Primary Training Session
Muscle Activation
Two sets of:
100-Foot Pec-Activated Med-Ball Walks
Rest as needed
Skill-Based Movement Primer
Every 5 minutes, for 15 minutes (3 sets) for times:
300 Meters on Assault Runner or 400 meter Run @ 1-Mile PR pace
12 Overhead Squats (95/65 lbs)
12 Toes-to-Bar (fast and efficient)
Build to today’s 1-RM Snatch from 2″ Below the Knee
(pause 2 full seconds at 2″ below the knee before snatching)
“CrossFit Games Online Qualifier Event 4”
Complete as many repetitions as possible in 10 minutes of:
10 Snatches (85/135 lbs)
Rest 60 seconds
10 Snatches (125/185 lbs)
Rest 60 seconds
10 Snatches (145/225 lbs)
Rest 60 seconds
Max Reps of Snatches in time remaining (165/245 lbs)
Time cap: 10 minutes
Rest until fully recovered and then. . .
For max reps:
5 Minutes of Burpee Box Jump-Overs (24″/20″)
This is a simple test of desire. Touch your chest and thighs to the ground simultaneously, get up, get over the box, fall down and repeat. You may jump laterally over the box, but only your feet may touch the box. If you haven’t done it before…can you get 80 reps in the 5 minutes?
Athlete Notes:
Today will be a good test of both strength and mental fortitude. Some of the stronger athletes in the online Semi-Final events absolutely demolished this snatch event, with scores of over 45 reps. That means they were 15+ reps into the “max-reps” portion of the workout. The goal should be to push through the first two barbells as fast a possible to give yourself as much time as you can at the third and fourth bars. If either of the final two weights are above your 1-rep max, then we would advice your bar loading be somewhere around 60%, 70%, 80%, and finishing at 90%. The follow up to the snatch workout is a classic Invictus test. Everyone loves the sexy stuff like snatching, but the best athletes in the world know they have to do the stuff that isn’t as fun… and we all know that 5 minutes of burpee box-jump overs isn’t “fun”. Set a goal in your head. How many reps would you like to achieve during each minute? If you’re looking for 80+ then you have to average 16+ reps. We’ve seen it done, all it takes is a strong will and a little “desire”.
Primer done
A: 130
B: 5 reps (65/85/105/125)
✅ ????
Warm up ✅ 2:10/2:06/2:09
A. Built to 215. Missed 225
B. Scaled to 115/145/175/195. Got 6@195. Changing weights eliminated that rest pretty quick
B2. 76 box facing.
Nice work hitting 76 reps on “Desire”!!
Skill: 2:38/2:36/2:39
A. 165 lbs
B1: 30 reps with %
B2:53 reps
I’m at the beach for the weekend, so I’ll get some other workouts in and back to it Monday ???????? thanks for everything!! Hope you have an awesome weekend!
Hope you have a blast!!!
Thanks Tino!! It’s definitely a needed break, and the outer banks are soo relaxing and fun
Hope you have an awesome weekend!
Primer – 2:39/2:32/2:30; way off 1 milePR pace (5:05) today. Runs feel really slow these days.
A. Up to 84Kg
B1. Event 4 scaled to 54/63/72/82Kg – 2@81Kg
B2. Desire Rx – 76 reps ????; held 16 reps through 3 min but the 4th minute was tough and just couldn’t make up the ground in the last minute to get to 80.
Just redid Desire – 80 reps. Was mad at myself for easing up on minute 4; had to make things right.
Damn man, that’s some steel balls shit right there, redoing that part. Amazing will!
Thank you. Was feeling good today and wanted to take advantage of that.
???? you’re a brave man! All the burpees today!
Nice work!
Thank you. I was really upset at myself for getting weak during minute 4. Felt good today and wanted to take advantage.
Skill-based: Done
A: build up to 185
B: 10+10+10+3
Scale weigths 125, 145, 165, 185
C: 43 reps
Back posting (do we have to pay for sugarwod to post there?) Not always have time to get everything in but do my best
Primer done every 4 min on c2 bike 1000m. 2:49, 2:47, 2:43
A. 97.5kg
B. Scaled to 60-70-80-90kg x 10 reps at the final weight. 1st set tng then singles
C. 55 reps goal was 60 but legs were smoked.
I do Wednesday wod on Thursday due to childcare and was feeling yesterday’s.
Welcome back!!! Ye SugarWOD is a separate platform that you can use to track your results. Ease yourself back in and be nice to your body!
A. Built to 225 but lower back didn’t feel right so stopped there
B. Skipped snatches due to back but looks like this would be fun/very tough
B2. 76 rx with box facing BBJO
Then did..
3 Sets
20 Cal Echo Bike
Max Drag Rope DU in remaining time
REST 60 Seconds
20 Cal Ski
Max Drag Rope DU in remaining time
REST 60 Seconds
That hurt but wanted to test the drag rope .. first time using it I just got it yesterday … its rough
Oh man that thing is tough but definitely fun to switch up from regular double unders.
Definitely fun but so many trips and very different!
Now to buy a Kronos or Hades!! ????
I have a Zeus already do I need so many!?
A. Snatch 2” B.K.: Built to 127#
B. Online Qualifier Event 4: I did 95×10, 105×10, 115×10, 125#x2
C. “Desire”: completed 52 BBJOs in 5 mins. A bit slower than I wanted to be.
No Back Squats today?! ???? Still a good day ????
Fine 1000 back squats at 315 for time! Haha just kidding. Im sure your legs at least appreciate a little squat break today.
Did a 8 week strength cycle after quarterfinals so just getting back into the program. Dealing with a couple injuries so going to take it easy until the new cycle.
Primer: 2:27, 2:20, 2:20
A) 185
B) Just the BBJO part:
Did them box facing
Hope you feel 100% soon!
A. 195
B. Scaled to 135/155/175/200; 40 seconds for the last round, took two attempts but missed both.
Back squats and rowing with the class to finish
Sounds like a solid day! Not every snatch day goes perfect but you put in the work.
Primer: 2:45/2:41/2:38
A. 210
B. 225×2 reps. My max is 240 so I could have scaled but I felt confident and wanted to go for it. Then 62 BBJO. My goal was 60 so I hit a little more I’m happy with that!
Love the confidence! Great work!!
A. 47.5 kg
B. Power snatches @35, 40, 45 then an in-between power and squat snatch @50 kg (my squat snatch 1RM is 50). Managed 2 reps, failing a third attempt.
C. 62 reps RX (box jumps are almost the only thing I can RX ????)
Nice work Masatomo! Thats a solid day!
Earlier session today, started around 8:30 AM. I have no idea how can you guys train around 3-4-5 AM, amazing will. Primer with 1000m bike erg and 12 front squats done, with 1´ rest btw. rounds A) hip still hurts where i make the contact from last week, so did cleans today pause squat clean, up to 108kg B) 70-80-90-100kg, did 10 reps at 100 at the end, those were squat, all the rest power cleans Changing the weights for my own and lowering the weights made it definitely challenging then did the class wod from yesterday: For time: 42-30-18… Read more »
Time for a little mental and physical reset over the next couple of days. I hope you have an awesome weekend and come back ready to hit the final week of the cycle hard!
Thanks! Sounds like a plan i could get behind. Let’s finish it strong, it was a really cool cycle.
Have a nice weekend!