DROM Series x 4-6 reps per drill
Followed by …
Banded Clam Shells x 10 reps + 20 seconds iso hold per side
Banded Fire Hydrant x 10 reps + 20 seconds iso hold per side
Banded Cross Under Lunge x 10 reps per side
Followed by…
Three rounds of:
30 Double-Unders or 30 Seconds of Double-Under attempts
5 Donkey Kicks
10 Cossack Squats
Four rounds for time of:
400 Meter Run
12 Dumbbell Shoulder to Overhead (50/35 lbs)
12 Toes to Bar
400 Meter Run
12 Dumbbell Devil’s Presses (50/35 lbs)
For our at-home and travel workouts, please start a clock and allow it to run throughout your training session. The entire session will take 60-minutes or less, and staying accountable to the clock will allow you to maintain the appropriate intensity and stimulus.
When the clock starts, perform…
One set of:
60 seconds of Seated Straddle Stretch
60 seconds of Hurdle Stretch Each Leg
60 seconds of Lunge Stretch Each Leg
60 seconds of Lying Pec Stretch Each Side
60 seconds of Calf Stretch Each Leg
Followed by…
One set of:
60 seconds of Alternating Scorpion Kicks
60 seconds of Lying Crossover Kicks
60 seconds of Tempo Divebomber Push-Ups @ 1111
60 seconds of Tempo Dead Bugs @ 1111
60 seconds of Tempo Alternating Deep Lunge Mountain Climbers @ 1111
60 seconds of Tempo Russian Baby Makers @ 1111
When the running clock reaches 16:00, perform the following…
Two sets of:
100 Meter Jog
5 Down Ups
10 Alternating Cossack Squats
15 Kettlebell Swings
Rest 30 seconds
When the running clock reaches 20:00, perform the following…
As many rounds and reps as possible in 30 minutes of:
Run 200 Meters
20 Speed Skaters with a 1-second pause on each land
20 Tempo Mountain Climbers @ 1111
20 Alternating Single-Leg Deadlifts (with or without weight)
Run 200 Meters
15-20 Tempo Push-Ups @ 1111
15-20 Tempo Bent-Over Rows @ 1111
10 Tempo Bird Dogs Each Side @ 1111
*The goal is to perform this at around 70-80% intensity and maintain the ability to breathe through your nose throughout.
Followed by…
5-10 minutes of breath work lying down in a comfortable position.
Inhale for 3-5 seconds through your nose…
Brief hold in…
Exhale for 6-10 seconds through your mouth (like you are blowing a whistle)…
Brief hold out.
Keep the ratio of inhale to exhale at a 1:2.
With 35# db’s
Unbroken STO and TTB
32:05 for 3 rounds. Ran out of time and had to get to work. Came back to finish last round an hour later. 8:15 last round so 40:20* total. Used RX weight but not calling it Rx’d because if the break before the last round. Tough one.
Then again, they’re all tough for me. ????
Wow, way to come back to finish, that’s really difficult having to turn the workout brain back on, esp for something like yesterday’s. Yea I know the feeling about them all being tough… I used to always whine about how bad the metcons were going to be every day and my workout buddy finally started back with ‘when is it ever not bad?’ – touche
Thanks, brutha.
It is 120° today in Vegas
I time capped myself so I literally didn’t die.
3 rounds. 30:22. (Time cap was 30 but I finished the third round)
I give you a wow too, outstanding in that heat
40:00 Rx on the dot
9:26, 10:08, 10:13, 10:13
Not a fast runner and suck at endurance, so I knew I wasn’t going to make up any time there. All 400m runs were about 2:28-2:35.
STOH unbroken
TTB – 8/4, 10/2, 12, 8/4
Devil Presses – however I could and lots of rest. The last 2 rounds I ended up doing something like a swing and a jerk to get the dumbbells overhead.
Are there standards on the Devil’s Press? The double arm KBS/Snatch with 50# in each arm gets rough quick. If you can clean and jerk it without getting no-repped, it would help.
I’m not sure. I watched videos, but that’s about it. I used the “jerk dip” technique in the last 2 rounds only for the last few reps. I didn’t do a clean and jerk. I swung the dumbbells like a kb swing, and when they were almost over my head, I would dip to get them over my head faster. There was no stopping in my movement. Almost like a kettlebell snatch.
