Primary Training Session
Mobility, Activation & Warm-Up
Open up your t-spine by doing one of the following:
T-Spine Pulse on Bench
Partner T-Spine Stretch
and then …
Floor Slides x 15 reps (slow and controlled)
finish with …
Grab a 15-35lb plate and complete the following while breathing only through your nose:
Overhead Carry x 25 feet
Goblet Squat x 10 reps (slow and controlled)
Farmers Carry x 25 feet (right)
Overhead Squat x 8 reps
Farmers Carry x 25 feet (left)
Ground to Overhead x 6 reps
Every 2 minutes, for 8 minutes (4 sets):
Seated Box Jump x 5 reps
Followed by…
Every 2 minutes, minutes for 8 minutes (4 sets):
Broad Jump x 5 reps
Every 90 seconds, for 15 minutes (10 sets):
Clean & Jerk x 1 rep
Build to today’s heavy.
Followed by…
Every minute on the minute for 4 minutes (4 sets):
Clean & Jerk x 1 rep @ 90% of today’s heavy
For max calories:
40 minutes of Assault Bike*
*At 3,2,1,GO!, complete rounds of 21,15 and 9 reps for time of:
Thrusters (95/65 lbs)
Chest-to-Bar Pull-Ups
*When the running clock reaches 10:00, complete for time:
30 Devil’s Presses (50/35 lb DBs)
*When the running clock reaches 20:00, complete rounds of 21,15 and 9 reps for time of:
Deadlifts (225/155 lbs)
Strict Handstand Push-Ups
*When the running clock reaches 30:00, complete for time:
30 Dumbbell Thrusters (50/35 lb DBs)
90 Drag Rope or Heavy Rope Double Unders or 150 Double Unders
Finish at 40 minutes.
Record and comment with times for each of the four timed components, as well as your total calories accumulated during the 40 minutes.
For quality and muscle activation:
400 Meter Sandbag Bear-Hug Carry
followed by…
400 Meter Farmer’s Carry
Athlete Notes:
Grind. That’s all there is to say about this one. It’s going to be 40 minutes of sweat and grit. Find an RPM or Wattage on the Assault Bike and make it your goal to hold that pace throughout. Our guess is that it’ll likely be within 2-4 RPM of your 30 minute max calorie test. Scoring-wise, this one is tough with the multitude of scores. The goal is to be consistent with each of the efforts, as well as the calories on the bike. If you go too hot out of the gate on chest-to-bar Fran, you’re in for a world of hurt for the remainder of the workout…then again, if you go too slow, those seconds tick away really fast. A good goal would be to keep your times on the two benchmark style (Fran and Diane) workouts to within 1 minute of what your time would be in a fresh situation. The devil’s press you’re just going to have to keep moving one rep at a time and stay checked in on what you’re doing. Same goes for the last piece at the 30-minute mark, it’s simple, yet brutal, so hang on to that jump rope for dear life! This is a GREAT mental test of how well you can stay checked in and task focused on what you’re currently doing. It’s really easy to check out in a workout like this, so our challenge to you is that you don’t let that happen!
C 280 calories
2:55/ 4:46/4:02/4:02
Fell behind in the program due to being sick.
A) done
B) done up to 175 and then 160
These felt pretty good. Def not my usual heavy tho
C) Rx and echo 187 cal total
@0- 3:52- I went too conservative but thought I’d spare some energy then 57
10- 3:02 / 62
20- 6:02 / 30
40- 4:52 / 38 I was toast here
This was fun but didn’t feel anywhere as good as it should have
Thanks Tino! I hope your weekend is awesome!
Hows the rest of training this week??
I missed a day ????
But things are feeling pretty good- I’m ready for this week! Thanks Tino
A. Done
B. Done as PC&J; left knee is bothering me. Up to 100Kg then 4×1 @ 90Kg
C. Rx with Echo; loved this!!!
Total cals – 308
10 – 2:50/104 cals
20 – 4:05/85 cals
30 – 8:11/29 cals (SHSPU got me here)
40 – 3:37/90 cals
D. Done with 70Kg SB and 40Kg DBs
I know you loved this one ☠️ ???? ????
Not hitting my heavy lifts these days but these conditioning sessions make up for that. I wish I had a training partner because I know I could have higher output. Gets lonely in the garage early in the morning.
