + Jerk: 137, 142, 147, 152, 157, 162, 167, 172, 177#, 182(f)
B1. 11:41. 1-mile run, 90 Shoulder Taps, 10 Squat Cleans.
B2. 12:37. 2 RFT: 500 m row, 60 Shoulder Taps, 15 S2OHs.
B3. Skipped. I was worn out.
C. 3 rounds done of 10 DB FS Squats @ 55#, 15 GHD Sit-Ups, and 100′ Bearhug with the DBs.
I’m tired. I will see you all Monday!
Fun finish to a challenging week! Nice work Corey!
Did this yesterday
B. RX 11:12/8:41/9:24
All hsw in 25 foot unbroken segments
Run 7:27
Skied for second part
Squat cleans felt much heavier than they should have, ub s2oh, 13-7/13-7/ub G2oh
Good job on those handstand walks! Now to let those legs recover!
W-up & Primer Done
Adjusted today’s session again to prevent any pinching in my knee
A. Power Clean + Front Squat + Jerk
50/ 55/ 60/ 65/ 70/ 75/ 80/ 85/ 90/ 95kgs
B. Did Power Cleans @80kgs instead squat cleans, S2OH scaled to 60kgs same as on Monday
10:58/ 10:48/ 12:58
For ground to overhead I started with 10 snatches but then I realized it would be better to do power clean + push press
C. Skipped ran out of time ????
Knee feeling better?
Definitely, I wasn’t able to bend my knee without pain and now I can squat heavy weight but it has to be controlled…
That’s great news. Continue to be smart and adjust accordingly.