Found this on Wodopalooza if you’re interested… “Athletes will start each repetition with the dumbbells on the ground. Then, with the athlete’s hands on the dumbbell, they’ll perform a burpee, with chest making contact with the floor. From here, the athlete will jump to their feet, never taking their hands from the dumbbells. Next, the athlete shall snatch or swing both dumbbells from the floor simultaneously, and finish with both locked out overhead, with hips, knees, shoulders, and arms at full extension. This shall indicate a completed repetition. Please note, the athlete may “swing” the dumbbells between their legs to… Read more »
Thank you! Based on this, my reps were legit! ???? This does help breakdown the movement how they want to see it.
I won’t “no-rep” you, if you don’t “no-rep” me… ????
Deal! ????
Scaled to 25# DBs
Also had to stop after the first round and change into shorts because it was a LOT hotter than anticipated.
29:27 – also had to run up and down the stairs to go run outside.
TTB – UB – excited about that. I know it’s not many, but I am getting more endurance.
If I had done the rx weight, I would probably still be trying to finish ????????????♀️
Way to go on those UB TTBs!!!!
A. Strict Press
70#x3, 75×2, 80×1, 75×3, 80×1, 82×1
***75# went up nice and smooth..but 80 was really sticky..couldn’t get the 2nd rep on set 5.
B. Strict JT – scaled 18:33
Banded HSPU – all broken up
Strict Ring Dips – 6/4/3/3/3/2, 6/3/3/3, 2/2/2/singles
Strict Push Ups – 15/6, 10/5, 5/4
***My slowest time ever on this one, those HSPU were a nightmare even with band assist
Sometimes u feel like a nut, sometimes u don’t – u still went all out, as always, which is what matters. Plus there’s no way ur HSPU were as broken up as my round of 9… all singles… with lotta rest and shaking out of arms in btwn…
I know..momma always said there’d be days like this. I really started to think about the stress the last 2 weeks has brought on..sick dog..putting her down..end of school year/elementary graduation…very little sleep and eating habits off…it all adds up. Setting myself up to be back on track and things will again come together. Thank you so much for the encouragement!
Ugh, I’m so sorry to hear about your loss. Things will come together again, but they go so off rail because that’s how much she meant to you. She’s a very lucky dog to have had someone like you taking care of her.
Nice job.
Yesterday I wanted to scale JT to make it easier for me. Like too easy.
And to be 100% honest I said,
“Candy wouldn’t quit” so I bucked up and did it.
So thank you. You drive us all!
Day behind
A – Strict Press
125#, 130, 140, 135, 140, 145
B – “Strict JT”
Had to sub ring dips for stationary off a couple stools
If I had rings I think I’d still be on the round of 15s
From where I’m sitting it appears you knocked this one out of the park! Outstanding as always BFS!
Thanks, but who really hit it out of the park was @Al Fraser who could’ve gone right into and finished Fran afterwards in the time it took me to do just JT hahahha
I feel ya! Ring dips are a huge weakness for me! Great time though!
I haven’t had access to rings, but they def weren’t my best friends when I did haha
With 55# dbs
Slowest we’re devils press and the run after the devils press
T2B and Dumbbell Push press all within 1min each round.
Nice work, Rx+ too. ????????????????
Amazing time and with the 55#!!!
Thanks guys. Definitely a fun workout ????
Very nice!
100#barbell 25#kb’s
DNF- 2+2devils press
31:00 minutes
Dude… 1 or 2 db’s?
Warmup done ✅
4rds FT of
400m run
12 S2OH @22.5kg
12 TTB
400m run
12 DP @22.5kg
Thought it was going to be slug fest and it didn’t disappoint!!! By far the slowest bit were the DP’s, so slow! Also the run after the DP’s was a challenge to get the breathing under control!
Rnd times- 7’34, 8’37, 9’06, 9’23
Good luck everyone ????
Fantastic push
Cheers man, was def red lining most of the way!!
You weren’t kidding about that run after the DP! I found myself half crawling up the stairs to go back outside to run again. Great work!
Thanks Janelle! Awesome work breaking 30 mins!