No gyms you can get to?
There is one on the other side of town but with work and family the times don’t work. I’m locked into their schedule. They also want me to attend their workouts. Most gyms don’t want a guy coming in and rocking the Invictus WOD. Not good for business I guess. I’m good alone. It is an added challenge to motivate each day. Plus I like the time to myself in the early morning. Only time I get to myself until bedtime.
Just need to wait a few years for the kids to grow up
Mobility and warm up Done
A: Done
B: Done todays heavy 255 pr for me
C: Done did first 20 min and last 20 min only cals for max total cal in 40 min: 125
D: Done that part was too hard
I did my Best today and have a lot of pain and fun
Mental and physical win! Great work!
A1. Seated Box Jumps: 4×5
A2. Broad Jumps: 4×5
B1. C&J: 137, 142, 147, 152, 157, 162, 167, 172, 177#, —
B2. C&J @ 90% HS: 160#x1x4
C1. 6:24: 21-15-9 DB Thrusters @ 35# and Butterfly Pull-ups
C2. 4:09: 30 Devil Presses @ 35#
C3. 7:39: 21-15-9 DB Deadlifts @ 35# and SHSPUs. Slowww SHSPUs.
C4. 4:43: 30 SA DB Thrusters @ 35# and 150 DUs
Total Cal AB: 18-27-9-26: 80 max calories.
D. Done.
I’m going to take a mental health rest weekend. See you Monday!
Todays workout was quite a doozy!! Enjoy your weekend dude!
A) Done with 32”
B) Up to 250 then 225×4
C) Did a partner wod with a friend
For Time, split reps:
100 cal bike erg
100 thrusters (95lbs)
100 double unders (each)
100 DB snatch (50)
100 Single Arm DB Push Press
100 cal bike erg
D) Four sets:
150’ suitcase carry (70lbs)
Fun finish to the week!
A. Done 3 sets
B. Up to 120kg followed by 110kg for emom
C. 5:57 – 52 cal (used dumbbells and no butterfly)
4:58 – 70 cal
6:59 – 39cal
6:15 – 52cal (20 burpee pull ups instead of Du’s)
No time or energy for D.
Do we have any dates when we did this before?
Struggling to find the date but I will keep looking!
3rd August 2019 ????
Thank you
B. Up to 295# then 275# for emom
C. Did c2b Fran, devils press, and didn’t with 2 minutes rest in between due to time constraints.
D. Done 125# sb & 50# db
Tight on time but still got some good work in!
Tino, what can sub for DLs, FrSqt? I’m sure my back will never be able support DLs again. 2 weeks ago something popped again and put me down for a couple days. I’m good again but dont want to chance it. Wasn’t heavy either.
REVERSE HYPER!!! I would strongly suggest you try to get access to one. I would start with around 3-4 sets of 20-25 reps at 30-40% of your squat
As I noted yesterday did this on Thursday I got beat down but was happy I squatted, first time in almost a month
C. RX with Drag Rope
40 min ass bike – 238.3 Total
0:00 – 3:29 – 3:29
10:00-14:15 – 4:15
20:00-26:31 – 6:31
30:00 – 37:09 – 7:09 – legs cramped 15 thrusters in and made this devastating
– 40:00 – 37.3 Cals
Great to see you back squatting!
I’ll be taking it a bit easy still but happy to squat!
Left knee is still bothering me so I had to modify today’s session… A. Done B. Did Power Clean instead squat clean 50/ 60/ 70/ 75/ 80/ 85/ 90/ 95/ 100/ 105kgs EMOM with 95kgs C. 21-15-9 Front Racked Lunges @43kgs Chest-to-bar pull-ups 3:27/ 58.8 Calories @10:00 30 Devils Press @2×22,5kgs 5:39/ 33.6 Calories @20:00 Strict Diane 7:45/ 14.1 Calories @30:00 30 DB Push Press @2×22,5kgs 150 Double-Unders 4:46/ 44.8 Calories D. Had time only for 400m D-Ball Carry @50kgs I remember when we did this workout few years ago but with Rowing for max cals it was fun, but… Read more »
Need to get your body healthy buddy! Please make sure you’re rehabbing that knee and looking after your body.