“Mind Muscle” Complete Snatch Warm-Up
Followed by…
Two Sets w/ PVC or empty barbell:
5 Muscle Snatch, 5 Overhead Squat
4 Power Snatch, 4 Overhead Squat
3 Squat Snatch, 3 Snatch Balances
2 Squat Snatch, 2 Press in Receiving
*Every new line means take a short break before moving to the next movements
Every 90 seconds, for 15 minutes (10 sets):
2 Snatch Lift-Offs + Snatch from Mid-Patella
(pause 2 seconds at mid patella on each of the lift-offs)
Build from approximately 70% to today’s heavy. If you miss, reduce the load and repeat that set. If you miss twice, move to the next portion of the workout.
“Candy’s Delight”
Four rounds for time of:
300 Meter Run
100 Meter Walking Lunges with KB/DB Farmer’s Carry (24/16 kg)
This workout is named after a longtime Performance follower and exemplary member of our online community who we cherish!
For our at-home and travel workouts, please start a clock and allow it to run throughout your training session. The entire session will take 60-minutes or less, and staying accountable to the clock will allow you to maintain the appropriate intensity and stimulus.
When the clock starts, perform…
Two sets of:
60 second Run/Bike/Row/Jumping Jacks
60 second Lunge Stretch Each Side
60 second Bottom of Squat Hold
Followed by…
Two sets of:
60 second Run/Bike/Row/Jumping Jacks
60 second Pigeon Stretch Each Side
60 seconds of Alternating Deep Lunge Mountain Climbers
Followed by…
One set of:
100 Meter Run
10 Air Squats
10 Down Ups
100 Meter Run
10 Jumping Squats
10 Divebomber Push-Ups
100 Meter Run
10 Dumbbell Thrusters
Dumbbell Thrusters – Substitute Double Reps of Jumping Lunges
When the running clock reaches 20:00, perform the following…
10, 9, 8, 7…. down to 1 reps for time of:
Dumbbell Thrusters
*Perform a 100 Meter run after each set of Dumbbell Thrusters.
Dumbbell Thrusters – Substitute Double Reps of Jumping Lunges
When the running clock reaches 45:00, perform the following…
Three sets of:
6-8 Tempo Towel Hamstring Slider Curls @ 31X1
60 second Plank Hold
30 second Hollow Hold
Rest as needed
Followed by…
5-10 minutes of breath work lying down in a comfortable position.
Inhale for 3-5 seconds through your nose…
Brief hold in…
Exhale for 6-10 seconds through your mouth (like you are blowing a whistle)…
Brief hold out.
Keep the ratio of inhale to exhale at a 1:2.
Rest day, knees are a bit sore and swollen.
A. 115 end
B.22:15 Started 66# bar, 1/2 went to 2 25#kb.
Got 145 snatch The last two sets for a cool surprise. Went up real smooth. Building that confidence.
Workout was
24:40 very scaled (Sorry Candy)
4 rounds
400m row
300’ walking lunges with 50’s for two rounds
75# barbell for one round
Regular lunges for the last.
Smoked dude.
Thanx everyone for all the congrats on the WOD! It is kinda my thing…love the leg/glute/ab work and always love a mind over matter challenge. Definitely needed this one today…had to lay my 16 year old Beagle “Molly” to rest this seeing this for me put a smile on my face and gave me time to reflect during those 403 lunges. A. Snatch work from 55 – 95# in 5″ increments. B. Candy’s Delight – RX – 37:55 (3:20 PR from last Sept) Round times – 8:10 / 9:35 / 10:15 / 9:55 Runs – 1:50-2:15 Lunges mostly in… Read more »
Awesome Candy!!!! Well done you! ????
Sorry you had to put your dog down today too. That’s always hard.
Snatch work up to 125 failed at 135.
Yay Candy! Here’s your accessory work!
Done with 44 lb kb
Lunges were 2 sets except for the last one which was 3. This one fit my farm background and grinder workout preference. Tomorrow is going to be bench press and pushups/pull-ups right? I don’t think my legs will work well!
Friends if you had a workout programmed for you what would it be?
Great question, Mike! I can’t wait to see some answers! Mine would be something where you can stand in place and move really fast…
For MAX Reps:
Hang Power Cleans x MAX Reps in 60 seconds
Rest 60 seconds
Front Squats x MAX Reps in 60 seconds
Rest 60 seconds
Push Press x MAX Reps in 60 seconds
Rest 60 seconds
Ground to Overhead x MAX Reps in 60 seconds
Thanx for the tip Michele!!
Wall balls
My three jams
Thanx Mike…no need for accessory work on a day like today. You have to love lunges though…they work your entire body! You really kicked A$$ on this one…that’s an amazing time and to do the entire 100m in 2-3 sets…holy hell!!!
Thanks! It helps to have long legs. I was between 80-90 lunges per set, and I was also 18 lbs under the Rx weight too. Those lbs add up over 320-360 lunges
My legs don’t feel great as is!
I love me some moderate weight bar work with box jumps, or pull ups, Handstand walking or HSPU.
Yay Candy!!!
I’m thinking no one in there right mind is saying “yay Candy” after this one. But thank you!
You’re right haha
Candy! top!
Dang Candy! Legendary!!!
I’ve been following Invictus since 2014..never straying…or taking a “break”..just putting in the time and work…it’s been an amazing journey!
Wow that’s freakin awesome. Glad I found this last year. Been on it pretty consistent for a year and a halfish now and it’s been amazing so far.
Great job on you! You kick ass
Congrats Candy!
Invictus is outstanding…aren’t they?!!